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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. I wouldn't put to much faith in this 'ring of death'..thing. . I actually have the occasional cherry shrimp that will develop that ring when molting and they have no problems. I guess there's exceptions to everyone's rules. . Just give them lots of what they need. Minerals...And yes, definitely keep those parameters as close to what they need as well. 🦐
  2. This is how I did it... Cut some of the uplift tubes shorter, sealed them with silicone (just to avoid any air leaks.) And rather then cutting the sponge on this one, I just compressed it on the half.... And walla! Half Pint Sponge Filter Nermy!! We'll see what happens. So far, so good..
  3. Finally got the filtration system removed from the 6.8 gal Imagitarium! And cut a couple of old glass lids down to size..( 3 days ago ) But today was the fun part! Added substrate, plants and two original nano Nermy sponge filters!!
  4. I have reclaimed the stand back to an aquarium stand!!! . I had to give up the old heavy chest of drawers in the barter! However, I'm downsizing and simplifying so it worked out...gave the 20 long to a friend and now have a 6.8 Imagitarium setup. Another shrimp tank in the works. Removed the filtration system and added 2 original nano Nermy sponge filters.. I really enjoy these cube tanks.
  5. I finally destroyed a USB pump!! It's been outside, uncovered for at least 8 months! I think the moisture finally got it. Honestly, I wanted to see what kind of abuse it could take. One tuff little pump!
  6. I'd have to say most places I've lived will loose main line power from time to time. It's inevitable. We have rolled with it the best we can from place to place. In an earthquake prone place now, which comes with it's own set of challenges. @Pepere I was in coastal North Carolina in 1998, a place that doesn't get snow and ice....until it did. ... It was wild fun, but I was young and overcoming challenges was a fun thing to do with friends...When all else fails, ones car works great for rechargeing batteries, plug everything in and crank it up. ... AC or Heat depending on the situation.
  7. @Guppysnail It does stay mild here year round on the extreme Northern California coast. . It also helps that I have an old Co-Op heater set at its lowest setting in the wine barrel pond!
  8. I'm trying to figure out where to put a Squidward house in the pond....... I'm thinking it might look interesting halfway submerged in the cattail container. I suppose I should ask our friends kids, they're the experts! they liked the gator head on top of the frog house!
  9. Every aquarium now has a Squidward house in it! . Next place that needs one is the wine barrel pond!
  10. New Squidward house! It only took a few minutes in the tank and the shrimp were all over it investigating! Hmmm, new cave! When do we move in?
  11. Aqueon makes a variety of small lights that have worked well for me. I have this one on a 3.7 gal cube.
  12. This is different, but similar. This is a piece of driftwood that I had in an aquarium for about 5 months. It was covered in several types of algae. I removed it and set it in an open empty bucket for several weeks and forgot about it.... It eventually dried and turned an odd purple like color!! Is this odd or what? Anyway, I'm planning on putting it back is some water, maybe just fill the bucket and add an airstone to see what happens.
  13. @jwcarlson Ha! Ha! I was pretty sure you meant CAT! ... Duct weed?.. What duck weed?
  14. Nothing to high tech. Just added a Nano Nermy Sponge Filter to a 10 gal. . Now there is one original and a new and improved one in the tank... I figured I'll let them battle it out!!
  15. All I want for Christmas is some Super Nano Nermys!! . This was soooo easy to install! These are definitely game changers! The difference is really obvious when placed side by side.. Awesome flow with these little guys and sooo much easier to assemble without the need for an airstone!!
  16. It's definitely a predaceous diving beetle. It would be interesting to key it out and find out exactly what kind. There are some resources onliine. 🤔
  17. I was curious about this same subject and what others do with their substrate. ? I do not gravel vac. , the way I keep my tanks, it always does more harm than good. Heavily planted in a mix of different sized gravel. I have done tiny probing in the gravel and it will release tiny bubbles....As far as someone complaining about the smell of one of my tanks.... I say: "How about you get away from my tank!?" Ha Ha. The plants do pearl at times. This is a Java fern pearling..
  18. I was so focused on trying to get a picture of how the new easy flow upgrade looked, I didn't notice the Endler fry checking it out as well...
  19. I would agree with others on this. I wouldn't worry about it. I have a small 3.7 gal tank that has several places on the bottom and sides like that and it has never leaked.
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