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Need, Want, and Wish


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Need: A couple more sponge filters and nano pumps

Want: More plants...always more plants.  Oh and an office aquarium with a decent way to change water.  I work from home so this doesn't seem so hard but my office is in a terrible spot related to water.

Wish: Tropical conservatory/fishroom/office with lots of funds to set it up and maintain it.  I always wish for that this time of year as things turn cold and brown.  Tropical fish plus Tropical plants plus Tropical temperatures.  Maybe I need to relocate!

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On 11/22/2021 at 1:31 PM, KaitieG said:

I work from home so this doesn't seem so hard but my office is in a terrible spot related to water.

Have you thought of “wet plants” @Streetwise told me about them, I want to set a couple up. Even have some containers on my Amazon list for Christmas gift suggestions. You can find out more about them I think he talks about them in his journal. 
( Aquariums )
I think if I moved somewhere tropical I’d miss the changing weather. But I think as long as I live here I’ll complain about the winter. 🥴

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Need: A clip on light for my 2.5g & qt bucket. (I'm using a lamp right now which gets the job done okay-ish, but can't be connected to a timer (so I've forgotten to turn the light on in the past.))

Want: Mayaca fluviatilis, new aquarium under 29g, 10 gallon qt tank.

Wish: Immortality for my fish, plants, ship, etc, a trip to WA, &/or free aquascaping materials/aquarium supplies for life. 

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On 11/22/2021 at 12:43 PM, Atitagain said:

Have you thought of “wet plants” @Streetwise told me about them, I want to set a couple up. Even have some containers on my Amazon list for Christmas gift suggestions. You can find out more about them I think he talks about them in his journal. 
( Aquariums )
I think if I moved somewhere tropical I’d miss the changing weather. But I think as long as I live here I’ll complain about the winter. 🥴

I haven't heard of those at all, but I am now going to try to find out what they are!  I used to have a QT set up in the office, and it was just such a pain that I had to move it.

I also really like the changing seasons, but this time of year I'd love to have a nice warm, sunny, green space to be in as an option.  Best of both worlds.  🙂

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Need: A new HOB as one just did this morning, improved lighting on my community tank and more plants

Want: A Breeding colony of L134 and L260s but near impossible to get here in Spain. Oh yeah and a Discus tank, but that would be an uphill battle against local water hardness as well

Wish: PH7, KH5, GH5 tap water instead of the liquid calcium coming out of my tap here. 

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Need: A back-up plan in case something like The Texas Freeze happens where I live. (It was heartbreaking watching that via internet last year.)

Want: About $200 of green plants. A bright blue fish. An aphrodisiac for my shrimp. (Seriously ya little weirdos, just get busy already.)

Wish: An actual swimming pool of fish, so I can swim with them!

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@KaitieG, I was just describing my small plant + snail aquariums as wet houseplants, because you can enjoy them like houseplants, with minimal work, and not worrying about keeping up with another fish tank. It is also a fun way to try a Walstad-inspired setup, or as a prequel to keeping shrimp. They actually help me to remember to water my regular houseplants! My smallest is 1.25 gallons.


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On 11/23/2021 at 2:15 PM, Streetwise said:

@KaitieG, I was just describing my small plant + snail aquariums as wet houseplants, because you can enjoy them like houseplants, with minimal work, and not worrying about keeping up with another fish tank. It is also a fun way to try a Walstad-inspired setup, or as a prequel to keeping shrimp. They actually help me to remember to water my regular houseplants! My smallest is 1.25 gallons.


That's actually a great idea for the office to cut down on the need for water changes.  I'm happy with the amount I need to maintain right now and don't particularly want to add another fish tank, but they're so much fun to watch, and I spend so much of the day working away from them that I'dlove something to just chill and watch while I work.  A snail or two with plants could be really fun. 

I never ever remember to water my non-aquarium plants.  Maybe I need to forget the cactuses and just grow wet stuff instead!

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NEED - Nothing really. If I need it, I'm in a position pretty much to buy it, so I get what I need as I need it. Oh, wait... I keep forgetting to order more Community Crave. I better order that before I run out!

WANT - more plants! I keep running across more species I want to try. Same with fish. Which leads to...

WISH - more room for more tanks! I'd LOVE to get a bigger tank again (min. 55g), because there are species of fish I'd love to try that I've never had plus a few I've had before I'd like to get again. Also, I'd LOVE to get a tank at least 100g, so I can have an oscar again.

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@Dawn Toscars are great, mine just bit me 4 days ago 😂🤣😂

@Intuos that sounds like a great size tank, how many gallons is that? That would fit in a lot of good places. And 2’ deep could fit and design a lot of different aquascapes. My fishroom is a 10’x11’ bedroom and closet. Not big but won’t say it’s small either.

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my crazy fish brain list
NEED=to understand I can’t keep every fish there is let them have babies and raise the baby fish

WANT= to have every fish there is let them have babies and raise the baby fish

WISH= my home was like the national aquarium 

reality list

NEED I don’t need anything I  have enough and sometimes enough is better than more

WANT= I want more fish and fish babies but see need above

WISH= it was not so hard to say no to those wiggly fish bodies with the big eyes and kissy faces. 😁

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On 11/24/2021 at 9:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

my crazy fish brain list
NEED=to understand I can’t keep every fish there is let them have babies and raise the baby fish

WANT= to have every fish there is let them have babies and raise the baby fish

WISH= my home was like the national aquarium 

reality list

NEED I don’t need anything I  have enough and sometimes enough is better than more

WANT= I want more fish and fish babies but see need above

WISH= it was not so hard to say no to those wiggly fish bodies with the big eyes and kissy faces. 😁

You separated those list but if you reread you will see there basically the same list just different wording.😂🤣😂 but very relatable of coarse, you know because of the MTS.

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Need: Brine shrimp eggs

Want: A nicer rack. Gussied up 2x4 racks instead of the ugly steel garage type shelving I have. I don't mind it for the tanks in the basement, but the rack in my bedroom is an eyesore. I'm satisfied with the one in my shirt.

Wish: More time. More time. More time. Between family obligations, work and a boyfriend, I don't have as much time or energy as I'd like to try fun DIY projects or work on my aquariums. 


Edited by Ogpulchra
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On 11/24/2021 at 11:20 AM, Ogpulchra said:

Wish: More time. More time. More time. Between family obligations, work and a boyfriend, I don't have as much time or energy as I'd like to try fun DIY projects or work on my aquariums. 

I know this feeling all to well went from having probably to much time then snapped my fingers and had to downscale by half and still don’t have enough time.

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Need:  1. A little more get up and go in my achy, old body, especially after playing paintball Sunday after almost 9 months of minimal activity.
2.  I need to get more things going besides just making my list to finish my fish room, barely getting a good start so far but plans are made with timing laid out.  
3. Ambition enough to get my shrimp tanks reset but now that all cories are out of the 2 tanks I intend to use, it’s at least the right time to do it.

Need/Want:  1. New light for my 14 G cube.  It just doesn’t seem bright enough and I’ve put two different TC’s of Flamingo in there and they just aren’t prospering.  
2. Also think I’ll end up needing a better light for my 20 high.  Too soon to say.  
3. Chopstick snails to arrive with actual snails in the shells - I mean, come on!  Look at what you’re putting in the bag, don’t just scoop shells off the bottom of the tank!  
4. Hummingbird tetras!  Can’t find them anywhere!

Want:  1. Better lights for my 100 gallon.  Most plants do well, some are borderline needing better light.  
2. Better HOB’s that won’t spit out mulm every time I restart them.  🤦🏻‍♀️  
3. More nanofish to go in my current schools/shoals in the 100 G - CPD’s, Chilis, Kubotais, Embers.  Still looking for marble hatchetfish at a reasonable price.  A couple more blue-eyed lemon BN plecos.
4. Hummingbird tetras!

Wish:  1. Auto water changer but that would require sooooo much work and expense since we would have to cut the slab to create a drain by adding a sump area, etc, etc, etc.  
2. Hummingbird tetras!  [Noticing a theme?]

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On 11/24/2021 at 11:20 AM, Atitagain said:

😂 😂 I’m real good at MAKING list😂😂

those hummingbird tetra are so amazing, easy to understand the obsession!

I can’t get them out of my head.  The tank is perfect for them once I get all the plants I want settled.  Plenty of hiding space, plenty of swimming space, has a few snails and shrimp for clean up.  Species tank so if they breed and don’t devour their eggs/young I’ll have more.

Oh, just thought of another.  I need more Anubias nana ‘Petite Golden’ that doesn’t melt because of being shipped too hot without insulation or cold pack.  🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

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(Can you tell I’m really behind on my notifications? 😂)


  • More fish food
  • Enough energy to do a water change in my 55g
  • To make a trip to my LFS to sell some of my juvenile platies. There are so many that I had to set up my quarantine tank to temporarily house some. Relatives described it as a “fish cyclone.”


  • More energyyyyy to do all the things. Chronic illness is sooo stinky. (And sometimes really boring!!!) Here’s what I want to do with that energy:
  • Make tank lids out of the twin wall polycarbonate greenhouse siding I got for my birthday
  • Make fry boxes similar to Dean’s (I have all the materials)
  • Change out the big-box-store substrate in my 55g display tank which is leeching hardness into the water like crazy. But that will require a complete tank tear down. 😳
  • Do more water changes in general
  • Finish writing my book for kids about fish care

Wish (oh dear this will be long):

  • Another tank stand to fill the second half of the fish wall in the kitchen
  • Some 29 gallons on that tank stand so I can set up two more breeding groups of honey gouramis, one with each of the babies I kept from my original pair
  • New honeys to breed with the above babies. Genetic diversity!!
  • To be able to grow stem plants in my 55g display tank.
  • Better lights on my display tank. Ideally (while we’re wishing) those fancy ones that have sunrise and sunset mode. 🤩

Okay I’m adding another category… Dream!

  • A local fish store to open within 15 minutes of me so I can sell to them!
  • Publish that book about fish care and get it in lots of pet stores.
  • Start an aquarium club at the local college and get funding to set up a 200 gallon biotope of the Chester river, which is the river that runs through our town. It’s a brackish river with tides and it would be SO neat to bring some of that ecosystem within view!
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On 11/27/2021 at 1:35 PM, Hobbit said:

Start an aquarium club at the local college and get funding to set up a 200 gallon biotope of the Chester river, which is the river that runs through our town. It’s a brackish river with tides and it would be SO neat to bring some of that ecosystem within view

Your whole list is good but this⬆️ Is great, I love this type of set ups especially for these reasons!

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