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I have a 40 breeder with 2 violet discus they are a pair I also have 1 L193 gold nugget pleco. The tank is pretty heavily planted new fluval 3.0 light coming in my last one died. I have a fluval 207 canister filter. I check my water every two weeks and everything is perfect. This is my college tank. The two discus and pleco are the only fish in there is that overstocked? I have two more years of college so most likely afterwards I would get a 125 but could the discus get to full grown and the pleco is already full grown and live in the 40 breeder? The second picture is an old one.



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I've seen 40 gallon tanks used for breeding pairs of Discus as the bare minimum. I don't think at that point I'd keep them with a Gold Nugget Pleco. Those two look like some of the wild caught Discus I kept years ago. Beautiful fish!

Here's an article that might give you a bit more insight, and also has some informative links:



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Yes, it can work fine. A lot can go wrong in 2 years’ time, but hopefully not in your case. Discus enjoy being in a school or colony setting. But if these are a confirmed pair, maybe they’ll be fine just the two of them. Looks beautiful!

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9 minutes ago, Stephen Zawacki said:


What is the best way to feed discus will they eat the food off the bottom, and if they don’t I have a L 193 gold nugget pleco will it eat the blood worms


Discus will eat all through the water column if they’re hungry. Ours eat top floating flakes, sinking pellets, algae wafers, but best of all, BLACK WORMS!


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Lets just say this...

In my 40 breeder I have...

-Angels x2

-Cardinal Tetras x6

-Danios x6

-Bristlenose Pleco

-Upside Down Catfish x2

And I've had 0 problems. So knowing that this tank doesn't have any plants, is working fine, the fact that you have live plants means that no, your tank is not  overstocked.

Infact I have gone multiple weeks without doing any matnience, and every fish is doing just fine. I'll be doing a waterchange tommorow though.

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I really would like to know if it is I have a pair of discus almost full grown, 1 L193 gold nugget pleco, and 3 panda garas. Is the tank overstocked I talked to my local fish store any info is great. Also just to give more information for  an better answer the discus are between a baseball and softball.  And also will the discus eat xtreme community flakes?


Edited by Stephen Zawacki
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I have always had great luck with most frozen foods like beef heart and bloodworms. Best results are with a floating strainer to drop the cube in. 

Also I feed chopped up red worms I raise and some pellet. They seem to love everything. No experience seeing them feed on the bottom. 

On a related note, if you want to see a larger Cichlid go nuts, feed them whole red worms. They suck them in so fast that worm is probably wondering where the heck he is way before he realizes it's too late. 

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8 hours ago, Stephen Zawacki said:

What is the best way to feed discus will they eat the food off the bottom

Yes, discus will eat off the bottom and floating and in the water column. As @Fish Folk and @Philip both mention above, discus love worms of all sorts. Here is a video of some of my discus eat blackworms off the bottom:


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I put one of the cone worm feeder things in the tank with my discus, and they pretty much ignore the bloodworms and blackworms in it, and wait until they fall out. I usually just throw the frozen cubes in and let thaw, they pick them off as they fall. Mine will also eat flakes and pellets all through the water column and off the bottom. 

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My discus eat Xtreme community flakes as well as the krill flakes. I also feed a high protein pellet food, and frozen brine, bloodworms, and live blackworms. 

I would say your tank is not overstocked. Is the two that you have a pair, as in have spawned together? If so, I would not add any more discus as they will harass the outsider.  

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Forty gallons is great for a pair of discus. When I bred discus years ago, I kept all my spawning pairs in 20 gallon highs, and from what it looks like on videos I have seen of Dean's fish room, it looks like he does the same. As long as you keep on top of water parameters you will be fine.  

I tried to look up the L193 pleco to see how big they get, but that number is not one of the gold nuggets, it shows as one often called a black devil pleco. I am guessing you meant L139, which does get a little large, like around 10-12" so over time, between it and two adult discus, you may have to upgrade tanks or separate. 

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9 hours ago, JamesB said:

Lets just say this...

In my 40 breeder I have...

-Angels x2

-Cardinal Tetras x6

-Danios x6

-Bristlenose Pleco

-Upside Down Catfish x2

And I've had 0 problems. So knowing that this tank doesn't have any plants, is working fine, the fact that you have live plants means that no, your tank is not  overstocked.

Infact I have gone multiple weeks without doing any matnience, and every fish is doing just fine. I'll be doing a waterchange tommorow though.


I know it's not a competition, but I also have a 40 gallon breeder tank.  It currently holds 9 pearl gouramis (7 are juveniles), 15 serpae tetras, 10 pristella tetras, and 9 Corydoras trilineatus.  It helps that it's so heavily planted that I can usually only see 10 or so fish, except at feeding time.

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Hi I have a question I have a 40 breeder with a pair of discus not full grown, 1 L139 gold nugget pleco, and 3 panda garas. First off currently is it overstocked, and secondly when everything is full grown will it be overstocked. If Corey and Dean could respond that would be great but I will take any info from anyone. I'm limited with tank size due to college.



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40B is too small for discus - not enough vertical space when they become adults.... imho. As for actual stocking - this is what i have in my 40B

3 cockatoo

3 nannacara

10 orange laser cory

12 pygmy cory laser

8 forktail

12 kubotai rasbora

2 lemon bn (these are a bit on the small size for bn - esp the female)

1 clown pleco (if i didn't know he existed he doesn't)

some random number of guppies (5? 7?) and recently about 20 frys (not sure if they are guppies)


Anyway is your tank overstock - well the bigger issue is the pleco and discus you have are going to struggle in 18 months.... if you get them that far....

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Given the tag, @JamesB I gather that the 6 other replies given were not reassuring enough and only Cory's (or possibly Dean's) opinion will do. We may as well stop trying to help. 

I could affirm again that his tank is not overstocked, but he would just repost to try to get his question in front of an expert. We could explain again about bioloads, filtration, water changing schedules, physical constraints, and potential issues down the road, but we are not celebrities, and his question is totally unique and has never been asked on this forum before.

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Sure. But I don't discount everyone else's experience, or spam the site.

To be fair, this could be an error--maybe he just couldn't find the previous post and thought it disappeared. Good of you to remind me that I should not assume the worst. Tough day at the lab, apologies to all.

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