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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. Some people watch a lot of tv. I watch a lot of Aquarium! 😁 I actually sit in front of my Aquarium with my smart phone, waiting for something cool to happen. 😄
  2. I need to work on my photography skills. I'm sure cleaning a little algea off the glass would help. Ha
  3. Oh, just thought of another, (change) or something I had never done before. Hatching brine shrimp for a live food source! The pea puffers love em. So do guppies and endlers, but watching the puffers peck them up is so cool.
  4. For me, It's the incredible (at times overwhelming,) amount of information and how easy it is to access. There's always been people doing amazing things, but it was for the most part one on one exchange of ideas or read as much as possible. This is a fascinating subject to me .. I've had many conversations with two friends, one 26 yrs younger and the other 10 yrs older than me about changes. A good analogy about how these conversations go, is compare a car today to one 30 years ago...talk about opening a can of worms. A few things off the top of my head that I had no experience with: Having live plants delivered, LED lights, gravel vacuum, live bacteria in a bottle, root tabs/liquid fertilizer and the term 'nano tank' was new to me. I'm sure there's more, i just haven't learned about them yet! Ha
  5. Matt B


    Version 1.0.0


  6. Matt B

    Power backup

    Version 1.0.0


  7. Matt B


    Version 13


  8. Greetings all I recently got back into aquariums after a 25 year hiatus. While setting up and playing with 20 gal wine barrel 'porch ponds' , water lilies and other aquatic plants , along with mosquito fish and tadpoles. While doing a little research I came across Cory's Co-Op You Tube videos... And that was it...So much awesome info! I was hooked! And back into aquariums I went!! So much has changed, but still so much fun. 10 gal Pea Puffer tank, 20 gal long community tank and 5 gal experiment tank. At this rate I'll be back to 55 gal soon! Looking forward to learning as much as possible and having some fun along the way! Matt B
  9. Does anyone know what kind?.. This algae only grows on my Amazon Sword. ( So far ) I'm guessing black beard algea? The Guppy/Endler fry like it, So I like it. The Hillstream loach ignores it as he muches along the leaves...I've found it's easy to keep up with..just grab it with tweezers when it gets a little to much for my liking. Pros or Cons to having this in an aquarium?
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