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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. To be fair, I was hesitant to try it myself. I usually clean my prefilters and rarely sponge filters if this is faster for me to do. If I have a chance to clean in tank water I can do that too. But I understand Jason's point and why he choses this way after having 26 tanks myself. I have never dumped the sponges back directly when I'm not doing a water change tho (which means there is always prime in the water column even when I wassh my sponges in tap water).
  2. on min 7.15 in Jason's video, based on the study with average chloraminated water, it seems to take over an hour to kill all bacteria 🤷🏼‍♂️ idk. I am not a science guy. But he mention they expose their filter only 15-20secs anyway. Also Irene's that tank seems very understocked. I can see a single betta and one oto? Maybe that's why. Maybe that tank does not home a big bacteria colony already considering plants also consume stuff that bb would so they even take some part of that very low bioload. Still she mentions cycle was not affected. It is always better to be safe for sure👍🏼
  3. Actually Jason has a video about it explaining why you don't actually "need" to do that scientifically. I cleaned mined in tap water multiple times and put back into newly changed water where I dosed prime already. Haven't noticed anything wrong with cycle before 🤷🏼‍♂️ In case you haven't seen it, here you go
  4. I'm not sure if mystery snails actually get sick. They can be negatively affected by parameters, surroundings, undesired stuff in the water column like copper or medicine, any active fish that disturb or nip on them, etc. So I don't think it is sick. But likely to be an old one. Do you see its shell? There is so many different parts, basically reflecting different care and parameters it has been to during that time of growth. So it either changed so many tanks under someones care, or it has been to many different people's tanks before reaching you. Be its last and happy home. It's trapdoor also looks damaged. the best you can do is giving it the best care possible with a blanced diet of protein, veggies+algae, and calcium. I really don't know if trapdoor damage is fixable but you can try. @Guppysnail Gup have you ever been able to treat a damaged trapdoor, if you ever had any? Maybe rarely air baths to make it relax, but not often to make it not stressed.
  5. In Rachel O'Leary 's video she was mentioning that people say the females are rare due to not being collected but she thinks that it is subdominant males and females being really hard to differentiate especially as juveniles. If you ask me, I would say demand. I'm not sure how many people would like to home pale colored considerably skittish micropredator that requires live food aka females:). Males look literally amazing. It is easy to see many examples of collections of both males and females from the wild even until some species are endangered so I can't think that nicely it is purely being intention to make them breed more in the nature by sparing females.
  6. I have 3 in a 33g. I always see my neocaridinas whether it is a community tank or not, but I never see my amanos. In fact, the only clue I have that they are alive is molts I find randomly. I have seen my amanos 2 time only in months, and It was me diving into my bedroom with flashlight for something. They are worse than my pleco/ancistrus. And they are also nocturnal, as expected. Idk maybe I had too many hiding places for them I personally wouldn't get them again because I haven't observed any positive effect on my tiny bit of existing hair algae in that tank and I can't enjoy them doing shrimp stuff around like I do with colorful cute neocaridinas. Technically if you starve them they may go for the algae, sure, but I won't dedicate them a tank to eat algae, or starve my community to make them go for the algae. It does not work for me really. Anytime I feed the tank or at least bottom dwellers, they will get their part at wherever they are hiding at 🤷🏼‍♂️ It may sound valid on paper, but I don't think it works in practice to have them starving to go for algae In terms of parameters, I've kept mine up to 8.0 ph high kh and medium gh water and I personally haven't observed any negative effect. If I could have a chance to buy any new ones for algae eating purposes, I would try Green Leaf Algae Eating Shrimp I guess. Check this video out:
  7. I know @Fish Folk has a video feeding them. Maybe he can help. You surely don't "need" blackworms to have your cories spawn tho. I have never used it in my life and my cories spawned so many times. They accept frozen foods well too
  8. Very cool fish. Is yours aggressive? I have a gold trio and I haven’t notice any difference in their behavior compared to sparklings or honey gourami. Or I have a peaceful trio mayhaps?
  9. She always use the latin names. Whenever we talk, I be like, one sec, lemme google what you mean! 🤣 Reading her recommendation list, feeling like I'm reading a science paper😄😄
  10. I was too sleepy to comment last nite. Now here I am I loved the tank. My only suggestion would be, maybe adding some dwarf sags around stones and stuff to complete the naturalistic look. What do you think? Like this: Also I would probably crowd only the background with vals and not sides, potentially shooting them roots everywhere can be messy
  11. I love shallow tanks, so not a 10g but I wanna do a 12g shallow. I love their looks. Some examples from online:
  12. I find keeping some matrix/siporax handy because whenever I need to setup a new HOB all I have to do is grab a handful of media and add in in the new HOB basket. Im keeping one with mainly sponge but transferring sponge by cutting a piece to transfer was not fun. Not something I would like to prefer again but sure both options did work for me. But Id rather get matrix/siporax on top of sponge+filterwool layer myself
  13. Keep the water level higher than the motor part of the AC(so have your tank water level higher than the motor part) and they start normally in a power outage. All of mine do. During a potential power outage, water line drops to the level of water level in the tank and not further. I believe most people have issues with restarting in such situations because they keep water level low. But when you empty your tank, do water change, or have water level lower than the AC's motor part, you will need to start manually.
  14. I've tried oak, fig, catappa and beech leaves. Also alder cones. Catappa leaf is liked by my all shrimp, snail and BN tanks the most. But it decays faster than others. I also use a leaf mixture in my apisto tank. My apistos seem to like playing around leaf litter, especially oak leaves. If you wanna try something new and experiment, you can give them a try, but in my experience with 7 shrimp tanks catappa is their favorite. BN babies seem to love spending time on catappa leaves too and mostly ignore others. I don't think anything other than catappa leaf will be much better (or even any better) for a betta too when compared. I haven't paid attention to betta-leaf relationship much and I usually prefer catappa leaf in their tanks mainly
  15. Do the leaves feel crispy outside of water? I had the same issue with mine but I had no BN in that tank. It can be BN too, but in my case I believe sword just didnt like my water at all. No matter what I did, I couldnt save it. Meanwhile I had other Echinodorus THRIVING in the same tank under exact same conditions🤷🏼‍♂️
  16. you should check @Fish Folk's journals
  17. Why not rehoming, giving them away, selling or taking them to your LFS for store credit at least? After some time your bolivians will likely pair up and breed too if you get a group
  18. You should calculate the liter as it refers to volume. The same volume you wanna cover will be stable but pound/kg are subject to change based on what sand, gravel ,aquasoil etc. you use. Tropicals 9L aquasoil is roughly 9kgs. But my 5kg fine sand covers 3L area. This is how you calculate: Lenght of the tank in cm x depth in cm x height of substrate you want to have = amount of substrate you need in liter
  19. They said they wanna increase the number of existing school of neons. so there is already neons and guppies and they already went into the tank before betta claim the whole tank as its territory. No need to move anything or whatsoever You are quite lucky I must say. All bettas of mine would try to kill guppies %100. And very likely would hate neons due to their flashy colors. You must have a really calm one, good news keep an eye on your parameters. Bettas bioload isnt that big in my experience. I personally have never observed an off parameters after adding a betta to a tank myself. If you see no readings of ammonia and nitrite, which I believe you shouldn’t just by adding a betta to a tank with guppies and neons already, you can increase the school more. To be on the safe side maybe wait for a week or at least couple days🤷🏻‍♂️ It may help to keep the amount of feedings lower for some days when the new school is added peace,
  20. Thanks! I think they are waaay too underrated
  21. Is it something like Fluval flex 15g? If so, and it has an built in filter system, considering you adding rocks, driftwood, plants, heather, substrate... they all take from the actualy swimming space of fish. So I would personally consider it like a 10g while stocking that kind of tank. I would do a bit less amanos, like 2 perhaps. If you plant well, you can probably do okay with other stocking options. They are small fish with small bioload. I personally wouldn't add more except maybe 1-2 nerites when the tank starts to mature a bit, as they are grazers. Or maybe even neocaridinas I used to keep 6 pygmys for a while and then increased their school to 16, and their behavior changed a lot. There is nothing wrong with the numbers you chose, but I would personally go for 10 pygmy cories and 15 chili rasboras instead. And 2 amanos. I think going from 8 to 10 for a cory school is a better improvement than going from 15 to 18 chili rasboras as they are high in numbers for that tank size as a school anyway in both options. I have one tub and one betta tank that are next to windows but not directly in front. I keep that curtain closed all the time. When sunlight reaches your tank you will be likely to face algae issues and unwanted temperature changes. Is it possible for you to keep the curtain closed on that window?
  22. My balansaes never melted! Maybe I was lucky enough to get submerged ones? who knows 🙂 I guess they commonly sell submerged crypts here. I can't remember having melting issues really, except one try of in vitro ones. And Idk how many crypts I have in total! Echinodorus almost always melt on me at first tho 🤷🏼‍♂️
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