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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. Live baby brine shrimp A lot of Hikari Fancy Guppy! I put it in an old test strip container. Much easier than the bags. Hikari First bites. Even the adult Guppies and Endlers eat it. 😋 And occasionally frozen foods. Daphnia and blood worms.
  2. Sorry to hear this. The first thing you're going to be asked is , what are your water parameters?
  3. Has anyone found where to get Ludwigia Sedioides? Maybe it will become available in the summer? I'm hoping to try growing it in an indoor aquarium, as well as a little 20gal porch pond.
  4. Matt B


    I wasn't exactly sure where to post questions about Cynobacteria. I guess it could be considered a tank disease? Anyway, I have a friend that just sent me pictures of her tank and we're pretty sure this is Cyno. I've successfully treated it in one of my tanks with Maracyn. Is this Cynobacteria? How do you treat / deal with it in your aquariums? 🤔
  5. So, am I understanding this correctly? Maracyn 2 is an effective treatment for Epistylus? Can it simply be just added to the tank? 🤔
  6. You definitely have some different options to consider in your situation. That's 110 gal. , right? I have a 20 gal. Long , so medicating and treating a small tank like mine won't break the bank. So I don't hesitate to medicate! Prazipro, Paraclence, Ich-X , Xpel-P and Maracyn. Not all at the same time just as needed. And that Co-Op med trio, I believe works! And I use it every time I add anything new to my tank. Good Luck 🤞
  7. I have a 20gal long full of guppies. So I'm not dealing with the same volume of water as many. I never hesitate to medicate! Paraclence/ General Cure, basically the same thing. Expel-P is incredible against those damn redworms! I have had great results with Prazipro as well ( internal parasites). And Ich-X is just awesome!! I don't use aquarium salt anymore, because I've got so many plants. When I think it's time to get the meds out, I dont focus so much on water chnges as I do useing carbon in the hang on back filter. Good Luck. 🤞
  8. There are a lot of different ways to deal with something like this. Everyone has slightly different tank environments, so approach it differently. I personally don't hesitate to add Ich-X. And whenever I add new fish, out of an abundance of caution, I add the med trio. I'm just throwing this out there, that I don't hesitate to medicate. Good Luck.
  9. I really look forward to seeing what you come up with! I've only got a 20 gal little porch pond and hope to do something this size in the future. One thing I do that the fish seem to really like, is to have terracotta pots of several sizes laying on their sides. It creates perfect cover for fish when they want to be out of sight.
  10. @FLFishChik @llmgtab I like it ! I've seen those containers for sale. Can't wait to see your first one and your second one! So many fun and cool options! I'm considering putting one of those solar fountains in one just to see what happens. 🤔😄
  11. Low tech lid. Cut a piece out of a clear plastic container.. and the blue lid, works as a temporary aquarium lid!
  12. The Triops seem to like the size of the sand and being in a tank rather than a tupperware tray. Strange little crustaceans, they eat carrots and fish pellets!
  13. @Biotope Biologist Reliving my childhood! When you see the box the kit comes in, you can understand why I've been told, "Those are obviously marketed for kids" ...What? It says for years 8+ . I'm way + 8.....
  14. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Lennie This is the male Endler and female Guppys that are responsible for so many cool offspring. It's so amazing to me all the unique color combinations they produce! 😍
  15. Making progress on the 3.7 gal. cube...🤔 Horticulture sand, Co-Op heater, Co-Op sponge filter and playing with the Co-Op air pump! I really like this little pump! Still trying to come up with a lid... ???
  16. @Expectorating_Aubergine No quarrys here. . Only used half the bag for a 3.7 gal cube and a handfull for a Vernal Pool tray with Triops in it. I think I need a finer grain 'sand' in a small bowl for them to lay their eggs. 🤔 It's an on going experiment .
  17. @mynameisnobody I actually originally put the guppy fry in with the Peas to see if they would be a food source.
  18. @Theplatymaster I don't know. I did not compare prices. 🤔 I was honestly just looking for a size and color that I liked
  19. Made the choice of 'sand', I think of it more of a tiny gravel....When does it start to be considered sand? . Rinsed it, not bad, just a little dust and some organic material. Put some in the 3.7 and my Triops pool. Looks good to me in the 3.7 and the Triops love it! Dig Dig Dig. Weird little vernal pool critters. 😎 I'm already looking forward to trying the other, 'sand'. Slow down man! 🤣
  20. @Denied Taco Yes, Pogo Octopus is thick, borderline out of control. The fish seem to love it. There's also a Red Dwarf Lilly and a Vallisneria. A lot of places for everyone to be out of sight when they want to be. I've also been concerned about everyone getting food. The Guppys are getting big and I'm considering putting them back into our 20 gal long Guppy tank. 🤔
  21. Little Guppy/Endler fry hanging out with the big guys.
  22. I think I'm going to test my tap water tomorrow out of curiosity. 🤔 I can only recall testing it about 8 months ago. It will be interesting to see if anything has changed and hopefully if so, nothing to extreme.
  23. Has anyone used basic horticulture sand in an aquarium? I was at our local hardware/garden center and noticed it for sale, It looks like the perfect size for a little 3.7 gal that I want to set up. 🤔 I think I'm going to try it, and see what happens.
  24. I have about 10 Guppy/ Endler fry in a 10 gal with 3 Pea Puffers, I thought they would eat them. However, the puffers have ignored the fry and the fry are growing fast, because I often feed the Puffers live baby brine shrimp. . I'd heard bad things, so I thought I'd try for myself and see.... Well my Puffers appear to Not be ' 'Murder Beans', as some people call them.
  25. I totally forgot to mention that I had cut up pieces from a 5ft , 1/2 inch wooden dowl, to connect the bamboo pieces and to make a base of sorts. Rocks hold that little bamboo water thingy in place. I don't think I could make another one if I tried!
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