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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. One of the things that makes our backyard so popular, is the access to water. . I've always got some kind of tub full of water and critters like tadpoles and frogs. The tubs provide a nice drink of water for something like a little stinker.
  2. @Flipper. Ha Ha You are the first one to notice that! For the last few years we've had a Mother skunk show up every year with her new kits! It's sooo neat the way they stick with her every move! I've learned, that if you don't harass or threaten them, they just go about their business looking for insects and grubs. When I go out in the yard at night, I bring a flashlight! They are not the kind of critter you want to sneak up behind and yell, " SURPRISE!!"
  3. You could put a couple of mosquito fish, Gambusia species in the pond. They are tuff little fish. No more mosquito larvae.. A basic air stone with a simple pump can get you started with water movement. What I have have found with wine barrel ponds, is that they are always evolving. I'm constantly changing and trying new things.
  4. I'd suggest adding backing to the tank. I paint the back and some of the sides of my tanks. I think it gives the inhabitants a sence of security. Cuts down on odd shadowy reflections as well. 🐠
  5. Tadpoles appear to like browsing through the gravel for food. They like the wafers! Hopeing to grow Triops again... after the Tadpole adventure! The trick is going to be, moveing these guys outside before they hop out of the tank! . Any one have experience with Tapoles?
  6. Regardless of what we call them, I believe they are an intricate part of why this tank is so alive.
  7. Dragon fly larvae in the Tadpole tub!
  8. @Biotope Biologist My rubbermaid Tadpole tub, next to the Wine barrel pond! I just set it up early spring with some rocks, water Hyacinths and a piece of driftwood...the frogs do all the work and. Presto! Tadpoles! We did have a Dragon Fly emerge last year in the pond! So cool to watch! 😎 @Tony s That looks like a great Brook Trout snack!
  9. Cool. 😎 I'm in the process of setting up a small tank of local native species and Caddisfly nymphs are on my list of things under stream stones to put in the tank.
  10. @Cinnebuns. Ok, I haven't had that problem and was wondering what the concern was. Thanks
  11. I have one of the metal framed stands. Rated for 660 lbs. Incredibly sturdy. The wood is medium density fiberboard (MDF). Well designed for my needs.
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