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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Probably all those crypts and echinodorus will lose their leaves and grow new submerged ones in your tank environment. Don't worry if this happens, as long as the roots are healthy, they grow back. best of luck mate
  2. This is how much plants/decoration that tank has (there is also a catappa leaf on right and 6-tube shrimp home on left behind. It is a 50 liter shallow:
  3. I have tried green jellys on lighter substrate and blackroses on a darker substrate and have %100 success so far (to my knowledge) even with my aggressive bettas (Ive tried 6 bettas with these setups) I believe full black shrimp on a black substrate is less attractive compared to a flashy orange or red one. that being said you never know as @xXInkedPhoenixX mentioned. Provide hiding spots as much as you can and try avoid flashy colors to increase the chance of success challenge! find the shrimp ;D
  4. I would follow her experience if she is someone you trust opinions of. I would personally trust the experience of @Guppysnail more than something I read online. you get me? It is also a common practice to not keep slow feeders with fast eaters due to competition issues. And to me she sounds right on paper. I only have a discus pair, not with a big school of fast eaters and never kept congo tetras, so I can't speak certain. But I can tell my discus are the slowest eaters ever. I've tried everything, target feeding, sticking freeze dried food on glass, using worm feeder cones, preading frozen food, floating frozen food/fd food cubes ... Mine legit wait for food to fall to bottom, get smooth and then they push them from the ground by creating a water movement with their body/mouth and eat it that way. If I'm not mistaken, they should be preferring to eat from surfaces but nope. Maybe mine brought up being fed like this 🤷🏼‍♂️ I got them as pair so hard to know. But a school of any fish would %100 outcompete mine for food. That's for sure 🤣 Btw, I wouldn't do discus in both tanks myself. They will be limiting. Try something new, why not? Discus are even limiting at adding decorations to the tank. I think you should give yourself some space on one tank and enjoy discus on another
  5. I LOVE congo tetras. Actually they are hands down my favorite. I haven't kept them before because I couldn't find a good stock like I wanted. I'm excited to see your end results
  6. Pea puffers are called murder beans as a fun tag. Have you not heard about it? Anyway, Duck may help you regarding your question so I tagged her
  7. I love both my sterbais and red lizard whiptails. Sounds like a good choice, or maybe I'm biased 😄 Dan's try to breed many fish out of their ranges I believe to have fish that are more adaptable. I've seen their chocolate gouramis being bred and raised on those parameters too! Wish I could own some tankbred ones myself :') I keep my discus at 28C, also following the temp the guy I got them from keeps them at. But I have to mention again that after gbr reach sexual maturity, the stuff maystart going... bad. Well, at least it did for me. Be careful keeping a group. And share some pics with us!
  8. @Odd Duck, murder bean question! 😄
  9. Those are some spiky roots that crowd a bettas favorite swimming space. Long fins are prone to be damaged. Even if not damaged, when he enters between those roots, he will struggle very much to swim away and save himelf. I would get rid of from the top layer of plant and only leave the frogbits. Frogbits have very soft roots and should be just fine. Very pretty fish
  10. I would increase the cory school to at least 10. then add a school of mid level swimmers. I would personally go for congo tetras here. Big in size so cant be snack to angels and they look great. Lastly I would add something like a trio of SAE or a single RTBS/rainbow shark. I would also try to shade anubias more, they seem to grow some sort of algae and I faced this issue on my anubias when I removed floating plants above them.
  11. I use tropica premium in all my tanks because my tap already reads 20 nitrates. If your tank is stocked enough maybe you should go for premium version too. they usually advertise specialised one for high tech setups or if there is too many plants but very low stocking if I am not mistaken
  12. yea me neither. That's why I haven't used kanaplex before. It felt like a physical damage instead of bacterial Let's see how it will go
  13. update: started kanaplex just in case. They already have a bit aquarium salt in their tank . Let's see if it will be any help
  14. I've added some aquarium salt couple weeks back in case there is a start of fin rot 🤷🏼‍♂️ I suspected the same. Maybe salt prevents it to progress further, but as you said, it is there. Maybe I should do a course of kanaplex just in case? @Colu @Odd Duck I updated the topic regarding my feeding schedule. They are fed twice a day each day with fry food. Do you think it's not enough Gup? Their bellies look good and they grow well
  15. Okay, hear me out. I have 7 guppy tanks and I have never seen something like this before. In one of the tanks, in my japan blue tails' tank, the fry literally eat their dads' tails. It feels weird to me and I have never observed anything like this on any other tank of mine. I've seen fry picking on and bothering dads so many times by now. And It makes me question why. Has anyone faced an issue like this? Before fry are born: Now, fry/juveniles bothering dads: P.S: I feed my tanks twice a day. Fry always get fry food at least twice a day if kept in community tanks, at least one being Sera Micron everyday. The other one changes between frozen daphnia/bbs or live bbs, insect menu, or crushed NLS community formula. So I don't believe they can be hungry by any means
  16. Looks like she is coloring up into a mustard gas copper hm female, but it is still hard to tell exactly let’s see how it will go when she color up more
  17. Sounds awful. This week is a lil better here somehow, but we had the same situation before this one 😭 Take care of yourself Duck. And Don’t forget to use your sunscreen let’s go swimming sometime, shall we? 🤪
  18. The fry look very cute and colorful. Love them man! Thanks for sharing. They cheered me up a lil! 🥰
  19. I usually like to go for a 30-day observation(al) quarantine if I can. Cycled barebottom tank, clear on sides. Let's you observe their behavior, eating, poop, and stuff. My style seems different than others. I see others' point, but I see it like this: I don't take medicine if I'm not sick. I don't take 10 medicine at once based on the assumption of "what if I am sick?". Even when I do, I take some that will help me to recover from a specific situation, I don't go and take medicine for many other potential diseases when I suffer from a single disease. This is my perspective in this regard. I personally don't like the idea of exposing fish to so many chemicals, especially when they were already stressed about changing environment. The exception of this is wildcaught fish to me, or maybe getting fish from a source that you don't really trust. Wild caughts are an exception because they are almost guaranteed to carry parasites/worms. So starting to treat them asap is the best idea imo to not lose time. If I happen to suspect anything during my observation quarantine, then I treat them based on the symptom. This has always worked good for me
  20. If you want some more active fish that would assist you through cleaning the glasses and surfaces (but not green spot algae ofc, they are nerite snail specific), then you can check Hillstream loaches or borneo suckers. I haven't kept them yet as my LFS is not willing to carry them any more due to their high cost, but panda garras also look adorable to me. If you will have good oxygenation in the tank, these can be also good options I believe here is species spotlights for both: I have borneo sucker so I may help on that one. @beastie has both hillstream loaches and panda garras so she may help for them if you have any questions.
  21. I didn't knwo there were aquatic ones!! My oranges and dairy cows are much cuter If I must say 😄
  22. I had 3 when I was a kid and theyve eaten my kuhli loaches like a snack even when they were juveniles in front of my eyes. It was traumatic. That "weird mouth" can eat a lot. also they are weird looking because they are human made hybrids. They have various anatomical deformities and that's why their mouth seem like that. I would personally never own them again after witnessing the issues they have sadly. I personally don't think it is ethical to breed them when they obviously come with so many issues. They can't even move their mouth. A male and female can't even breed. Please think twice and do a wide research about their problems and issues they come with before deciding to go for them. The fry will very likely be a snack. Probably adults would be a snack too. Please see this for some other people's experiences https://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/f100/are-blood-parrots-ethical-to-own-344817.html
  23. I would keep the water tested for ammonia and nitrites, and keep up with water changes if needed. Every surface in your tank will home beneficial bacteria, even tho the majority of it is living in the filter. Plants would also help you too. Your tank does not sound overstocked which is also good. If you can, transfer the media from your old filter to the new one. If it was a hob, try to put the media in a filter bag and put it on/next to your new sponge for example. Or if tnhe new one is also a hob, try to fill the basket with the old media
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