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3 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Tracing is a good way to learn how to draw something, and so is trying to copy another artist's work. However, be very careful about this; don't ever claim something you traced or copied as your own work (and ESPECIALLY never use copied art to make money for yourself). And if you post it online anywhere, ALWAYS give credit to the original artist. Something like, "Here is an image I traced for art practice. The original art was created by Artsypants McGoob." Most artists won't mind if you copy their art if you credit them and aren't making money from it, but some may still request that you don't post it. 

I doubt I will post any art but if I do I will give credit if I trace or copy. what program do you use? I use krita.

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Just now, quirkylemon103 said:

I doubt I will post any art but if I do I will give credit if I trace or copy. what program do you use? I use krita.

I use Krita too! My tablet is an old Wacom Cintiq I've had for years, it's the type where it has a screen and you draw directly on it as if it were real media. For me that made all the difference. 

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7 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

I use Krita too! My tablet is an old Wacom Cintiq I've had for years, it's the type where it has a screen and you draw directly on it as if it were real media. For me that made all the difference. 

I can't afford a drawing tablet and all my aquariums so I turn my mouse dpi way down

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So that one anubias is slowly being pushed more to the left. And she's spending a lot of time laying with her face in it. It must be love.



Got some shaky cam footage of her this evening. Cute yawn at 1:18. SO MANY DUCKWEED ROOTS. I keep sucking them out every week and more just get in the water column. I'm half tempted to switch to a HOB just for the water polishing.


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Today I finally couldn't take it anymore and cleared out as much duckweed from Pooka's tank as I could, lol. I don't want to remove the increased flow since I know it's beneficial for her species, but the floating duckweed roots were driving me bonkers. It's much, much better now, after running large nets through it to catch as much as I can. I know it's impossible to keep duckweed out of her tank in this house, but I think I can keep it down with regular net sweeps. 

I also moved her bubbles to the more open side of her tank, and she's been having a blast. I caught some footage of her playing this evening. 


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Igor laid eggs again, and despite being fine with Gertrude eating them fresh out of the oven, she decided to pretend to be a better parent around me. Enjoy 1 and a half minutes of my hand getting bit while removing nerite snail eggs from the log.


Edited by H.K.Luterman
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I'm enjoying Pooka's new scape so much. I love how she can disappear into the shadows. The whole look is so different than all of my other tanks. And she seems so comfortable too, she's always hanging out where I can see her.

I need to dial in the lighting, I'm having some algae troubles on the plants. I really don't want to add stem plants, as I feel it would take away all of the space she has. So I ordered a Nicrew light dimmer. For now I'm using a scarf to diffuse the brightness until it arrives.


Edited by H.K.Luterman
me talk good
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It really is a nice looking scape! The algae issue on the slow growers is frustrating. In my tank I’m torn between increasing the light to make the anubias grow faster to out complete the algae or decreasing it to slow down the algae. 

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Alrightyrooney. I'm currently battling an algae explosion in Pooka's tank after removing all the duckweed. I ended up buying a Nicrew dimmer, and it's pretty neato.

As much as I enjoy the artwork the Nerite is making, yeaaahhhh not a fan of the algae. 





I don't want to add fast growing stem plants to the tank because I have a "look" I'm going for, but I did add a pothos clipping.



I have the dimmer set way down.



So fingers crossed! I'll update when/if I see changes. 


Here's the light dimmer in action.


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I bet that pothos will fulfill the duckweed’s role in no time. When I did a pothos clipping a few years ago, I was convinced it hadn’t worked because after several weeks I still had no roots. Then all of a sudden, bam! Roots! So if it seems like nothing’s happening, don’t give up.

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12 hours ago, Patrick_G said:

Would she eat Otocinclus is you put some in for a temporary cleaning crew? 

I've thought about adding Otos. I think I would only try them after growing them out as big as possible. Once I get my 20 L going again, I could get a huge algae growth going in there for some.


11 hours ago, James Black said:

I dont think theres anyone on this forum who doesnt like Pooka, just to stickin' cute.

But your Tiger Limias are so pretty...


They are actually humpback limias (limia nigrofasciata), because the boys get these cool swoopy backs. I'm trying to breed more yellow into them, as well as making girls with stronger stripes, though I'm not as serious about it as actual breeders so it'll probably take a long time. XD 



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This little guy had been wedged in the skull's nose overnight (I saw him there last night but left him, unsure if he was actually stuck). Had to perform a rescue mission just now. He was stuck pretty good, but I managed to pop him back inside. Hopefully he won't get stuck again trying to come out!


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On 6/13/2021 at 1:48 PM, HH Morant said:

That is a beautiful fish. The dark markings on his fins are distinctive. They give him character.

Igor is actually a she, I named her before I found out and the name just stuck anyways. X3 

Everywhere I've looked online says that the black marks are juvenile coloration, but she's really hanging on to em (they start off completely dark and slowly turn orange). They have slowly faded since I got her, but it's taking a looooong time. 

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