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  1. Additionally using beginer lvl plants they would be fine in non fertilized substrate as long as I dose liquid fertilizer and it would grow at the same rate?
  2. Oh yes and also I have the fertilizer thrive c and I was wondering it says do a water change every week. I know this is not necessarily necessary but like using aquirium co ops page where they say water change when nitrates reach 40ppm would be fine? As long as I don't do more than the recommended dose per week.?
  3. I was wondering how would one sanitize equipment like my siphon from ntd AND fish tb(if it was there)
  4. Is 2 low like 2 is tap and it might lower it right?
  5. when i do water changes
  6. i also have a question regarding aqua soil if it reduces ph to like 6.8 and my ph is 7.2 wont that create a swing?
  7. @Colu I just wanted ask and just an update that tank is been chill no new news except that that one neon that was from a different store has a slightly crooked spine. I wanted to ask if fish th kills quick? And also I was thinking if we are assuming that it's just nd then theroreticly I could add shrimp to give the tank some life while the neons chill( I think they might have another year in them). I wouldn't add or remove stuff and put them in other tanks as I only have one(I won't get another until like a year after the neons pass. Any ideas?
  8. is salt usable in a main aquarium with plants and unfortunately knaplex is illegal where i am.(no clue why)
  9. ok my lfs local PetSmart do not have any of those treatments
  10. ok ill see what i can do but also do you think that even if there was fish tb in my tank after according to this:https://www.bettafish.com/threads/is-this-neon-tetra-ok.776320/page-2 some person stats that a study showed that 10% of the 78% of fish with mycobacterium had fish tb and does this mean there is a dormant state right??
  11. also melafix and primafix
  12. all they really have is the kordon brands
  13. never mind as my local stores dont have any of that what is a treatment you wou;ld recomend just to make sure it is ntd
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