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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. @Guppysnail I'm basically doing the same thing! , just with the heat lamp! I've experimented with the amount of eggs and leaving the lamp on. I've managed some large hatches, but it makes a mess and smells bad! The paintings are my Uncles. He was quite the artist of landscapes, I have his paintings everywhere!
  2. I use a fifty watt reptile heat lamp to heat this one. I have found it hatches just enough for for a 20gal long full of guppies.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has ever used a vinegar solution to sterilize a used tank, hang on back filter or sponge filters? 🤔
  4. It will be interesting to hear what others opinions are on this subject. 🤔 When I had a Cynobacteria bloom in a 10gal, I dosed Fritz Mardel Maracyn several times and it killed the Cynobacteria. It's been several months and it has not come back! ☠️ ☠️
  5. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. No boiling or baking. I just go with a fresh water rinse and let it sit outside in a little bucket full of water for a few weeks. I figured there'd be no fresh water biologics to worry about because it came from salt water. 🤔 So far, So good..
  6. We went to the beach today and roamed around looking for driftwood and colorful stones. While poking around in the beach rocks, it suddenly occurred to me this layer of sand/ gravel looks like the perfect size to put in a 10 gal we're setting up!
  7. Yes! We always seem to have some kind of plant growing next to the tank...Sooo.. a couple of pumps of Easy Green in the tank and hmmm, one pump for the plant!
  8. Yes, that's right! I stuffed a nano filter in an easy planter! So, with a guppy explosion, I figured a little more filtration would be good. The existing air stone was in an empty easy planter, sooo in it went. I had to remove the weighted bottom, but it fit right in. Now to see what happens!
  9. I'm not sure how to read duckweed. But what's growing in my tanks and porch pond is bright green and grows fast! I use a little stainless steel strainer with a handle to manage it .
  10. They are definitely cool plants! 😎 I've got one in a 10 gal (this pic) and one in a 20 gal. It would be awesome to have a tank full of them!
  11. Pipsqueak making friends. 'Hello flat fish, I'm a guppy, what are you?'
  12. @Schuyler That's a good question. 🤔 I do have duckweed in all my tanks, although, not on purpose. There is a little bit in the small tank I'm keeping the Triops in. But I've never notice them eat it...
  13. That's really cool.. 😎 I hadn't thought of putting one in an easy planter. That's a great idea!
  14. Triops do molt every few days as they grow. I just grab the molts with a pair of tweezers and discard them. Shining a light under the small container with one in it.
  15. I've noticed these dwarf aquarium lilies doing the same thing. Some leaves are curled as they emerge and grow...and then fully open when they reach the surface! Some plants grow giant and others stay short and stubby...
  16. I've found there is an endless number of ways to test your water. And compareing tests to each other can drive you crazy! 🤪 I use Fritz zyme 7 when I can, I swear it works, but have no idea how to prove it. 🤔
  17. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaHmmmm... That's a great idea! ... What should we rename it?.. Maybe something like Triops with a side of horticulture sand?
  18. That's so cool how many people have said that messing around with something like Triops, Sea Monkeys or Fairy shrimp, got them back into or started them into aquariums! 😎 The other funny thing about all this, is that this conversation came from me just asking about horticulture sand. I like the size and color of these different sands/gravels and it seems like a lot of 'critters' and humans do too! . Oh yeah, no home depot here. Small town...
  19. What I have found that works well is .. fish foods! How convenient right? I've tried everything from crushing up Fancy guppy pellets and Krill flakes into powder for when they first hatch, to Hikari sinking pellets and carrot pieces when they are adults. They aren't picky. What's kind of cool, is when they get a hold of a piece of food, they'll swim upside down with it!
  20. The first time I had heard of Triops, was just within the last few years. I was told about vernal pools in the Southwest deserts and the cool organisms they were finding after heavy rains. However, like you, I had Sea Monkeys ! And I'm pretty sure they and all the creatures we'd find as kids while playing in local creeks , has led me to this aquarium obsession!
  21. The largest and longest lived Triops I've had, was 58 days. They are truly a unique creature and I'm hopeing to hatch the eggs they laid.🤞 It's always entertaining to see people's reactions to them. It's either, Whoa! What is that?! Or, Hey Triops! Cool, I had them as a kid!
  22. They start out very tiny and grow fast. I've been experimenting with different sand/gravel combinations to see what they do.(horticulture sands).. I came across a video the other day where a small container of very fine sand was placed in the tank, the Triops laid their eggs in it, the container was removed and the sand was dried. Apparently the eggs are incredibly strong and long lasting, . Anyway, the sand was added to water after a period of drying and the process started again.
  23. They do kind of look like tiny liitle horse shoe crabs.
  24. Definitely a frustrating situation. I've also had fish die for no apparent reason.
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