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Everything posted by Anjum

  1. The saga continues... everyone is alive though. Put the betta in his new 5 gallon tank last night. Got it all set up & put him right in (temps were the same). And as soon as I put him in, I realized I didn't test the parameters on the new tank *doh*! So I did the tests & the pH was 7.6! IDK how it's so high, my tap is only about 7.2??? I used API aquarium salt, which isn't supposed to change the pH. I boiled a small clump of alder cones for the tannins & hoping that would lower the pH a little, but so far it's about the same. Got up this morning & everything looked the same. Checked the temp & it was down to 75F! *Doh!* The 25w heater wasn't keeping up. Swapped some heaters around & he perked up a bit once the temp started coming up. It was at about 80-82 when I left for work. Rest of the parameters looked good. My master test kit arrived right before I was to leave, so I did a high-range pH test real quick & it looks to be between 7.4-7.6. I'll do a wc when I get home tonight & see if that pH comes into line. I did end up using the sponge filter. I gravel vaccd the 10 gal & it was indeed pretty dirty. Also did a significant wc, maybe close to 50%. I put the internal filter back in, along with the sponge filter & the water looked good this morning & the rasboras were quite active. Didn't get a chance to test that tank, but I'll test everything tonight.
  2. I've been doing a lot of lurking & searching & I see my problems are common. You guys are saints for fielding the same questions & issues over & over.. I moved my established 10 gallon a couple weeks ago, swapped an internal filter for a sponge filter & removed a pothos cutting (that had rooted into the gravel). Now my parameters have gone sideways & my betta is suffering. A few days ago when I tested, the KH was at 0, GH was at the highest level on the strips (upwards 180ppm), pH was 6.0 & nitrates were around 80, nitrites & ammonia 0. I did a 20% water change & added some neutral regulator & the levels were slightly improved. My test strips are old & I suspect inaccurate. I have the liquid ph, GH & KH tests; I have a master rest kit coming, should be here Friday. Last night, test strips showed Nitrates up to 100 ppm. This was a marked increase. Before I moved the tank, they were around 60. Liquid tests showed pH 6.5, KH 36 ppm & GH 161 ppm. Did another 20% wc & retested. 6.7 pH, kh same, GH 143ppm, nitrates 80 ppm. Did another 20% wc this morning but didn't have time to do all the tests. Just did a quick strip test but didn't see much conclusive change. I just picked up a used 5 gal w/ a hob. I also have a new sponge filter & air stone at home. Going to set up a triage tank when I get home in an hour. My betta had gotten fat & so I've been careful to feed him sparingly while still trying to get food to the 5 rasboras. But he's also gotten lethargic & lays on the bottom or in plants most of the time. He still has a good appetite though. I thought maybe just stress from the move, but now I see he's probably suffering from the poor parameters. Just last night I noticed some possible pinecone-ing in his scales on his side. I plan to get him moved to the 5 gal & start with mild salt treatments. Input on filtration? HOB, sponge or air stone alone w/ daily wc? I've always kept temp at 80F. I feed Xtreme Betta Pellets & Hikari freeze dried blood worms. Any other input, I'd greatly appreciate.
  3. Aww I'm sorry 😔 I just want to say, as a beginner & new to this forum, this thread has been very valuable. Both for the solid advice given, but also for the recognition of the emotional aspect of keeping any living being 💙
  4. Yep I did recently watch the co-op's video about them, which made me realize they're not something to rush into. I'll do Nerites for the 10 gal & wait until the 29 is seasoned a bit before I consider Otto's. That said, I do feel like I could commit to repashy & blanched veg for the Otto's to make sure they're getting enough to eat.
  5. I had read the same, though I think it was in regard to much bigger tanks. It sounds like most here would feel ok using the stand as-is. I probably wouldn't hassle with retrofitting this stand for this application. Either use as-is or get something else. That said, after looking at it for a day, I'm not so sure I like how it looks. Maybe I'm just not used to it (there was only a 10 gal on there before) or maybe it's bc it's an empty tank. It might look a lot more interesting once it's scaped. Argh! Decisions decisions.
  6. Both good suggestions! Thank you. After doing more research on algae eaters I had settled on Nerites & Otto's at the top of my list. Nerites for sure, that's easy. Otto's I realize aren't necessarily a beginner fish, but with the proper preparation I think I could do right by them. Thanks for confirming I'm on the right track!
  7. I need to check the level on that cabinet.. I'll do that tomorrow. And sounds like a rubber mat is pretty standard. I've got an extra yoga mat, so that's no problem.
  8. Ahh that makes sense about the rubber mat, thank you! I have a 10 gallon bowfront which was on that cabinet until a couple hours ago. I moved it to my kitchen table to figure this 29 out. And I have a 5 gallon upstairs with 3 male guppies I recently inherited.. a 20H would make a good guppy tank... I feel myself quickly becoming a tank hoarder! 😅 I want 1 of everything!
  9. I've seen rubber mats recommended before, but I guess I'm not clear on what they achieve?? I would really like to keep the 29, I had hoped for the extra volume. Honestly, I'd love a 55 or 75, but I'm stair stepping my way up... I did already find a really nice solid birch cabinet on offer up for $75 that's the right dimensions. If I can make a decision before it sells, that's a solution too.
  10. I did consider returning the 29 for a 20H, that would fit perfect.
  11. Oh nice, I'll watch that video now! I waffle back & forth between liking the algae eaters & not. I'm hoping that once I get them into a setting that suits them better, it'll work out. But I realize I may have to return one or both. Time will tell. I did add a pothos & philodendron cutting to my tank a while back & that seemed to help a little with the algae. But it's a work in progress still for sure.
  12. I just bought a 29 gallon tank but I messed up with my measurements.. I thought the cabinet I intended to use was longer, but it's exactly the same length as the tank, 30". I feel like the tank overhangs by the slightest amount, not more than 1/8". I've attached a few pics showing the placement. The last pic is the bottom of the tank showing the base. The bottom rim seems wide enough to support sufficiently on the cabinet. But I'm seeking input from others with experience. If it seems too risky, I'll find another cabinet. Thanks!
  13. Hi all! I found this forum after watching lots of YouTube videos, including lots of Aquarium Co-op videos. I was watching their videos for months before I realized they were a local store! I live about 40 mins away. Haven't visited yet, but I will to finish up my new tank. Which leads me to why I'm here ... I've had a 10 gal bowfront going for just over a year. It started with an impulsive betta purchase... Put him in a gallon jar & scrambled to get a tank a few days later. Then he needed friends right? No? Well he got them anyways, 5 harlequin rasboras. They soon settled into a cohesive dynamic & all was copacetic. I had acquired several plants & had always had an appreciation for those beautifully lush planted tanks. But my lil tank is definitively low tech & I succeeded in growing lots of algae. So a few months ago I decided I needed algae eaters. I did some very poor research & got 2 Siamese algae eaters. In a 10 gallon tank with 6 other fish. They're very boisterous & vigorous eaters. The betta took to hiding most of the time. Except at feeding time. The rasboras get a couple bites, but then they retreat. The betta gorges himself & the algae eaters vacuum up all they can. And so I was overfeeding in an effort to leave enough for the rasboras. But recently I noticed the betta is looking pretty round & figured I better make some changes, sooner rather than later. I've purchased a 29 gallon tank & intend to move the rasboras & 1 algae eater to it, leaving the betta & 1 algae eater in the 10 gallon. But I need some input on the new tank & will make a post about it in the main forum. Looking forward to the discussions! 🐟
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