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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I believe @Irene has mollies. Maybe she can help? I think she has a gourami too!
  2. It looks good. I would think the gourami and the mollies can cohabitate in a larger tank, unless you are planning on breeding the mollies. Tagging @Hobbit and @Guppysnail who have gouramis so they can weigh in. Not sure who has mollies but they are similar to platies, so maybe @Theplatymaster can help review this also?
  3. In my signature line below is a care sheet.
  4. Mama shrimp hangs out in different spots in the tank, but always upside down. She doesn’t want to take the chance of dropping her eggs. She got startled by another shrimp the other day and bolted, but instinctually embraced the eggs. I wonder if she has done this before. Before I adopted her. Does anyone know the timeline for incubation-to-hatch?
  5. Does this mean the betta and hillstream are not eating great? @xXInkedPhoenixX has a hillstream loach and may know the answer to the salt question.
  6. A bitterness hits the back of the throat. The same thing happens to me when I refill my Splenda Tupperware for my coffee, but that is more pleasant. 🙂 Looks the same as when I used it. Once you complete treatment and start doing your water changes, it will go away. At that time, you can add carbon to help remove it. Just set a mesh bag or pantyhose full of carbon on top of the sponge filter.
  7. Just look away when you dump the packet so you don’t breathe it in. That stuff is powdery! (Ask me how I know this) 🤣
  8. You could also put some tank water into a small cup and then stir the medicine into that before adding to the tank. I think I did have excess bubbles on the surface when I used Maracyn. Medications do change the viscosity of the water.
  9. The Most Effective Treatments of Commonly-Posted Diseases is the thread that @Colu created. Also here’s a great blog post on aquarium salt usage.
  10. This is from the Fritz disease chart, which shows some treatment options for gill flukes. Photo of the fish would help. Tagging @Colu who has a wonderful “common diseases” thread here on the forum, and they may have an idea of the best course since the first medicine you tried did not solve the problem. Have you tried aquarium salt? Aquarium salt works wonders for many diseases.
  11. Here’s an idea for a quick tank setup. If you do not have a spare, seasoned filter you can use bottled bacteria to get it going and stay on top of water testing to make sure levels are ok. If any problems do water changes with Seachem Prime until the tote gets established (cycled; readings remain stable). Another idea is to put a post, perhaps on the Nextdoor app, that you would like to adopt out fish. There are bound to be hobbyists near you that can help. Or they may be able to provide used filter media to you so you can start up the tank easily (it will already be cycled). Technically the betta can stay in the 2.5 gallon “for now” but should be upgraded soon or she will be unhappy and will feel trapped. Betta are intelligent fish, and their environment and swimming space matter for their well being. A mystery snail has a heavy bioload and really should be in a larger tank, I’d say minimum 10 gallon.
  12. Hmm. I have 6 adult mysteries and a nerite in a 29 gallon planted tank. The tank has a smell but I would describe it as “earthy” from the plants, not like old milk, and I certainly wouldn’t say the smell engulfs a room. I have to get very close to the water to detect a smell. Is 3 gallons the size of your tank or the amount of water you are changing out? Also does your tap water smell? If you put it into a cup and smell it? I’m wondering if your water source contains sulfur, because sulfur has a rotten egg smell. Has the airline come loose from the sponge filter, and the water is not actually filtering? Does the water look clear or kind of milky? Is there a film on top of the water? Are bubbles or a foam lingering on the surface without popping? I would recommend adding carbon to your filter for a while as it will remove the odor and help clarify the water. You can place it into a mesh bag or pantyhose, and place that on top of your sponge filter. (Rinse the carbon first) Another thing you can try is to add some bottled bacteria such as Fritz Zyme 7 so that there is more bacteria to consume waste and bring balance.
  13. I used to have thin ones years ago. They looked like mini rebar. Not sure if/where they are still available.
  14. Congratulations! I am not sure if you have Java moss around, but mine really enjoyed Java moss.
  15. I take a ramekin and put the frozen cube in, then I use the pipette to put tank water over the cube. This thaws it right away. Then I pour a little of the food into the tank, wait for them to eat it, then pour in more. When they lose interest or start spitting it out, I know they are full. I can then use the pipette to put the leftover food/tank water (if any) into the frozen cube tray to refreeze into a new cube. I give my betta 4 or 5 bloodworms with the aquascaping tongs. Sometimes I drag it through the water and he chases it down. Staves off boredom and gives him intent and purpose. I also do a good rotation so they get the proper nutrition.
  16. You can just use the dosing on the bottle. Dose for full tank volume since this is newly filled with tap water.
  17. @Tam Hydrogen peroxide is a good choice for sanitizing also. I believe @Colu and @Odd Duck use it.
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