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Everything posted by Anjum

  1. Goodeids are doing well. I saw 2 fry at the same time yesterday. (ETA: just saw 3 fry!) And another female seems to be getting a little rounder. So that's all promising. Their jungle tank: Got some new plants for the 29 (w/ the co-op light), couple kinds of ludwigia, bacopa, a water sprite & some Hygrophila corymbosa cuttings. So did some trimming & moved some plants around. Looking forward to it all growing in under good light!
  2. Good ideas! I tried S. Repens before but it didn't last in lower light. Same w/ Scarlet Temple (Alternanthera reineckii). I've been wanting to try tiger lotus too. Good luck with all of it!
  3. We have Goodeid fry!!! I've been watching this big mama for a while thinking, gosh she must be ready soon. This morning I went to feed the tank & she was markedly smaller, so I started scouring the tank & found at least 3 or 4 fry. I added a bunch more stems & floaters from other tanks & moved some medium size rocks around to try & make hides. I'll be feeding the tank extra heavy for a bit to keep the adults full. Hopes, prayers & fingers crossed these fry make it! She had to be pregnant before I bought her, so these fry likely bring some extra genetic diversity to the mix. Big Mama 2 days ago: Hiding spots: Babies hanging out under the sponge filter: The whole tank:
  4. I'm sorry. It's hard, I get it. Parents are just people, with faults & flaws like anyone.
  5. What'd you order??? Give me some ideas 😅
  6. Good on your parents. 😁 It's good to develop hobbies & interests that don't involve using your phone. Which you're doing with the aquarium hobby. I hope you also have the opportunity to get outdoors & 'Enjoy Nature Daily'. That's really the cure for what ails us in this modern digital age.
  7. I remember, probably somewhere around 2008-2010, I was lamenting the rate at which phone technology kept advancing, and that I just couldn't (didn't care to) keep up. I was of the mind that I'd just give it up, live in the dinosaur age. But then I read something that said soon phones would control all aspects of our homes, lights, heat, security, TV, etc. And it made me think, dang if I don't keep up, I might not even be able to get into my house someday. Now we're there, everything "smart". We haven't outfitted our personal home that way. Thank goodness my husband hasn't decided he needs an "Alexa" or "Hey Google" in the living room. But still. Regarding 'Screen Addiction', it's real, pervasive & pernicious. It's damaging enough to us, but the fallout for young children remains to be seen. I don't think I could give up my phone completely, for practical reasons. But I like this idea of becoming more intentional in it's usage, and when not to use it. Actually scheduling blocks of time when it's out of sight, out of mind. Might even get me to pick up a book in 2023.
  8. Dang that's frightening! There might be industrial chemicals used in or around the components when they're manufactured, but probably not any used directly in the manufacture of the heater. I think the bigger concern is the stray electricity that could be running through the water!
  9. Excited for the expansion! I was admiring that tank also when I was there recently. Makes me want chili Rasboras...
  10. Aww poor guy. Best of luck! He was beautiful in his prime. But yeah, that finnage is extreme.
  11. So cool! Btw, I saw your post on the FB group & wondered if that was you! Not too many people breeding for ramshorn colors..
  12. Does anyone know if they ever put the versa-top glass lids on sale? I've been watching them for months & they're always full price.
  13. I have really become smitten with the Bolivian Rams on this forum. 🥰 They're so personable.
  14. I just wanted to thank @laritheloud @Hobbit & @Guppysnail for your input on my honey gourami on guppysnail's journal, just didn't want to derail her thread further 😅 As is the case any time I get a new species of fish, I'm finding I'm enjoying the honey more than I expected to. Every fish is so unique & interesting in their own right. So I'm totally open to adding more, just want to make sure it'll work out well in my tank & not be overcrowded. I'll keep thinking on it. Thank you all!
  15. I have half a mind to drive back to the co-op tomorrow & get another. But I should probably slow-play this instead of rushing to conclusions. He's not in distress, he eats & moves about the whole tank. I really am torn. The main reason I settled on a single is that I want this tank to stay peaceful. The Rasboras are so meek & the Corys are so good-natured & derpy. But I don't want a lonely fish either. 🤷 I'll keep researching & seeking input. I read Hobbit's journal & I'm about to read Lari's.
  16. Just catching up on your journal @Guppysnail after reading elsewhere you got a group of honeys. I just got a single male for my 29 (w/ 5 harlequin Rasboras & 6 paleatus corys). I wanted a peaceful fish to round out the tank (the SAE I rehomed was a little too rambunctious for this tank). I only got one honey bc everything I read/watched made it seem like a group could invite aggression. But now that he's been here a week, I keep feeling like he's lonely, even though he gets along fine w/ all the other fish. Figured I was anthropomorphizing it all. But after reading your account & @laritheloud post, now Idk! Argh!
  17. I haven't put any research into it yet, but I just got the co-op light for my 29 so I can finally try plants that need more light. I've always had to rely on low light plants so it feels like the possibilities are endless now 😅 I should also make it a goal to dose easy green on the recommended basis so I can maybe save my poor java ferns.
  18. The Tequila Goodeids have already figured out who the food human is - they come right up to the front of the tank when I show up. Hard to get good pics of the shrimp, but they seem to be doing fine. Their heater showed up this morning so I stepped the temp up to 68 & will step it up another few degrees over the next couple days The Honey Gourami is doing well, but is quite shy, so I'll have to do some quiet sitting by the tank to try & get good pics.
  19. No experience with them but I'd totally keep them if I could keep all the fish I wish I could 😂 The co-op has them currently & I was admiring them there the other day. Look forward to seeing them in your tank!
  20. Good point. I usually feed bloodworms about twice a week too, and then frozen daphnia a couple days & frozen spirulina brine a couple days. The frozen foods I feed in the evening. In the morning I feed repashy bottom scratcher. So maybe I'll do the spawn & grow on the days I'm going to feed daphnia. That'll probably be a good balance. The Tequila Goodeids have warmed up! They were stoked for some bloodworms
  21. I definitely squealed when I saw the 1st baby 😅 I've watched them lay eggs in the main tank though, and either the female that laid the egg or one of the other corys is always right there to eat the eggs as soon as they're laid. I wondered if they're not getting enough nutrition? I just picked up the Repashy Spawn & Grow, thinking that might give them a boost. I should probably feed blood worms more often too.
  22. yeah, that's why I opted to put the shrimp in the 5 gal for now. No fish in there, just snails & lots of plants. I may even take some of the snails out. Once I have plenty of shrimp, I won't mind putting them in other tanks. If they proliferate, great. If not, I'll always keep back some in a 'safe' tank.
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