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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. My oldest co-op heater just started blinking EL. I knew this day was coming and here it is! Any suggestions on how to block the display? My plan is to move it behind some plants in the corner.
  2. My aquarium co-op heater just started flashing El. I'm trying to come up with a way to block the digital display. I think there was a discussion somewhere here that addresses this subject. Any suggestions?
  3. I only have several small tanks. So I'm able to use the 120ml dropper bottle and refill it from the 500ml bottle. For me the smaller bottle is easier to use and doesn't clog. Drop drop drop.
  4. I say go for it! I've got one in a 10 gal with some shrimp and a lot of plants! I'm running a small hang on back filter and a nano sponge filter with an air stone. Really cool little fish! 😎
  5. Stopped by the local university's little aquarium displays. Check out these two characters! Who's watching who???
  6. Ran through the local pet store for some dog food and noticed these... Fake plants? with an air stone? Weco, Wonder shell company?? Didn't have the time to fully check them out.. ever hear about these? Next time I'm going to actually read what they are.
  7. Winterized one of the wine barrel ponds today. Going to run a small recirculating pump just below the surface for a tiny bit of water movement. Also going to try running an old aquarium co-op heater to see what happens as the temps drop.
  8. I've only been keeping Cherry shrimp for about six months now. I have to say they are the coolest little critters! They never disappoint! So many odd colors show up! For the most part, I still mainly have reds and oranges. I put three blues in with some oranges to see what will happen, still waiting to see what these little guys look like when they grow up.
  9. I've never used dirted or aquatic soils. They seem a little tricky to me, I haven't gotten brave enough to attempt them. Next adventure.. . What I do have, is a mixture of small and large gravels, that contain a lot of 'stuff'. Tanks that have been up and running for a long time with guppies and no gravel vacuuming. The plants seem to love it. I have used a lot of root tabs in the past, maybe that makes them semi-dirted? ha ha. I do dose easy green. It's the bulb plants that I like. Had several melt completely back, I removed the bulbs and after drying them for a month, put them back in and they took off! So many unexpected things happen in these glass boxes full of water!
  10. @HelplessNewbie Yes it is! Is that cool or what? These Cherry shrimp are sooo fun!
  11. I entertained our freinds kids, (and their parents), ..with my wine barrel ponds full of guppies!! So awesome to see others getting as much fun out of this as I do! They were all very interested in the aquariums. But the ponds were a hit! The hands on (and in) was what everyone loved! Sooo much fun!!
  12. Cherry shrimp are so fun!! So many different colors! Most of mine have the same coloring as yours. As time has gone on, there's been a lot of breeding, And now I'm getting oranges!!
  13. Wow, this is so cool. I think I have the same tank! It has been my experimental tank! What I have is the 3.7 gal Imagitarium. I removed the internal filter system and just have a cube! It has gone through many changes. Started out with no filter and then added... nano sponge filter, horticulture sand plants, Triops, then Cherry shrimp, tried 3 different lights. I've actually got a 100 watt coop heater in it! It's incredible how such a small tank does so well! I love it !
  14. Ok, so now I stuffed a nano filter in a Squidward head house. . Just to see what would happen.
  15. Wonder shells actually seem to work great for adding calcium and minerals for shrimp, snails and guppies. I use them all the time. . And crushed coral in all my tanks, from Aquarium Co-Op. Seems to keep the GH and water hardness where they like it.
  16. What the.??? Ok, so does this fall into the category as a floating plant? This Java moss has been toting this piece of gravel around my tank all day!
  17. I found this horticulture sand at our local garden center. Gave it a try just to see what would happen. It worked great for a Triops experiment and then for a shrimp tank. Plants root well in it as well.
  18. Doing a little research into MDF , Medium density fiberboard. And its use in aquarium stands. It's actually a very sturdy realistic looking engineered wood. As a top to a metal framed stand, it looks really nice. Any thoughts or does anyone have any experience with MDF board? 🤔
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