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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Bought a 10 pack of nettle shrimp lollies. This within 2 minutes. There are a lot of wilds in the 29, so I put one in there too, but they didn’t go for it. I think they are nervous about the fish. I don’t really want this to be an expensive snail treat, but I left it in there because I saw a shrimp or two near it, eyeing it. I did put it in a plant to hopefully make them feel more comfortable. I had to leave home. Later it will be gone and I won’t know who ate it. 🥲 Ah well. Romeo and Bon Bon are enjoying it for now.
  2. I love when they all parasnail down at once. The tank rains snails. It’s adorable. What color are yours?
  3. Are you feeding them? Swirling Repashy powder into the water or something to coat the walls?
  4. And nerites apparently. Although it’s not too obvious in nerites.
  5. Thanks for looking up the data on Syfo @dasaltemelosguy. Do ramshorns have operculums @Guppysnail?
  6. Wow @Goldie Blue. Hope you guys feel better soon. Also congrats on the fertile clutch!
  7. I see a lot of nerite food in there 🙂
  8. That’s deceptive marketing!!!🥲 Look how much bigger the word seltzer is on that label! 😭 Well. Now we know! Lol P.S. Syfo kills ramshorns. I will see if I can find the photo of that.
  9. Above that it says seltzer. confusing, no? The bubbles in it are very big (bigger than say, a La Croix) and the fizz sound is quite audible.
  10. I do a 12 hour soak with Syfo seltzer. I keep the plants in a dark area during that time. I weigh the plants down, then I cover with an upside down cardboard box or a towel. @Guppysnail is right though. These MTS could have been in my tank for a long time (from pre-RR days) and I was never aware of them. Before the RR thread went up, I was doing a 15-20 sec salt dip on plants, but Nibbles survived that. This particular tank has been running for 11 years. That is perfect! 🤣😂
  11. This is a hybrid Father Fish method tank. Dirty gravel (intentional), for plant roots to utilize and spread out into, with 2” sand cap, for extra filtration: to encourage both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria which cannot be accomplished with gravel. Told you MTS would have fun in there! 😂 🐚
  12. Stirring? Not gonna happen, Gup. Plus there’s a retired UGF plate in there. They can do what they want. LOL. They are probably having a blast in my tank. Kind of cool, actually. #ecosystem My theory, and I may be totally wrong on this, is that people that see their MTS all over the walls etc is because they ran out of food and needed to come out to seek more.
  13. Reporting here “for the good of science”. I have been using Reverse Respiration on all my newly purchased plants. I have not purchased any new plants for my 29 gallon tank in at least a month (3/31). Just last week I discovered a living Malaysian Trumpet snail in the 29g during tank maintenance. Yesterday another. Seems RR doesn’t work on these. Another aquarist who has had them before says they live through anything by tightly shutting their trapdoors. I cannot confirm/deny that as fact. Just reporting I have these snails now. I was suuuper surprised! Perhaps they will be good tank cleaners. Perhaps they will take over the world. We will find out! 🙃
  14. You guys will be proud of me. I saw mold. So Disinfecting all of the things. Pump is in there and running.
  15. Looking into a tank size upgrade for him.
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