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What do you like to do other than fish


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Cello, studying animals, guinea pigs, science olympiad. You can kind of tell my interests by looking at my bookshelf. I have way too many animal encyclopedias... (amongst other things like fish and guinea pig guides, history books, field guides, birwatching guides, and only some novels). The medals and trophies are from science olympiad (mostly ecology related events), Battle of the Books (my parents forced me to do this at first, but I kept going. I didn't necessarily like it that much but I was only in it to win the medals and the trophies. Now that I am way past elementary school I don't do it anymore), and cross country. My fishkeeping hobby started only a few years ago, but has now dominated over my other hobbies for the time being.


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Cooking (and eating), have now 1 parrot as I had to put down the other, model trains (have around 50 engines and more than 100 cars and coaches), flying and now fish keeping. Once the ranges open the Mrs. and I will also start sport shooting.

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Aquarium, photography now as a hobby but still with the same equipment, reading, hiking in our National and State Parks, birding, rockhounding/fossil hunting/panning, our hummingbird and butterfly garden, snorkeling whenever I can still get to where I used to go in the South, history, and I dabble in playing my steel tongue drum. 

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I read, write, bead, crochet, cross stitch (though not recently), and do photography when I can get out into nature and enjoy it.

@Trish Fellow spinner! I haven't been able to do it since we moved to where we are right now, since my wheel and all is in storage. Looking forward to getting back to it when I can. I have lots of fiber I need to use up!

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11 minutes ago, Dawn T said:

I read, write, bead, crochet, cross stitch (though not recently), and do photography when I can get out into nature and enjoy it.

@Trish Fellow spinner! I haven't been able to do it since we moved to where we are right now, since my wheel and all is in storage. Looking forward to getting back to it when I can. I have lots of fiber I need to use up!

@Dawn Thave been spinning since the 70's and will probably downsize from 3 wheels, 2 electrics, 1 Indian Head on a Singer.  Washing fleece is more work now than doing water changes on fish tanks!  I love my drop spindles too.  I was lucky to fall on a Shetland flock, all colours, most is washed thank goodness.  Get that foot a treadling! :classic_smile:

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Paddle-boarding. Even have a wet-suit for when the water temps get colder out.

Play the keyboard. Recently got a new keyboard workstation synthesizer. I like to make a simple backing track and then play over it.

Video games: I enjoy playing some smash bros and play Mobile Legends with my girlfriend.

Mountain Biking: Good excuse to get outdoors and get some exercise.

Drinking with friends at a bar / restaurant (preferably with live music)

And if I'm not doing one of those things, I'm probably working or doing chores. 


Tonight I'm going out to a bar and one of my friend's friend is going to be playing a DJ set. First live music even I've been to since COVID!

Edited by BigRedd
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On 3/21/2021 at 3:28 PM, Streetwise said:

Sailboat racing is a huge passion of mine. I can’t wait to get back out on the water after a lost summer.


I'm jealous!  I always say "I need more boaty friends!"  I've only sailed once.  Out the Golden Gate and back in around Alcatraz.  Best morning ever!  Now I live in a place where there are many ponds to putter around on.  Oh, I miss big water!

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@OnlyGenusCaps, let me know where you live, and I bet that I can find you a sailing opportunity. The secret is that everyone who races a sailboat needs crew, and totally depends upon them for a functional team. My father always preferred to train new crew with little experience, because they didn’t have any bad habits.

I am on the lowest-cost end of sailboat racing, with a used Subaru budget. However, even the big budget programs have college kids, teachers, retail workers, tech folks, etc. onboard. Anyone who shows up on-time is welcome.

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1 hour ago, Streetwise said:

@OnlyGenusCaps, let me know where you live, and I bet that I can find you a sailing opportunity. The secret is that everyone who races a sailboat needs crew, and totally depends upon them for a functional team. My father always preferred to train new crew with little experience, because they didn’t have any bad habits.

I am on the lowest-cost end of sailboat racing, with a used Subaru budget. However, even the big budget programs have college kids, teachers, retail workers, tech folks, etc. onboard. Anyone who shows up on-time is welcome.


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Fun story about sailing: in the early 30s, my grandfather (then 18) was part of a sailing trip from San Francisco to Hawaii. It took them several weeks. They had a cook on board and everything! They pre-wrote post cards to their parents and left them with a friend on the mainland, and when they reached certain milestones they’d telegraph their location to their friend, who would write the location on a postcard and mail it.

The ship still exists today, actually! It’s called the Wander Bird. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/THIS-BIRD-HAS-FLOWN-Rejuvenated-Schooner-Sets-2983947.php#photo-2267100 Although it was in a collision in 2019. They were able to re-float it but I’m not sure how much of the original ship they were able to preserve.

On a different topic, @Trish and @Dawn T I’ve toyed around with the idea of raising angora rabbits and selling their wool, but I have no interest whatsoever in spinning. You’ve given me hope that there might be people out there willing to buy un-spun wool!

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There sure are a lot of talented and nerdy people on here!  The world would be a better place if it were filled with aquarists.

Having a toddler means almost all hobbies are gone, but I'm planning on connecting more with the outdoors for my mental health this next year.  Shrimping, crabbing, and fishing for meat as a sort of return to the old ways.  As my father is slipping away, I am seeing things through his eyes more, and the rightness of getting your food yourself is starting to appeal me.

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42 minutes ago, Littlefish said:

There sure are a lot of talented and nerdy people on here!  The world would be a better place if it were filled with aquarists.

Having a toddler means almost all hobbies are gone, but I'm planning on connecting more with the outdoors for my mental health this next year.  Shrimping, crabbing, and fishing for meat as a sort of return to the old ways.  As my father is slipping away, I am seeing things through his eyes more, and the rightness of getting your food yourself is starting to appeal me.

Sorry to hear about your father, I can relate to that (my stepmother passed a few years ago). I've always wanted to be able to grow/farm my own food but never had the space to do it. On top of that we're surrounded by local farms that make cheap food for us all locally.

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4 minutes ago, Fishdude said:

I'm a professor of Human Development and Family Studies. So basically Applied developmental psychology.

Cool, I took some of that for my B.S.N. in Nursing, if only I could've combined it with my graduate degrees in Mass Communication, emphasis on Photography, and American Studies, all of that would have really added up to something.

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