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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Just went to check flow, they are spawning right now! @Chick-In-Of-TheSea might not tag ya because it's an edit not a post. But this is what I was working on 🙂
  2. Hey everyone, I got a spawn of black corydoras eggs and this time I have the tumbler and it's setup and running. Hopefully correctly! I wanted to ask a few questions and I am hoping that someone who has experience with hatching eggs and breeding can help me out. 1. I have methylene blue on hand. Should I add some to the tank if I am using the tumbler? I have heard issues of it's use and some genetic things, but I have used ich-x before in this tank. I also heard Dean say he adds the drops to his eggs in a specimen container w/ airstone and then as soon as they hatch he removes the chemical. Can someone explain all this to me and what's going on? Is there a risk? 2. I have a video of where I have the eggs setup and trying to show the vibration/movement. If I turn it too high, my understanding is that it will damage the eggs. I have it set gently, but these eggs are super sticky! Should I try to get the eggs to stick to the sides or knock them off the sides? Should I try to get them to lay flat (one layer) or just let them do what they are going to do? 3. What do I do if I find a non-viable egg in a day or two? How do you handle issues with eggs and using a tumbler? 4. I have heard or read that once the yolk sack is gone, then you'd release them. Is this correct or anything further I should know? I very much appreciate anyone's help. I am out of my depth here. I have raised fish, but never this way and intently trying to get a high hatch success rate.
  3. I think it was bentley's video that is pretty good detail about why this on in particular is "worth it" so to speak. The big thing is the ability to tune and to very finely control the flow so the eggs vibrate and it's difficult (moreso) to have fungus issues. I just used mine for the first time and it's not the easiest thing if you've never used it, but I am pretty happy with the purchase. Does anyone have video or have one of these in use right now and care to help out a newbie try to set this thing up right? I have a few questions and I don't know where to direct them to! (I'll make a separate thread to directly ask them for my situation, but I think it might help for myself and other beginners trying to get the most out of this thing)
  4. Awesome news! Hopefully everyone in the region is doing ok. Wind is a crazy thing when it gets turned up that high. Where I am at we usually have a few months of some pretty intense stuff. High altitude, no trees or anything and it definitely makes me want to have a little shelter for my tanks and pups. They still haven't understood what it actually is, but they often back at everything moving because they get upset by it. The pups I mean.... I am sure if I had a ram it would bark at the wind though!
  5. The first one looks like it handles more acidic water, but generally speaking most corydoras would be very happy in that tank. The one caveat here for anything in that tank is going to be what temperature are you planning for the fish you have now? Are the corydoras compatible? https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=1 https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=379 I like the look of the Adolfoi slightly better.
  6. With the cold weather rolling in, heaters added to the tank, WC on sunday was likely cool enough and the rain this week... I woke up to an amazing surprise from the big corydoras! (cc @Ken Burke @TeeJay ) I am sure others would love to see this, but I know you two have been on this corydoras journey with me trying to get eggs for so long. This is my second spawn since moving and all I can hope for is enough fish to share and hopefully pay some bill down the line. I literally don't have words right now... I don't really know if it was smart or not, but I found another set of eggs on the back glass, some in the substrate that had fallen off the glass (and were viable). Every time I would fill the tumbler I found more and more.... It's been about 2-3 hours or trying to get the tumbler set, get it adjusted correctly, and then get used to moving eggs around. I don't know if I should knock the eggs off to be tumbled or how to get them to "unstick" to one another. I have so many questions! I will end up making a thread in the breeding section begging for some help, but right now I am just trying to hope I didn't screw things up and some of these survive. My last spawn happened a bit ago and is logged in here. I had issues getting the tumbler on hand (arrived with a cracked lid) and the eggs all fungussed over. Fingers crossed..... If I had to guess. somewhere around 30-50 eggs.
  7. If it is BBA, I would recommend anti-fungal meds and bacterial meds and then daily salt baths until you see the algae start to back off. If the fish isn't moving around and algae took hold.... that's probably an indication of something deeper going on. If you have BBA issues, whatever your tank lights are at, shorten the light span and potentially drop intensity as to try to reduce some of that stuff. The other thing to potentially help is lean dosing your plants. I've also heard others with success by relying on very low dosing and root tabs.
  8. I found Jimmys vid (another one) There is one on the more aquarium co-op, but I can't find it.
  9. *obligatory comment to point you towards pecktec and long term reviews!* I know most of the aquatop stuff is pretty good. However, with a small size tank I would think that it would be better if you could get something bigger. Pumps are typically an issue, but the most common issue is intake and output and how those relate to the stuff in the tank. Almost always the grate is the wrong size, not big enough, and as mentioned almost impossible to work on. You might be better off trying to mod a hang-on filter (like the one @Chick-In-Of-TheSea mentioned as the marina HOB) or modding something like the hang-on breeder box with a pump so you can more easily get to the pump / maintenance in the situation you're looking at. I think they do make hang-on overflows and stuff like that? I would think a specimen container and the sicce syncra nano also works (can be used internal or external to the tank and works for this size. Best of luck.
  10. is this anubias? Rhizome rot? This is definitely different than anything I've seen. If you don't have any, add some amano shrimp or treat the tank with ich-X and erithromycin. DHG is specifically sensitive to salt, so I don't think you should use any (based on my own experience). Hopefully those little adjustments help. It's a very strange issue.
  11. so.... shrimp enjoy (typically) cold, oxygenated water. If you aren't running a filter at least run 2 airstones in a 20L. 10G is "fine" but you're better off with more floor space if you can manage it. A pile of different textures, specifically wood, moss, and some rocks is best.
  12. I used the one from the hardware store that you commonly see. There is a few variables here you need to consider and you can easily verify beforehand. A. Thickness of the glass to match the channel B. If you want to paint the channel black (I think that was a simply betta video) C. If you're "fine" with the channel or if you want the glass to overlap. If you go to lowes, they should cut the glass for you and you can use sandpaper to fine tune the shape if you have any major fitment issues. That covers the majority of the concern with cutting the glass. That being said, I would encourage you to just cut your own glass and do it yourself. You will break a sliding lid eventually, and you just need to be able to fix it when that happens. Unfortunately it's part of the deal with those things, you set them aside for WCs and something always happens.... eventually.
  13. For the sake of it, if you haven't check out this video.
  14. Agreed! Beautiful coloration and there's not a lot of washed out black fins (mine have a bit of that). I am hoping when I check the tank tonight I see a panda fry. Question for the hive mind, how many people have had their pandas line up on the glass looking at the room? Not necessarily for food, but just in general. Mine usual do so in the morning.
  15. Welcome to the forums, glad to have you here finally! As mentioned by Cory there is a very possible issue of back pressure. The older (full plastic) airstones that were branded never clog might work better for this application or specifically the cheap stone types. The felt pads on the new ziss airstones can tend to get caught with stuff if you're trying to push fine bubbles out. You can open them up as well, but just make sure they don't come apart on you. For a more technical dive into what's going on, here is this thread.
  16. I'll have to get the sponges to you. "level 1" kit and see what you think with how it works on the 35 specifically. I don't mod anything but what is in the basket and it's insanely different in performance compared to the 55 and others. It's because of the method on the basket and the press fit tolerances, but like I said.... sample of one for me and so it's hard to tell.
  17. One day you're gonna look and it's gonna have a big lump of eggs right there on the lid. I took apart and cleaned the tidal 35 today. I went as far as full disassembly of the housing and removed the dials and everything (blue chute). Underneath there I found what looked like part of a stem plant (probably anubias) and it was tore up. It managed to go through the skimmer, through the grate, and got very hard and then caught a bunch of muck in there. Needless to say, I'm not surprised, but I am glad I ended up taking the few seconds to look at it. Idk what it is about these things.... full of surprises.
  18. You can use a bit of fine grit sand paper and soften up any sharp edges. This will essentially add a chamfer and you incrementally decrease the lid size and get it to fit the way you want. Maybe that is the best way! I would also suggest checking the hinges and stuff out just to verify and make sure that you have it pressed in all the way to the plastic pieces. I often find the back trim piece is the issue because it doesn't quite sit right in the back of the tank. You can flip it and install it a certain way to make it easier, but I am always lifting the back of the glass panel to get it to slide in there right.
  19. I need to get my hands on one. One day. Thank you for pointing it out! I think i can take the intake (maybe spare parts) and use it on the marina breeder boxes.
  20. That bottom right has definitely had some sass from the ram rub off. 😂 Honestly, looks like a photo composition of something Jimmy would do. Geppetto is just a photogenic little dude. Do you have success using the plant weights like this? I haven't seen that method!
  21. I'm guessing the trajectory keeps shifting west a bit? Not something I would encourage you to watch this week, but netflix added a new weather show. Episode 2 is about volcanoes. pretty breathtaking stuff and I learned some good info about what actually goes on with different types of them. I've got a friend in Florida, probably going to go right through the same stuff and he has a ton of animals to care for too. He's going to school for ocean engineering.... all I can think is how he needs to get to work adding something to the Atlantic that would take out some of the intensity as it moves closer to land.
  22. yeah. I have had better luck with the AC75 or smaller. AC110, there's just no way I'll ever buy one again. Every time I unplug the pump I could not get it going again. Many thanks, I appreciate it! The tidal 35 is definitely a wonky design. I imagine the initial meeting went something along the lines of: "Go measure the AC30, add our pump onto it and make it work, and oh yeah, skimmer." It just is not a final product to me. it works, but when the intake for the pump is literally against a grate, why on earth would you bash more holes into it. Do we really care if the housing is 1/4" wider so you can fit a proper intake on there and actually feed the pump the traditional way? One of my biggest issues with the 35 is actually removing the pump to check / clean it. All of the others slide, that one snaps on. I don't like that change in design. And again, I really think seachem is onto something if they design version 2 in such a way where you buy the canvas (tidal 75) and then you literally just modify what pump is on the unit. Remove the skimmer, seal the holes, make it cheaper and easier to produce, off ya go..... and for crying out loud sell a pre-filter sponge. If you want to use the 35, I would recommend measuring or looking at the AC 55 or 75 sponges and see which one is the right size. Measure the gap from the back of the pump to the glass so you have an idea on how thick you can make the sponge and just cover the pump with sponge. Your fish, and especially the plants will do better not being pulled all over the place. As always, I appreciate the feedback, best of luck! I like the design, streetwise has one similar he really likes too. Different brand, but same thing. I need one of those pumps for my breeder box please! I don't see adjustable flow, but my only drawback on that one is that it's hard to modify for me because it's so thin. I pull a tank 5-6 inches off the wall so I can have room when it's full. Especially for everything I need to run or route on the wall. Good stuff though, I might have to stumble upon that one day when I see one somewhere.
  23. Then modify packaging? it can't be this hard. Yeah... I guess, but honestly I'd rather not toss meds away or down the drain or however people deal with it when it's expired. It's not a good situation if med is purchased and is left unused.
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