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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. @Galabar I really like your set up! So much simpler than what I'm doing! The room with my 20gal and the hatchery faces North, cold and so little natural light. I took some picks of, the amount of eggs recommended , the amount of eggs I've been useing and the mess after they've all hatched 😝 I just have Endlers and Guppies, they go crazy for brine shrimp! And the fry grow so fast!
  2. I hadn't heard of this filter material before. Had to check it out. It will be interesting to see how it works...
  3. I use the same hatcheries. It will definitely be a mess after all the eggs have hatched and smell bad. I flush the left over mess and clean with a mild bleach water mixture.. All the empty shells are for the most part contained in the outer ring area. You'll find you harvest multiple times over the 24 - 72 hour time frame, depending on the amount of eggs used...... I've actually spilled lots of eggs into it thinking I don't need the scoop, I can just tap tap. Whoa!! ha ha. Eggs everywhere!! That's how I got my first massive hatch, by total accident! I've experimented with large amounts of eggs, salt, temps and light. Right now my best results are with the Aquarium Co-op's eggs, a 50 watt heat lamp and instant ocean. There have been times I've gotten incredible hatches and others kind of ..meh.... maybe to much heat or not enough? To much salt or not enough. I don't think I've got any pics of the left over mess...
  4. I started really looking at the gravel layers in these tanks that I stopped gravel vacuuming. The waters are clear and I don't focus to much on the mulm or detritus layers, but when you start looking. Wow! . I'm guessing some anaerobic bacteria? And who knows what? So the aquarium lilys and vallisneria thrive. But so does the black beard and staghorn algae. . Check out the Endler fry inspecting my slack algae glass cleaning! Not impressed!
  5. I keep thinking about this subject. Many years ago I had never heard of or used a gravel vac. Then I came back to the hobby and it seemed like something to try....Everybodys doing it. . I feel like the way I keep my tanks, ( lots of plants) that the gravel vaccing was doing more damage then good. So I stopped. It will be interesting to see what happens in these tanks as time goes by.
  6. I've got one of the aquarium co-op's nano sponges going in this 3.7 gal. I haven't cleaned it in 4 months and the way things are going, I may never clean it... maybe if it fully clogs and even then maybe not. If it ain't broke don't fix it! I don't gravel vac and only do tiny water changes. The shrimp love this tank!
  7. It can get out of control fast!
  8. I found myself linked to this thread after reading about the many pros and cons of these pumps. I really like them and have had great experiences with them! So while having some morning coffee, I was suddenly inspired to tear into one of my old noisy ones, just to take a look. This is not a CO-OP pump, but rather another brand...No way I'm I going to be able to reassemble this one, but I sure learned a lot taking it apart!
  9. That is a cool looking tank! The one I saw years ago was similar, but was rectangular. It was on a carpeted floor, so there would really be no gaps. My guess, it will be fine. I wonder if the acrylic material is a little flexible? 🤔
  10. I was inspired by your upgrade. So I was going to give it a try. When I pulled the empty Easy planter out of the tank, I was surprised to find a dozen or so shrimp inside it! So I drilled a few little holes like you did and then decided to go ahead and drill a couple of large holes on the outside..... Shrimp Cave!
  11. Can you post a full front picture of the entire setup? I think I've seen something like this years ago. 🤔
  12. There is definitely competition for the shrimp pellets, but the Bacter AE powder, kind of dusts the tank with food, the shrimp appear content with the variety.
  13. Whoa! Just noticed this one cruzing along today!! Most are blueish, some with dark spots. But this one has a pearl look to her.
  14. Wow! They have reproduced fast! I have a Ramshorns! They love shrimp food.... this is going to get out of control fast!
  15. @Cinnebuns I was actually referring to the tiny 'new' little Ramshorns growing the 'Ram Horn' shape. Not any swirls in the shells of the 2 adults that I just got. I actually have no idea how old these snails may be. Would you happen to know how long it takes a typical Ramshorn juvenile to reach 'full size'? 🤔 gh and ph are good 👍. And I've got so much crushed coral and Wonder Shell in the tank, that it's Mineral Nirvana for the Cherry Shrimp, Snails and Guppies !
  16. @Cinnebuns The 2 original adult Ramshorns are blues that a got from Flip Aquatics. It is amazing to me how quickly there are now lots of little ones! It's so cool to watch them developing those little 'Ramshorns swirls!
  17. I recently got a couple of Ramshorns, put them in a 10 gal and within a week there are tiny ones. How fast do they grow?
  18. I know this is a little silly. But I came up with a simple solution to the annoying EF flashing. I pulled off the suction cups and turned the heater around! ha ha....I'm so high-tech!
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