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On 8/4/2023 at 11:59 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How’s Bubbles doing??

Bubbles got 5 new friends yesterday. Bubbles is a spit fire and had them all pinned to the back corner’s yesterday. Today she is doing more pleasant meet and greet. One of the 5 is a bit sluggish but eating. I’m suspecting got jostled a bit in in shipping. 
Bubbles turned out to be Dory and laid eggs without a mate. I put her in the tank the night before the new kids arrived. I was leary of putting her in before Qt if the group but fearful they would establish themselves and pick on Dory. The place I ordered from had fantastic reviews so I’m chancing keeping them together in their forever home. Other than shrimp they have no tankmates and I just replaced substrate so all plants are easily removed to RR if I do need to medicate. They look good though and are all eating very well. 

Im hoping Dory finds a mate. If she does I will rehome the rest of the group so they can hopefully have babies and raise them in peace. 
If Dory does not pick a mate she will return to the 10 she was in and I will keep a mated pair of the new kids. 

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The new Laetacara curviceps are settling in. As I suspected the one is injured not ill. He scoots about eating well. He can swim but I can see he puts extra effort and experiences discomfort doing so. 
Dory chases the others away when they get to curious about the injured one. She even left him hang out under her pot. 

His injury appears to be only bruising. I suspect from the delivery man actually twirling the box on the way up my drive 😡

The bruise is in an area with no major organs so I think he will recover just fine. 

I’ve not cleaned the water marks on the glass. I don’t want to spook them until they settle in. 91E382ED-5438-4723-8F5F-B9B8F08776B1.jpeg.357e05554a1778cdea11d0c389e755c2.jpeg






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DK is a very LOUD cat, too!  I used to have a louder cat though, and his name was Meow.  He was named before I got him but it was very appropriate if unimaginative.  That cat had a different meow for every circumstance, I swear.  Quite the character!

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On 8/5/2023 at 1:30 AM, Odd Duck said:

That cat had a different meow for every circumstance, I swear.

Simba Lou does also. Some low note grumble meows. When he wants to get his harness on to sit on the back porch he sits on the table. It starts as a request then gets louder until it sounds like a human and changes to very close to the word NOW being shouted. 
My hubby used to laugh because it seemed I always knew exactly what he wanted. Hubby has since learned to speak Simba Lou and cracks up laughing all the time at how different each meow is. 

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On 8/5/2023 at 1:20 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

How’s that Laetacara doing? That injury to the gill plate area was nasty. Hope it heals up quickly! 

Tanks look great and look forward to seeing what comes of the ADFs.

They are doing great so far. Injury one still rests on substrate but eats great not hiding at all. He should recover just fine. 

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So the GBR I got back from one friend was a boy. My other friend ended up with 2 of my girl GBR. So we swapped. The one girl she had was a bully and I said THATS PERFECT Hoping she could handle my giant bully boy.
She did not disappoint 💕

Half his size he started his nonsense and she whipped right around and put him in his place. Now he follows her around like a love sick school boy. 🥰

After she gave him what for he immediately showed her where the food comes in as well as his food begging technique that never fails to get mom to put in food 😝. He even let her eat first. 

We have a love connection ❤️


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So I have been randomly collecting moss out of the Cory tanks. I cleaned out the tank I’ve been putting it into today so I could catch the miscellaneous Apisto fry in there and move them over with their siblings. I have about 4 melini Cory 3 panda and 3-4 Pygmy fry in it. 🥰

Pygmy we’re to small to catch on camera. 




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