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  1. Hey guys. Ive got some rotalla I purchased over a month ago that isnt looking so hot. It came emersed but seemed like it converted pretty quickly and was doing well for a while. This bunch was cut and tops replanted and they just have not done much since. What do you think they are lacking? planted in pool filter sand. I have split and put a few chunks of seachem and api root tabs, dose potassium and phosphate and nitrates are around 20-40 (I have a hard time reading the test). Perhaps the root tabs are not close enough. leaves seem to have a little brown but cant tell if it is algae or the leaf itself. I am running Co2 at about 15 ppm. Thanks for help in advance!
  2. Well I am finally done! Weather has warmed up and not so worried any more. I found that I needed a heater in the water supply trash can as it very quickly cooled down the cubicles when dripping. I fill it with hose and it takes about a day with an Aquarium Coop 100 watt heater to warm up to 82. Each tote has a heater as well with a small pump to circulate water between totes. Depending on the drip rate, trash can needs to be refilled about every other day. We will see if ammonia becomes an issue as they grow larger. Each cubicle has an overflow with the blue sponge and the tote on the right has an overflow which leads outside the garage. Bottom vid is my favorite out of the batch as its the only white one. Very happy with the outcome however a reservoir for water change water larger than 32 gallons would be nice.
  3. Sorry I haven’t made a ton of progress but I am just about done building the cubicles. Wifey has agreed that moving them to the garage would be risky especially considering it’s supposed to get down to about 10 F on Friday. Hoping to get everything set up and running over holiday break. I ended up using this cheaper white corrugated plastic for the cubicles instead and of the clear because of cost. Trying to hot glue them all was tedious so I ended up tacking them with hot glue then running a bead of silicone 1 over the seams on the outside. I found this really awesome calculator for layout of all the little pieces. https://www.cutlistoptimizer.com/ It helped a ton with figuring out how to cut everything on the table saw and allowed me to change dimensions on the fly to make sure everything fit in 2 sheets of material. Also since we spoke previously I mixed up some DIY Repashy with half free dried brine shrimp, half frozen bloodworms diced up, a few drops of vitamins and some gelatin powder. I need to experiment in getting it to float more though.. I give them a square in the morning so they can pick at it for a while and keep them full longer before I get home from work then a couple more feedings of the new life flakes. Also trying to Increase water change amount but the airline tubing gets clogged with gunk growing in it and slows down over time. The little guys are growing though! Just can’t wait to get them in their new apartments!
  4. Liking the features for the price. Couple questions though. Can rgb be adjusted to my liking individually. It’s says it has sunrise day and night settings, do those ramp up and down automatically or do I need to click a button to change the setting?
  5. Thanks I will check it out. Really love the shadows it casts on that tank to the left. 🙂
  6. Hey peeps! I am looking for a light for a tank around 5 gallons. Not exactly sure what it is. Someone gave it to me and I have not measured it yet. I have serene led lights on my other aquariums and really like the ability to dim and set each rgbw strength. Is there anything else out there in a small package? Also think I would like something that sits higher over the tank so I can grow plants out of the top.
  7. Think I found a solution 🙂 1/2” electrical male adapters going into 3/4 tubing. The male adapters will go inside the tub. If I can find some pro gs or gaskets I will use those inside as well. Otherwise I will cut my own from gasket material shown in the background. If water makes it back through the threads I will put Vaseline on them. Not super worried about a few drips. Will be pretty happy if this works. Bulkhead fittings are $16! Almost bought this thingy. Has everything needed and semi flexible but was too long for my liking. Only about $6.
  8. Yea I am doing this in a stand alone garage with no heat. I think it was down to 40F the other night and maintained temp but that was without insulation. I have the other tub complete just need to figure out how to connect them. I am considering trying the No drill vacuume tube setup. The sides are angled so I can’t do bulkhead fittings straight between them. Here is link for the tote. https://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-14-Gal-Tough-Storage-Tote-in-Black-with-Yellow-Lid-SW111/314468098?MERCH=REC-_-pip_alternatives-_-311021551-_-314468098-_-N&&mtc=SEM-BF-CDP-GGL-D59S-023_007_ORGANIZATION-NA-NA-NA-DSA-2998358-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA&cm_mmc=SEM-BF-CDP-GGL-D59S-023_007_ORGANIZATION-NA-NA-NA-DSA-2998358-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-NA-71700000101062026-58700008077109942-39700073445997544&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UeLjPtmHiTsTVpUI7S5hk1bl&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UeLjPtmHiTsTVpUI7S5hk1bl&gclid=CjwKCAiAs8acBhA1EiwAgRFdw1F8Is8FUXKuSQkG-gkGWAGBIPlgkeDXydXqNQGAXFz9UJg99PtC7xoCae4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds The insulation has been sitting in my garage for years. It is installed shiny side facing in.
  9. 1st tub insulated on bottom and sides! Workbench has been leveled and reinforced to support weight. Just need to drain the other tub and insulate that one.
  10. I agree. It is laying flat on bottom and up against intake now.
  11. Problem solved I think! All a matter of water flow. I swapped it to a bucket back inside and it was reading correctly. Took it back outside and placed it in the tote and watched it. temperature rose to 85 which is what it was set at then kept climbing. I moved it up against the filter intake and watched numbers fall back to 85. It seems I simply underestimated the amount of flow it needed to work properly? I am going to continue monitoring though. I dont understand how in a 14 gallon tote the water temp would not all equalize?
  12. Dang.. So i put in one of my other heaters and it is reading 75 while the coop heater was reading 88. 75 corresponds exactly with the mercury thermometer.
  13. Just did a count and I have 27. I do have some snails in the sump and can move in with them :). Having issues with the heater though so that has help up progress. Now that I know hoe many there are I can start mathing out how many cubicles I need to make.
  14. I dealt with this a while back and found that Lowes and Home Depot’s glass was too thin to be comfortable with. Maybe you would have better luck. I also looked online and replacement tops were pretty pricy. I ended up going with clear corrugated plastic.
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