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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. You dont need water level that high. You need just enough to not empty it all. I shared examples from my tanks with power outs here before so sharing it again. I have no clue if having a frame effects the HOB location negatively, so the water level cannot easily reach the needed levels. I always use glass to glass tanks
  2. This heater position doesnt look right. Shouldnt it be submerged more? The top seems off the water line
  3. this is a 4ft tank, 55g. They look like this to give you a visual
  4. Okay, I need her for my boy. Look!
  5. She looks like Drows. I would name her after a Drow. Minthara maybe? 😛 This is a common coloring I see from my betta guy too both in males and females. I think this one wont color up much further like the other. as far as I know, the bad eyesight is commonly seen in dragonscaledbettas due to overgrowth of scales potentially making them blind. Im not sure poor eyesight is a common thing in these ones specifically. Maybe bad breeding and stuff may lead to it? But I believe she might just need time to settle and know you. The only thing I can mention is big ears are a bit problematic. At leasts hers isnt so big. Make sure to keep the flow very gentle and avoid a tall tank, and I believe it should be okay welcome home, Minthara!
  6. Didnt you mention about cories helped you with your detrius and mulm problem by their movement gradually and helped with filter taking care of it this way a couple weeks ago? Or do I remember someone elses topic? Maybe it was someone else or I remember the topic differently, idk Anyway, yes same for my HOB tanks but does not work for my sponge filter tanks as I explained it above 🤷🏼‍♂️ HOBs and similar mechanics tend to circulate better and cories movement seem to help it better for such filters to catch particles. In my sponge filter tanks, even if there is cories or any other bottom dwellers like ancistrus or red lizard whiptails, the mulm/detrius sits on. Also if you use gravel, then majority of stuff might be sitting around/under it I guess?
  7. @JChristophersAdventuresI love HOB but it is costy when you have 26 tanks running. I use HOBs in my bedroom tanks and sponge filters in my fishroom to be budget friendly. Sponge filters have benefits too, being able to use it with USB air pump during travel or power outs is the biggest plus to me.
  8. My experience is weird about this. In my big tank where I keep sterbais, I dont notice much detrius accumulating too. But in my juvenile grow out tank of gold laser cories, I had to siphon the top of sand once every 2-3 days, otherwise they were literally swimming in poo. I think there is also an effect of HOB having better circulation and sponge filter being bad at mechanical cleaning.
  9. If not vacuumed, Bottom dwellers will swim in decaying stuff including poop, high in bacteria location nonstop. If there is no bottom dwellers I think one can try but otherwise, I personally wouldn't like my plecos or corydoras to swim in poop their entire life
  10. If I remember correctly, @Guppysnail and @JoeQ used them.
  11. I have some news. That's not a female 😄🤪
  12. I am really curious about mulberry leaves. We have one tree in our street but I cant be sure how healthy would the leaves be as it is exposed to car gas due to being planted next to the street.
  13. This is gonna be a weird answer but, as long as you have a second plan, anything that shares similar tank likings in terms of temp, no high flow, etc may work. It may work and only way to see this is to try. Back in the days, as an emergency, I had to remove my female sorority and move my discus pair to that tank due to a problem. I had to use this tank because thats the only other 50cm high tank I have, others are all shorter. Anyway, my female sorority is now in a community tank with angels, honey gourami, and 1m:2f gold gouramis. Yes, you heard it right. Would I be able to try it without a backup plan? No. I have 3 tanks+1 75liter tub free as well as 4 cycled filters running as extra. But it worked. It has been a while, and I haven't seen a single aggression. They couldnt care each other less. That being said, I only mention this because I know you are experienced at fish keeping. Anyone who is a newbie, don't even consider such setup I would say :') This tank is 100x40x40 Human, we are friends, what you looking at?!🤪😄 But it really comes to the character of the fish. These girls also lived with sparkling gouramis, pygmy cories, L199, mystery snails and red lizard whiptails in their previous tank. The only thing they hate is guppies. For my males, it differs a lot. Clementine is a hater. He would murder me if given a chance: Güneş and his girlfriend. Güneş is the kindest soul ever (RIP). He was swimming with baby endlers. He was super gentle Koi boi, who was also a super gentle boi and very community friendly: And my last male, silver copper one. He is also not a community friendly. He lives with baby mysteries: They all have one common thing. They all HATE guppies. Even the ones I kept with endlers. In terms of health issues, clementine is the healthiest betta Ive ever owned. Güneş had tumor going on on its head. Silver copper one is surprisingly healthy but has lower quality of swimming issues. If I ever got me a new betta, I would go for plakat female or plakat male that is solid color like Clementine. He is insane at swimming, can compete my barbs ngl. I have never seen a betta that can swim super fast.
  14. Ive seen worse in my tanks. I personally wouldnt use frozen bottles because you will constantly cause temp changes. Keeping a stable temp is better than constantly changing one to me. Keep up with good oxygenation and it should be fine for a few days. You mentioned a lid, so the only thing I would do is removing a lid and covering something with a texture like mesh for this period if you worry about potential jumping.
  15. Nope! I cant even find jackfruit itself 😄 I collected some banana leaves from my garden tho. Let's see how it will go
  16. This confuse me. Salts are not "needed". Do you mean your pet store guy gave you salt and a schedule to treat the potential disease going on, or what? Do you constantly keep your fish at salt-water ratio that is being used for treating diseases? What drops exactly you mean for any disease?
  17. I like it easy. I just scape with my driftwood and put a rock on top, in a position where it won't fall down and potentially hurt the fish. All I have to do in the following days is remove the rock, and the scape is there I check every now and then to see if it is soaked. I never presoak my wood pieces and enjoy the ugly rock on top my wood for some time 😝🤪 First, I boil mine if I can tho
  18. what ratio exactly do you use? too low concentration may not be enough to treat potential disease. it is because Male guppies with long fins and tons of inbreeding are more fragile than those platies and such usually. That's why. In my experience males are also tend to have more issues compared to females too 🤷🏼‍♂️ it is what it is
  19. I suspect it is finrot. I lost 3 males the same way to finrot but treatment saved other tank mates and the ones I caught in early stages. This is exactly how my males looked. First, try to have a clean tank with good parameters. I would dose some lvl 1 aquarium salt ( https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish ) and use kanaplex. Also adding catappa leaves for natural antibacterial purposes can be a good support I think. Just in case, tagging @Colu to make sure I am not misleading you.
  20. How are they doing CJ?
  21. Whats your lighting period is like? My guess is it is potentially a green water. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/green-water
  22. What's his tanks look like in terms of plant stocking within the water column beastie? Can you share if possible, I'm curious. Maybe with good amount of plants, mixture of fast growers, it may be doable but this setup in the video seemed lacking plants to me. Ive never tried but tanks setup with walstad method seems to be full of plants usually from what I see. Also plants consume oxygen during night time right? so how, for example 8 hour lighting can make up for all stocking to have enough oxygen content, including plants themself? Also during hot weather, the temp of tanks raises, so the oxygen content lowers even more. Or in case of using medication for example? Id like to learn if somebody can explain it well based on their experience
  23. My question was about oxygenation, not consumption of stuff in the water column tho. As you mentioned, those plants only have their roots in the tank. They may help with filtering but what about oxygenation? Am I mistaken, or 3 amazon swords is what can potentially provide oxygen as plants to that many guppies,snails,etc.in that setup? What other plants or sources are supposed to provide oxygen there? To me, before I would try such setup, I would expect a year update or so at least to make sure it works.
  24. minnows and barbs enjoy high oxygen content. I don't think they would "thrive". I think you can easily add a waterfall to this and it would still look great, and you wouldn't need to deal with oxygen content stress and stuff. Nature does not sit in a cube with three swords below. Idk how this sort of "ecosystem" understanding works, or how this is supposed to be an ecosystem to be fair. Could someone please enlighten me what provides all these creatures an okay amount of oxygen content in such setup with 3 amazon sword only? 🤔
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