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Found one of my otocinclus belly up today when putting root tabs down. No visible signs of injury. I thought it was a shrimp when I first saw it but realized it was belly up. Makes me wonder how does everyone find their dead fish? My first fish death, they are so fun to watch flitting around the tank, but I've read in a couple of places that it's not uncommon to lose otos because of how they are farmed. I asked the lfs guy to pick me out some chubby ones to increase their chance of survival. Watched another oto spend a good 30 minutes cleaning a snail. 

Joined Band today to see if anyone in the Circle City Aquarium Club breeds Staeck Endlers, they're at the top of my list of fish for the tank. 

Oto cleaning snail.jpg

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On 12/10/2022 at 2:36 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I’m not done yet. That power strip really needs to come up off the floor. And the inside of the cabinet will need to be cleaned up too, but at least it’s out of sight.

Definitely don't look at my setup. LOL. Plugs are off the floor thankfully, but no real way to manage cables nicely.

I really like the way it cleans up the look, nice work!

On 12/10/2022 at 2:36 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


I bet you can get a tank right there now 😂

On 12/10/2022 at 2:32 PM, JJenna said:

Found one of my otocinclus belly up today when putting root tabs down. No visible signs of injury. I thought it was a shrimp when I first saw it but realized it was belly up. Makes me wonder how does everyone find their dead fish?

I'm very sorry for your loss.  I really love otos too.  I have found some dead fish buried in sand, stuck against filters, stuck in weird places that fish don't normally sit.  I try to check every day the waterline and the bottom of the tank, but sometimes fish just die in very hidden places 😞 .

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On 12/10/2022 at 5:32 PM, JJenna said:

 Makes me wonder how does everyone find their dead fish? My first fish death, they are so fun to watch flitting around the tank, but I've read in a couple of places that it's not uncommon to lose otos because of how they are farmed. I asked the lfs guy to pick me out some chubby ones to increase their chance of survival. Watched another oto spend a good 30 minutes cleaning a snail. 

Joined Band today to see if anyone in the Circle City Aquarium Club breeds Staeck Endlers, they're at the top of my list of fish for the tank. 

I like Staeck's too. They are on my maybe list for spring.

I usually find dead fish laying on the bottom, stiff. Very distressing. My tanks are heavily planted so I sometimes lose small fish like Endlers and do not find bodies. 😞

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Took a picture of my crypt clump; i  was going to post it in that thread but can't find it; sadly the panda refused to move. I whacked him over the head a few times but he just ignored me the blood hard headed critter.



These are mostly nuri rosen and luminous green with a bit of nuri pink line. You can't really see the difference; when the plants are young it is more pronounced. I really need to thin this mess out but i'm going to wait till i move in may. This is really only one small section of the crypts; i have a huge pile of pink jacobi on the other side and a couple of large wenditti in the back and even a cordata  var siamensis buried on the other side near the jacobi. Too many plants in too small an aquarium. You start out with not enough plants and think *hum... maybe i should add some more"... just don't. They grow and grow and grow and grow and well keep growing. They go up and down and all around and never stop growing. 


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Tested the water in both my tanks - looks good. I noticed that my yellow walls could be used as an emergency ammonia reference. 😉 Thanked a few ramshorn snails for their service and added them to my compost pile. Did a small water change on my Pygmy corydoras QT tank. I’m so worried they won’t make it! 

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I finally got my vetetan brokenness all pointed in the same direction and got the two 50 gallons on the rack upgrade.

The shelves are 2x 1/2 plywood on top of the kobalt rack steel. 1/2" thick foam gym flooring smooth size up is the cushion. Getting the spacing right was a challenge but it seemz about perfect.

4 wild caught hairy puffers near tank. A herd of F1 mekong puffers far tank. 


The plan for the bottom is two 40 breeders already here and just waiting for this step to be completed . Not entirely sure who will go where yet. I expect the palustris adults will swap tanks with the 4 juvenile hairys and I will reorganize all tanks for easier observation and egg collection

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Really kids?  This is how we’re playing today?  We talked about this while I was adding the new swords.  I told you this was unacceptable behavior.  Things were fine last night when I went to bed and now we have this, this morning when the lights come on.  Ugh.  Angels are still cichlids.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 



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On 12/12/2022 at 10:12 AM, Odd Duck said:

Really kids?  This is how we’re playing today?  We talked about this while I was adding the new swords.  I told you this was unacceptable behavior.  Things were fine last night when I went to bed and now we have this, this morning when the lights come on.  Ugh.  Angels are still cichlids.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 



From the static picture it is hard to tell what happened; but one thing i will note is i don't see any hiding places in your aquarium. In my 120 there are dense sections of plants an angel who feels like it is being abused will go and hang out when everyone picks on him.

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On 12/12/2022 at 10:21 AM, anewbie said:

From the static picture it is hard to tell what happened; but one thing i will note is i don't see any hiding places in your aquarium. In my 120 there are dense sections of plants an angel who feels like it is being abused will go and hang out when everyone picks on him.

The whole other end of the tank is hiding places, not to mention the bunch of Amazon swords packed in the middle. This area is the most open.  They just happen to be obsessing over the new, tall, ‘Yellow Sun’ swords I added.  They are eating the ‘Marble Queen’ pair that I added just left of center, see the nearly empty stems?  🤦🏻‍♀️  Not touching the shorter E. reni on far left or the ‘Big Bear’ just right of the new reni.  🤷🏻‍♀️ The ‘Marble Queen’ came in looking rough but I didn’t expect them to eat nearly all the leaves.  I guess we’ll see what survives.



I took this pic yesterday.  There were a bunch all lined up next to it.  🤦🏻‍♀️

The BSP pair on the far right rule that corner and are often cleaning the backside of that petrified wood piece (they’re getting their own 20 high later this week).  The ex-boyfriend BSP is right now watching his ex soulfully again, almost exactly like this pic.



Edited by Odd Duck
Fix autocorrect wrongness.
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The plants aren't really dense enough for hiding - this is what i have; not saying this is great layout or anything but a fish can totally hide on either the left or right:


I had a total wipe out this summer when some cherry barbs from a bad seller killed most of my fish; the meds disolved most of the plants - i guess it was june or july but the plants have mostly recovered 'cept the java fern which is still a bit weak.


My first impression was that most of your swords are in emersed form (obviously not the amazon sword in the middle left back). I've not had problems with the angles eating too much of the plants (I do have a queen behind the jungle val); but the festum have been nibbling on the Frans Stoffels but once the leaves get larger they stop - it is the plant behind the coconut shell just left; there is a second one burried in the pso that is growing even if you can't see it 😉 


What substrate do you have ? I hate mine and it will be replaced when i move in may (of course these guys will be moved into a 550 as well); btw this aquarium is 24 inches tall to put scale on the plant heights. 

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On 12/12/2022 at 12:38 PM, anewbie said:

The plants aren't really dense enough for hiding - this is what i have; not saying this is great layout or anything but a fish can totally hide on either the left or right:


I had a total wipe out this summer when some cherry barbs from a bad seller killed most of my fish; the meds disolved most of the plants - i guess it was june or july but the plants have mostly recovered 'cept the java fern which is still a bit weak.


My first impression was that most of your swords are in emersed form (obviously not the amazon sword in the middle left back). I've not had problems with the angles eating too much of the plants (I do have a queen behind the jungle val); but the festum have been nibbling on the Frans Stoffels but once the leaves get larger they stop - it is the plant behind the coconut shell just left; there is a second one burried in the pso that is growing even if you can't see it 😉 


What substrate do you have ? I hate mine and it will be replaced when i move in may (of course these guys will be moved into a 550 as well); btw this aquarium is 24 inches tall to put scale on the plant heights. 

Your tank looks great!

It’s a bit of a long story on this young tank.  I did a long dry start to get Fissidens geppii established on the wood on the left.  Then planted the heck out of it and flooded.  Then went through a massive green water because I was working way more hours than I wanted and didn’t get enough water changes done.  Then the hair algae came along.  When I finally got my koi angels (the 3 BSP and the Santa Isabella cross went in first), I ended up with almost double the number I wanted but I didn’t have a grow out tank big enough for them at the time so I figured I’d just grow them up in the tank.

I’m now ready to part with some and just making up my minds which ones are going.  I never intended to have this many angels in the tank and purposely tried for something closer to a biotope (within reason for a “small” glass box and still provide cover).  5-6 of the largest, prettiest kois are going into a 29 this week to hopefully get a nice pair, the rest will go back in here.  I’ll be removing at least 6-7 of the smallest soon for local sale.  Then the crowd will be pared down for more elbow room as they keep growing.  I’m hoping to get a little more variety in the tank.  I wanted koi angels, but not this many.  😃 

Back to the plants, there are far more plants in there than you can tell right now.  I’ve been struggling with motivation for a bit since work has needed me to cover for other docs that either quit or were out sick.  I find it very hard to work 12-16 hour shifts then work on fish tanks the next day.  🤷🏻‍♀️ Work is finally getting settled so I hope to get tanks back into shape.  There’s a beautiful ‘Red Flame’ sword right next to the ‘Marble Queens’ buried in BBA and trimmed down to practically nothing.  I’ve given it root tabs when I put in more swords and I’ve treated the BBA once, needs treated at least a couple more times, I’m sure.  There are more radicans at the feet of the new ones.  I just need to treat the BBA a couple more times and they should kick into gear since they also got root tabs.

Working this many hours hasn’t been good for my 60 year old bod.  Sucks the steam right out of me for having any ambition to work on tanks.  I’ve been doing pretty good just to get feeding and water changes done.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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On 12/12/2022 at 12:56 PM, Odd Duck said:

Your tank looks great!

It’s a bit of a long story on this young tank.  I did a long dry start to get Fissidens geppii established on the wood on the left.  Then planted the heck out of it and flooded.  Then went through a massive green water because I was working way more hours than I wanted and didn’t get enough water changes done.  Then the hair algae came along.  When I finally got my koi angels (the 3 BSP and the Santa Isabella cross went in first), I ended up with almost double the number I wanted but I didn’t have a grow out tank big enough for them at the time so I figured I’d just grow them up in the tank.

I’m now ready to part with some and just making up my minds which ones are going.  I never intended to have this many angels in the tank and purposely tried for something closer to a biotope (within reason for a “small” glass box and still provide cover).  5-6 of the largest, prettiest kois are going into a 29 this week to hopefully get a nice pair, the rest will go back in here.  I’ll be removing at least 6-7 of the smallest soon for local sale.  Then the crowd will be pared down for more elbow room as they keep growing.  I’m hoping to get a little more variety in the tank.  I wanted koi angels, but not this many.  😃 

Back to the plants, there are far more plants in there than you can tell right now.  I’ve been struggling with motivation for a bit since work has needed me to cover for other docs that either quit or were out sick.  I find it very hard to work 12-16 hour shifts then work on fish tanks the next day.  🤷🏻‍♀️ Work is finally getting settled so I hope to get tanks back into shape.  There’s a beautiful ‘Red Flame’ sword right next to the ‘Marble Queens’ buried in BBA and trimmed down to practically nothing.  I’ve given it root tabs when I put in more swords and I’ve treated the BBA once, needs treated at least a couple more times, I’m sure.  There are more radicans at the feet of the new ones.  I just need to treat the BBA a couple more times and they should kick into gear since they also got root tabs.

Working this many hours hasn’t been good for my 60 year old bod.  Sucks the steam right out of me for having any ambition to work on tanks.  I’ve been doing pretty good just to get feeding and water changes done.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I had bba issue for a while but then suddenly it just seemed to vanish; maybe one day it will come back. The festums certianly crowd things up in my tank and they are not exactly lambs; but i keep telling myself wait till May to address things. In may when i move i'll be setting up a 550 and 450 and these guys will get split up depending on aggression and other factors. My little platinum (2nd smallest angle in the picture; likely a female) is a little devil; but the marbles (at least 3 are males) are well behaved but the festium... don't ever close your eyes on them. 


I assume your substrate is pfs is that correct ?

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On 12/12/2022 at 1:10 PM, anewbie said:

I had bba issue for a while but then suddenly it just seemed to vanish; maybe one day it will come back. The festums certianly crowd things up in my tank and they are not exactly lambs; but i keep telling myself wait till May to address things. In may when i move i'll be setting up a 550 and 450 and these guys will get split up depending on aggression and other factors. My little platinum (2nd smallest angle in the picture; likely a female) is a little devil; but the marbles (at least 3 are males) are well behaved but the festium... don't ever close your eyes on them. 


I assume your substrate is pfs is that correct ?

That darn BBA sure can get ahead of a person!

Yes, it’s PFS over top of a layer of high clay soil (baked to eliminate weed seeds and critters) and sprinkled with Osmocote Plus granules (the Smart Release Outdoor and Indoor, 11 essential nutrients, blah, blah).  That’s what my root tabs are made with also.  I also add Easy Green and Easy Iron.  I have a whole set from GLA but haven’t gotten around to getting going with that, but I think I need to and soon.

Time to get ready for work.

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Not a lot hobby wise today besides taking a small cutting from my Fittonia plant and putting it in my tank filter to see if it will root, but I did manage to write a 3 and a half page paper for one of my finals so still an overall productive day. I also found some pearlweed still growing in my Walstad setup that I thought had all died off which was a nice surprise. 

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On 12/13/2022 at 5:09 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

Water changes and fed the puffers. One of the Spotted congos had some tough decisions to make. Too many bladder snails to choose 




Such a hard life living in your tanks and having to make those tough, life-altering choices. 😆 

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I spent a little bit of time trying to read my shark book sitting next to the tank, but it wasn't quiet enough (noise on the other side of the walls in my room) and that led to me just staring at the tank.

I watched the bigger Corydoras standing around their fry and just observing them do their thing. The fish are getting very comfortable and having a good time exploring their bigger surroundings. My hope is that the flow and all that isn't too much.  I have a piece of seiryu that have a face on it with 3-4 big gouges. I have it oriented with the craggy face towards the front, moss on top. I watched 2-3 fry pop out of the cracks they are calling home now and watching them go out into the moss to find something to nibble on. I looked to the left and watched more fry going around the tank, through the S. Repens garden and just seeing all the different sizes and development rates. Some are still clear, some have patters, some are gigantic! It was just good to see them doing their thing.

Reminded me why I cherish that species of fish, the admiration I have for how the parents can care and spend time with the fry. Among other reasons.

Then I broke a diffuser trying to replace it! Rookie mistake using a glass style diffuser, but I'll hopefully find a replacement when need be.

I'll keep an eye on CO2 changes tomorrow morning. It's a very different setup with the replacement diffuser and a very different setup on the regulator valve. We'll see.

I dialed the lights back by an hour and dropped intensity again. Just too much algae right now for its own good.

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Added an airline splitter to the pump running the airstone in the pickle jar and threw an airstone in the back of my Spec where I've noticed a dead zone flow wise. Already noticed a difference in water circulation! Next step is to streamline all the tubing so it's not all over my desk but I'm out of airline tubing holders. 

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