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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. The ones available here only have their tails red. These look much nicer. the ones here look like this: they seem to have a very slight red on fins but nothing like in the picture. These guys look bigger than I expect and super active. I bet they would be bored in my tank shallow tank I also really liked blue king tetras but seriouslyfish says they are super active and even tho they are small they need a big swimming space for their size I wish I could get him a girlfriend. I havent seen honeys being in stock ever again after I got him. My biggest regret is not getting all 4 in the store that day. Silly me😭 In those close up videos, they actually look nice. But from videos that arent super close up, they look pale. It is interesting
  2. Agave, my honey gourami is a super social one. The more stocked, or even overstocked the tank is, the happier and cozier he acts and feels. There have been times he has been living in a 125 Liter tank with only bottom dwellers and he got super stressed and glass surfing for weeks. When I introduced him to a 160 Liter community tank with tetras and other mid swimmers, instantly loved it again. Zero glass surfing. Just a happy boy!😄 So after spending over 1.5 years with this guy, I know he is a social butterfly and bottom dwellers don’t count for him. He finds them boring! 😝Maybe some of you mightve seen it but I removed Agave from the tank he has been in for the past couple months due to my assumption of gold gouramis potentially bullying him. Noone was caught on action, but Agave was acting trapped in one corner. Anyway, out of the plan, I moved him to my juvenile kuhli loach tank. Truly I think 10g is small for him and I will probably increase his tank size soon again. But for now, he needs a small sized schooling fish in a shallow custom made 10g tank with him The tank has many plants, the current stocking is juvenile kuhlis, black rose shrimp and the honey gourami. I run AC30 there so there is a tiny bit of current for that tank size, nothing too big, but something to keep in mind I suppose. Any recommendations for the potential schooling fish that are mid swimmers, that would do okay with honey gourami/kuhli temps? Im considering either CPDs or ember tetras. Orange/yellow is my fav fish color so both showing these colors is plus one for me. I keep hearing embers are super dull and booring (yes @beastie, talking about you! 🤪) so Im not sure CPDs look amazing in videos but when I saw them irl, they were not looking like they do in the videos fr. Do they color up like chili rasboras level, or the videos online and actual fish look does not match that well? Also in my research I kept hearing them eating in mid level and mid level only. So since the tank is short due to being a shallow one, would this be a problem? Oh also, potential breeding is another positive point for me for any suggestions I would love to hear from you guys cheers, Lennie
  3. I use it in my snello recipes. I wash the egg and boil it. Then I peel the outer shell very carefully from the membrane. I powder the shell and add it into my snellos for calcium. Ive never added it to the tank directly tho
  4. Breeding Red lizard whiptails (L010a) even there is not much known about them. That was the rarest fish Ive bred so far
  5. Thank you, cories make a mess with aquasoil part but pther than that, all good 🙂 Maybe female bettas and angels are tough enough to keep them in check. Honey gourami is just so sweet and innocent? Idk I really havent seen them making even a single move to someone - yet
  6. Another update. For the past couple days, Ive noticed Agave, my honey gourami, spending most of its time stuck in a corner. Normally he is a free spirit. He is everywhere in every tank he has been so far, no matter what size the tank is. I have never witnessed a gold gourami bullying another species whenever I was around and only witnessed some slight agression between their own trio, but I suspect maybe they were pushy against Agave so he does not feel comfy anymore. Or maybe he is just scared of the big guys? I really don't know. Maybe I am just overthinking. Anyway, I love him too much so I moved Agave to another tank where he will be enjoying his time again.
  7. This sort of setup rather provides a hiding spot to spend all daytime without moving until the lights are off rather than enough shady hiding places where they feel safe to play around and spend time at during daytime. That's what I meant. Kuhli loaches are nocturnal but that does not mean they should be hiding in a apisto cave or a heater all day long. They like to spend time where they feel comfy, even it is daytime. I still don't believe your tank provides that sort of location for them. You may have a shrimp house and apisto cave, but all they can do is hide there and do nothing all day. That does not sound ideal. their behavior says that its not ideal Here is what I would do: - cover that intake tube with a sponge outside because shrimp will also go in there besides small fish -Add lots of leaf litter. -until your plants perform a good growth and build up lots of cover, create a safer location on one end with rock piles, and rescape later on when the plant growth is there -increase the size of the school if their requirements will be met, or rehome the two
  8. The tank looks so bright for their liking and looks like it does not offer enough hiding places for both species. Also I believe the number 3 is low for kuhlis to feel safe. Might your betta potentially bully them too? I think they are just scared. Both kuhlis and shrimp. And trying to find a safe spot
  9. I like some Hikari foods but algae wafers isnt one of them. You may check Tropical Hi Algae. It has lots of different algaes and more than %50 of the ingredients! My ancistrus like it I thought my L199 was more carnivorous too. And then I talked to my friend who studies Loricariidaes as her phd, and she said they mostly eat algae and detritus in the wild and she said scientific literature never suggested carnivores. However, on planetcatfish, they were mentioned as "Hypancistrus are more carnivores than algae eaters. This is backed up by a small and lightly toothed mouth that indicates they are poor algae scrapers. Provide small and frequent supply of mainly meaty foods such as dry discus food, bloodworm and even brineshrimp with the infrequent offering of flake or algae tablets."
  10. In my experience horned nerites are extremely sensitive and mostly dont make it more than a couple months, unlike zebras. Zebras seem to be veery hardy in my experience and live much longer. Ive tried both black-yellow ones and green ones. Both are a no. Would never get horned nerites again myself
  11. To be fair betta fish move a lot if given the space. Even my halfmoon males moved a lot. The thing is decoration, wood pieces, crowded plants block them. So I think when it comes to long fin bettas, the key is to have a more simple tank that works better for the animal, not the eye. The smallest betta male tank I have is custom made shallow 10g and others are custom made 50Liters(13ishg) and they utilise everywhere in the tank. Female sorority used to live in 125 liters, now 160 liters. They are everywhere
  12. I would lean towards the bettas temperature preferences instead because when kept below 26C or so, their immune system starts to weaken and they start being more prone to diseases like finrot and stuff. Bettas are known to be more problematic than minnows in general
  13. there are lots of botanicals listed here. Maybe you can find any of them in your area? https://tanninaquatics.com/collections/aquatic-botanicals?page=1
  14. That sounds like pleco/ancistrus tank rather than discus or angel tank 🤣😝
  15. I just wanna mention Discus feels needy. I slightly regret getting myself a pair if I gotta be totally honest here. Also limiting due to their temperature likings and size I think
  16. Thank you. That's not my tank but I will let them know. I came by this post in a local forum here but I am not really experienced with goldfish so I wanted to hear about some opinions in order to help them. The look of fish made me sad
  17. Thank you very much Duck I sent the message to him. Hopefully it helps with the problem. cheers♥
  18. I still find the purple ones a bit creepy:P If I gotta be honest, yellow witchers made me consider getting them, and I ended up going for it. These seem to me much smaller than other well known vampire crab colors %80 land %20 water. I just expanded water section because there is enough land area as it is. Tho they usually spend their time on the rocks or land area. When I see them in water, I usually find their molts. So they usually prefer going to water area mainly for molting purposes I believe. Other than tank, they like hiding below woods pieces, climb on plants and play around lava rocks Its been 2.5 months already! Time goes fast
  19. Low dose salt or high dose? Im confused. Colu's advice of 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon is pretty high concentration no? So no need for prazi you think? I feel like they are dealing with an ammonia problem but I cant prove as there is no test. They don't live in my city so I dont exactly know about their parameters. But, Ive checked their city testing results in 5 different spots. Here what the related parts of the chart looks like. Its in Turkish but I guess they are obvious. "Iletkenlik" refers to tds here I suppose? Otherwise the exact translation would be "conductivity": People usually live in apartments here so I don't think pond is really a possibility 😄 Their tank is 100 Liters for 4 goldfish. Me and another experienced fish keeper already mentioned that the tank conditions shall be improved 👍🏼 I believe this also has a negative impact on them considering the size of the tank. They said they already have an extra airstone running. I believe this is an older pic of their tank considering I see only 2 fish here.. This is what the main tank looks like it seems: However they keep theirs in a 40 Liter QT tank rn with an established filter, they said. 50% Water change once every 2-3 days
  20. Science peeps may comment on this further, but as far as I know, freshwater fish mainly release ammonia from their gills, not poop. If bioload is the nitrogen processing demand, then I guess it is not the food alone.
  21. I got me Yellow witcher ones and set up 110x40x25cm paludarium for 5, with springtails and isopods. I have another isopod/springtail colony going on in another tank too. I also have a cover on top but not on pics to keep the humidity and potential escapes: (first day of the tank so the water part was blurry due to the sand. There is a cycled filter behind the rock)
  22. You already have 3 schools in a 20g. I personally wouldnt add more schools to that setup. For all schools, the more the merrier. Might be a better idea to increase the number of your existing schools if you are willing to add fish I think for amanos, other friends already shared their positive experience
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