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Sometimes the smallest changes make things so right. 
I’ve been racking my brain over where to put the Aspidora. The Badis badis do okay with them but hide most of the day now. Also the conundrum of what to put with my honeys. 

Since I moved them together I’m delighted. Those were the two tanks every time I looked at I knew something needed done but just could not see it in my head as to what. 

I spent the entire weekend just enjoying the fishrooms. No wet hands. With this one change it felt like everything in every tank was just so harmonious I delighted in all my tanks. 

The Badis badis are so active now. Even my honeys have gotten more active. 

Personal lesson…sometimes new fish are not the answer. 









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On 4/25/2023 at 2:56 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Dear @Guppysnail guru, pray tell me (tried to search here but got lazy to be honest after a partial search), your adult Plecos, what size tank were a pair in?

40breeder. I had them in a 20L but they outgrew it. I did have a breeding pair of their children in a 29 but that offered no more floor space than a 20L. I find the 40B to be perfect for them. 


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On 4/25/2023 at 3:05 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@Guppysnail I am definitely going to be adding some bristles of some kind to my future 100+ gallon tank. I'm part of a local forum that at times puts them up so wondering if I could get away with a couple of babies until the move. I only have 20s for now but they are talls not long. 

Absolutely I think you could. They grow slow and from small purchase size (2 inches and under)to breeding size is 8 months to a year. To full size like my mom n dad almost 2 years. In a 20 for a small juvenile 2 inches I would not hesitate to get 4 and just do water changes as needed because the eat a lot. Knowing inside of 6 months you are upgrading them. 

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On 4/30/2023 at 4:12 PM, Guppysnail said:

My one anchor cat girl has a HUGE belly. She had it against the glass. Unfortunately I was to slow getting the camera. You can still kind of see. One of the other girls isn’t far behind her. 




I call it....I want babies 😆

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On 5/3/2023 at 8:07 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Is she eating the shrimp molts?

Probably. I’ve never seen them actually eat them but I’m sure they do. She is stuffing her snoot between the gravel to get at the yucky yummies. They will do that until they are half buried in the substrate. They are a much more efficient cleanup crew than mystery snails. They prefer older food to new new food so more efficiently scavenge what was not consumed by the fish. 

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On 5/3/2023 at 8:37 AM, Guppysnail said:

Probably. I’ve never seen them actually eat them but I’m sure they do. She is stuffing her snoot between the gravel to get at the yucky yummies. They will do that until they are half buried in the substrate. They are a much more efficient cleanup crew than mystery snails. They prefer older food to new new food so more efficiently scavenge what was not consumed by the fish. 

I love her outfit. So fancy!

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On 5/3/2023 at 3:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

You win for most colorful post of the day!

The bleeding ❤️ s!  I don’t think they will grow in my climate. I used to love lilac bushes too, but same thing. Not tropical plants. We get to have palm trees though.

My lilac “bushes”. Are now taller than my shed by quite a bit. We had a weird warm spell followed by real cold so my blooms are sparse and small this year. My leaves are just starting to fill in. The weather made stuff really grow off kilter this year. 



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I’m so excited and so mad at myself at the same time. I was vacuuming the 29 and frightened Jaws out of his cave. So I picked it up to shake excess snails out. There were easily 200 Badis badis eggs. I hope he returns and does not eat them. 

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On 5/3/2022 at 7:55 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

☺️ They're not hard @Atitagain but I have found they do like to have fertilizer when growing in water- so that's probably why being in an HOB works well (and using Easy Green or ?). I have a baby spider in my Accidental Oto tank and it's alive and growing (roots dangling in the tank) but not like my Scapes From Scraps Spider baby which is frankly an "adult" at this point - but it has organic soil (with bat guano) and a few drops of easy green to help it along.

I wait to cut babies off my parent plant until they have their own good looking "root" system- multiple and longer the root usually the easier and faster the baby will grow, for example the two below are ready:20220503_0649081.jpg.d885b2f92544dee6b0190c1c7b5278a0.jpg

Some spider babies only have stumps like this one: Resized_20220503_064811.jpg.4f1a80c86b8741b2fadf5629f1c8f972.jpg

Not to say that one wouldn't root (because it absolutely can) but the other ones have a better chance and trust me- your spider gets mature enough like mine you'll have hundreds of babies to pick from. Just cut it off the plant and I then just stick the roots in water for a week or 2 so the roots get a bit longer- then plop it in wherever I want it to go, soil usually. If you're going to just put it in an HOB or similar you can just do it that way. It was only recently I started trying them in my tank water. The research I did said they aren't huge fans of being grown in the water but when they are they DO require ferts. My plants are proving that to be correct. 

I have similar experience to @xXInkedPhoenixX with spider plants growing in tanks. They were a favorite of mine in the HOB for my cichlid tanks, and really didn't need ferts😅 due to the messy tank mates. They did keep nitrates below 30ppm in the cichlid tanks with minimal (read "almost never") water changes.

@Guppysnail your tanks, babies, and stories are a wonderful medicine for the soul!

On 5/2/2023 at 1:11 PM, Guppysnail said:

Impressive super snoot





They've been bedazzled😆

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