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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. What is all this blackening up? Any idea Colu?
  2. Hey guys, I saw someone asking for help in our local forum. I have no idea what's wrong so I wanted to ask you guys about your opinion and see if we can help. They said theyve only used paraguard. Other than that, the symptoms they mentioned are; paler coloring, heavy breathing on the surface, barely eating food, always on the surface. They said they have been dealing with fin rot too. @Odd Duck @Colu Could you guys please help? Old pics(and finrot development): Now, lots of blacking up and the abovementioned symptoms: Another one in the same tank: I know parameters are the first thing we check. But the test kits and strips are extremely expensive here. I can luckily spare a budget for them, but I cant argue why someone cant invest on one, because they really require you to spare a big budget here. So yea, no clue the what the parameters are. They said they are doing %50 wc with water conditioner added every 2-3 days They have the tank for more than a year. So its not new. They have been keeping up with the same schedule. -The tank is 27-28C. Our climate is really hot so no surprise there during summer time. -All fish they have swim without moving their fins much they say. They all seem unhappy overall, they added.
  3. Just in case, I m sharing your pics youve shared as a file here
  4. You posted your topics to wrong places and probably people have never seen them I believe. Ive checked your profile and saw you posted them to nowhere people would notice to help. You shouldve posted them to the Diseases section in the main page, just where you choose General Discussion. It is often visited there and people who face problems usually receive help You may want to edit this topic and talk about your issue, share pics, don’t forget to mention your parameters etc to get the best possible help. Our mod friends may carry this topic to diseases section. I am here tagging @Colu @Odd Duck . I understand you being worried about your fish friend’s situation but we are all from different parts of the world so it may take time for people to see the forum based on their time zone @Guppysnail could you please move the topic to diseases section once it is edited by the creator?
  5. Thanks for the all good info. Ive given them a chance with around 8 batches till this day. Nope, they cant take care of them and eat them even if they reach free swimming phase. They once ate them after 2-3 days of them starting free swimming phase. So no more chances left to be given for me Mine lay either on a driftwood which is not a flat surface to my surprise. Or they lay on the flat rock which is the expected one. I removed the wigglers to a floating plastic container type of setup for the first time today, lets see how it will go. I made a similar setup that @Fish Folk recommended before. A floating plastic tub with a foam around. BEfore, once I tried a net breeder box with 2 nets covers outside. They made it drop to water by pulling it and ate fry that way. :') now I wanna try Fish folk's method and see how it goes.
  6. My tanks reach quite high temps during summertime sometimes. I also plant my tanks heavily (which consume oxygen during nighttime) and I love to use kinda dense layer of frogbit in one of those two tanks. My tanks are usually slightly overstocked too. So yea, I would love to support the oxygen content just in case. Not to mention I keep some species like borneo suckers that enjoy higher oxygen content
  7. Ive successfully used mine with Tetra aps 50s. Its 2.5 W. The thing is these air stone replacement air diffusers are not sold as co2 diffusers. It directly says "air diffuser". I dont think you will need 8W and above specifically. My neo air diffusers just worked fine and as they should. http://www.aquario.co.kr/neoDiffuser/indexAir.php? But they dont create much surface agitation and only give bubbles to a specific location. So I was directing the bubbles to the current. Im not sure how useful would it be sitting in a corner all alone. I have no oxygen test to see if it add much to the oxygen content this way.
  8. I got me 1m:2f three spots couple months ago. My 3 spots live with a honey gourami and female betta sorority in a 160 Liter tank. So far, I have not observed any agression even between these species. Only time I have seen any chasing action was male 3spot chasing females for max 2 seconds and that's it. That's not really anything aggressive. My rams were much more aggressive. However, my LFS said they removed their three spots from one of their display tanks to another before because they were aggressive. So maybe I'm lucky. Maybe just for now. Who knows. Ive tried so many stuff that have a bad reputation but all worked very well for me. But Ive always had many backup plans while trying these. Def wouldn't recommend keeping different labyrinth fish together to a newbie without enough experience and backup plan. I may update this in the future if anything goes wrong.
  9. When you do, Id be glad to help I love snails. I currently have gold/blue/ivory mysteries, rabbits, spixis, ramshorn, mini ramshorn, bladders, japanese trapdoors, assasins, and nerites. Snail are fun
  10. Update: I got me 3 for a 100x40x40 tank. 1m:2f. They ended up pairing and killing the 3rd even in that tank size. So I would personally avoid keeping any other with a pair formed in a tank. They didnt like my black angel much too, but didnt care about any other fish really. Even when they directly swim inside their territory. But I gotta mention theyve never spawn in my community tank because the water was hard with a ph of 8.0 there. They started spawning after I moved them to a soft water 6.0 ph breeding tank. They are like puppies. Very cute and lots of character. The worst parents ever. Even an eggscatter that does not care about its own eggs or fry is a better parent. I feel like these guys lay eggs and , if they happen to reach that far uneaten, have their eggs hatched/fry free swimming to snack on them. Seriously. Worst. Parents. Ever.
  11. Update: Air diffuser is nice but requires too often cleaning for my liking. I ended up not using the two I got after some time due to clogging and having some green spot algae growth all over it. Air stone bubble sound annoys me more than sponge filter sound personally, so I added a small sponge filter instead once the air diffuser is removed
  12. I kinda wanna update my old topics as much as I can to make sure people who read this gets some info based on my experience. Well, I wasn't doing anything wrong. Ive lost all those snails mentioned in this topic. they were %100 wildcaught. Probably went through poor shipping during winter time both during importing process and shipping to me. Obviously rabbits like warmer temps and cold weather was no good even with heat packs provided. Now I have a different colony with various colors, 16 rabbits in total. All doing well after months, eating anything that has been refused before by that specific group. My advice would be don't order rabbit snails during any weather that is even slightly cold really, or at least make sure they wont go low temp, whether it is heathing pack or so ( which I had in my order but they were still negatively affected) Mine seem to like all veggies and food I provide to my other snails. But they are SOO SLOW at eating. And yes, They LOVE to have catappa leaves in their tanks and to snack on them.
  13. I would suggest either keeping m f apisto together or just one as centerpiece fish in a community tank. Stuff may go wrong in case of a potential breeding action with other community fish around I like this page for some apisto info. Maybe you'd like to check it out too https://www.tomc.no/slekt.aspx?gruppeID=1
  14. I really want a big koi pond. So, kois!
  15. Okay this look is very much like
  16. It is quite hard to have egg scatters breed in a community tank. And very hard to have hundreds if not to call it impossible. Even if eggs survive fry will likely gonna be eaten that shouldnt really be a concern I believe
  17. No I meant just one AC110 maybe on one end and its enough(?), and if you want maybe an extra sponge filter just in case? For power outs, qt tank, travelling purposes, etc If you wanna try 2 AC110s sure give it a try. But If I put 2 AC70s in my custom made 100x40x40cm tank (160L/42.2g) I believe my fish would barely be able to swim with two strong flows directing from opposite sides
  18. I use AC70 in my 100x40x40cm tank and It creates a fair amount of flow even on the lowest setting. It pushes fish even on the other side of the tank still You wanna use 2xAC110? I believe it would be a bit overkill, no?
  19. does not look like a snail in the video. @Biotope Biologist may have an idea maybe
  20. @WhitecloudDynasty may help with this question I believe
  21. @beastie what do you think for a 29g?
  22. The only snails that actually eat and make difference on algae is Japanese trapdoors and nerites in my experience. I have/had normal ramshorn, MTS, mini ramshorn, bladder snails, assasin snails(carnivore anyway), spixi, japanese trapdoors, mysteries, horned and zebre nerites and rabbit snails. So even if they probably pick on stuff I dont think most are good algae eaters really. I just love them anyway :')
  23. I dont have hillstreams but based on my experience, borneo eats basically any fish food you feed the tank, in addition to biofilm and flat surface algaes. I would personally choose borneos or hillstreams. You can also consider panda garras I suppose? I havent kept them yet but def on my future list. I cant happen to find a healthy looking stock. My otos were not eating commercial food until they started to school with my pygmy corydoras. They taught otos how and what to eat, however, this time they started to consume animal protein rich food often due to following them around, which was not a great option for otos. I lost one member to bloating, which made me question if this eating behavior lead to it. Otos are a risk as you mentioned. You will surely need to ignore their schooling need in such tank size. They are incredible cute, but until I have a quite big enough tank to support at least 10 of these I wouldnt get them again myself. Veggies may work for some people but didnt work for me really. I would go for borneos if you want smaller size, or hillstreams if you want bigger ones. or maybe consider panda garras but I have no personal experience with that one. Have you considered them? I gotta mention this tho, nothing can eat diatom like otos based on my experience. But diatoms are usually a phase and otos clear it up in like 2 days max anyway. For everything else, I think they aren't much different.
  24. Sprinkles look cute. I believe that's a she. Her body and fin structure exactly looks like my females. And yea you know, bettas and their characters change a lot. It is always a risky choice to try them in a community no matter what their gender is. At least you have a back up plan, which is great. A reason to set up a new tank ;D
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