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Everything posted by itsfoxtail

  1. I have no idea about anyone else but in my personal experience I have actually seen firsthand yellow and oranges interbreed. They produce some light orange and a few yellow and then oddly enough some like blue jelly and light green wilds. I'd def err on the side of caution if you want to keep your strains pure! This sounds like the perfect opportunity for another tank! 😂
  2. Sera Micron is the real MVP. 😂 It's possible to rig up a normal auto feeder with fry food but kind of a pain. Cory talked about putting tape over the outlet to limit the amount of food that comes out and while I was on vacation once I went ahead and tried it for fry foods. If you cover almost all of it with packing tape (duct tape is too sticky and ends up blocking up and Scotch tape ends up just falling off with any humidity at all) it works for a few days! Anything longer than that it gets all clogged and nasty with an opening so small so I'd recommend replacing the tape maybe every day or every other day!
  3. Fishbone shrimp would look sick! Well I can officially say I learned something new today! I had no idea the TDS for wild neos was that high! It's amazing they can adapt to all these different parameters shrimpkeepers keep them at. I just find the resilience of fish so inspiring. Also I aspire to ever do as much research as you do. You always do that extra deep dive and it's so super helpful.
  4. I'll just be parked here waiting for the anubias roots to take off so we can have lil makeshift climber ropes for them. I'm so ready. I'm absolutely no shrimp expert but in my experience the one on the far right is one that will probably eventually produce some rilis. The other two may start to look rili-like but a few generations later it'll just be hit-and-miss patterning on the carapace/head with a solid red tail. If you're looking to make your own strain I'd lean towards the little dude on the right!
  5. It's the stories like these that I live for. I love the little accidental surprises that end up being people's favorites. It's just so wholesome and amazing. I love snowball shrimp! I kept a colony for a bit before rehoming it. However I haven't seen the blue or amber pearls!! They look awesome! Definitely some research to do. Also there's just something so magical about your red shrimp dotting the dragonstone. They look like little cliff climbers and I feel the need to draw little ropes for them to hang onto. 😅
  6. The ones with white spots are to die for! They look so cool! I would've sworn they were a new type of caridina at first glance.
  7. This is genius! I would love to see it in action! Wish I would've seen this post back when I was spending a half hour dangling a mussel on a rope to try and get it to look like it was still alive for mine. I called it 'bonding time' and it was nice but boy your back starts to hurt when you're hunched over like that for that long, haha!
  8. I accidentally snap mine off during tank cleanings all the time and have never noticed any detriment. I wouldn't go like edward scissorhands crazy and cut it bald but I'd think it could handle a trim!
  9. I'm sorry, did you say newer?! Please indulge me! Newest I know of are the more perfected green lines. I'm always down for more awesome neos!
  10. Wilds would be so cool! There's a 'wild type' craze going on in my city right now out of absolutely nowhere, almost every store is selling them and they're gone in like two days. I'll be curious to see if people start giving them a shot! They're most definitely slept on! I feed my shrimp every ~2-3 days or so, maybe I'll play around with waiting longer in between and then trying the shrimp king food then! Maybe they just have to get a taste for it. 🤷‍♀️ Definitely some food for thought (pun intended).
  11. Mini ramshorns are the worst! I think I understand what you mean with the smell too! There's something just... different-smelling about a tank with them in it. I have really nothing of value to add rather than to say 'good luck', but I have had 2 tanks over time that have had them in it. One I just emptied and chucked and the other one day I just woke up and they magically disappeared. I have no idea why. I had assassin snails in there forever that couldn't make a dent in their population. The only thing I could possibly think of is perhaps low oxygen. I had turned the flow back to almost null as I'd put in a group of young bettas. About 2 weeks after that. Viola, they were gone. Haven't seen one since. Don't know if it was oxygen or perhaps I had a snail-assassin-betta or what. Godspeed with these little guys is really all I have to say. And I hope someone does chime in with a miracle cure, lol!
  12. That looks so cool! I've never seen any different colored val. Does it still look like this? It would give a super dreamy look to a tank if there were a bunch of it.
  13. Is it just me or do I see some side-eye action going on? Looks full of personality already!
  14. I actually saw your listing for Bloody Mary shrimp before I did a double take and rushed back over to catch up on this (I'm so behind, omg!) THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL! 😭 I'm so ridiculously happy to see you actually have so many offspring you're selling them! So is it official? Do you have the bug? Are there more colors in your future? On an off note I'm so jealous of people who like shrimp king food. I haven't ever owned a single shrimp that would touch the stuff and I'm almost starting to think it's personal now.
  15. How long have they been in transit? Fingers crossed they're all still viable! Ordering fish/eggs from overseas always gives me anxiety.
  16. Wow! I am legitimately amazed by this setup! Not only does it look amazing but it honestly is crazy efficient! They all have plants, I see some substrate; these bettas are definitely living the life now! I'm very curious as to how quickly they begin to grow for you! What are you feeding them now? The little white and blue one is really pretty! Looks like it has the marble gene; do any of the others look marbled? It's always fun to see the the outliers a pair throws!
  17. What an amazing thread of pictures!!! For some reason the motion blur on Grace in the photo in the middle is just peak comedy to me and I laughed a little longer than I should have. The corys are adorable as ever and you have so many growing out!! The 75 is lookin' snazzy too; I can't wait to see the hardscape go in!
  18. That's exciting! I'd say the others will be very soon to follow then! Any plans on catching/netting them out or are you going to let them grow up amongst the shrimp? I must admit I'm quite surprised about the one on the left! I wouldn't have expected it to hatch before the others! I'm wondering if it is going to end up being an albino cory since peppered are the species that throw albinos so often and the egg was so light!
  19. So basically you're assembling a cory army?! Oh I cannot wait for this. Please, please do a giant cory tank, my eyeballs need to see such a wonderous thing! I wonder if they school all together in those numbers. Would be a sight to behold. I feel like they're petulant little children sometimes and refuse to do their job simply because they want to remind you they have free-will and algae-eating union rights and are actually the ones in charge. These made me laugh, and then sigh because it's very, very accurate. The moss-takeover is looking good! That first piece of wood is stunning; it'll look like something straight out of a dream once the moss grows in! 😍
  20. Thanks for sharing your method! Ooh, hopefully Mother Nature will bring in a good haul!
  21. Like @nabokovfan87 said there is a touch of fungus here and there. Nothing to be incredibly worried about but still of note. The 5 darkest ones (three on top and two up and down towards the bottom) look viable and good to go to me. In my experience even if these eggs get some fungus on them, they are far enough along in the process that it will not hinder their growth or whether or not they hatch. They also look extremely close to hatching to me. You can make out the outline and eyeballs pretty easily so I'd honestly say they're due to hatch any day now! The two white ones on the right I think are a no go and I can't quite tell on the two on the left. I'd say they're probably no good but I see a little tiny outline in one so I'd leave it be and see for a little bit after the others hatch anyway. This is exciting! I didn't see anywhere where you mentioned what type of cories they are? They're bound to be adorable no matter what they are.
  22. Oh wow, walking the beach collecting wood? That's the dream! Interested in your treating method! If they're from brackish water originally I'm curious if there's anything special you have to do to make them freshwater safe! Beautiful pieces of wood too, might I add!
  23. I use malaysian driftwood in with my clown plecos and while I have seen some of it whittle away over time it's definitely not anything you'd have to replace for at LEAST several years!
  24. My curiosity is so piqued I can hardly stand it. I'm dying. Quality over quantity twenty times out of ten. Own experience over the experience of strangers eleven times out of ten. Always take the advice/info from others and keep it in your back pocket, but experience is definitely the most important currency in this hobby.
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