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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Difficult to know for certain but this one looks like a new shell / fresh molted female to me. This could be the female that I posted the clip with earlier with the white ring, but unsure. Sitting here this morning trying to watch all the shrimp and seeing what I can. I chased a female around that looks berried with eggs (one or two do, hard to tell!) Let me know what you think 🙂 Behind her in that last photo there was 4-5 on the glass, 3 swimming to the right of the tank, and a few in the feeding dish. I tried to get a decent photo, but how many do you see! It's fun to wake up and watch these things. Very active in the morning doing their hunting for food.
  2. Yeah.... Especially when you put off that water change for tomorrow and it takes advantage! Crazy how potent some of the algae can be! For ADA they have a steel bristle brush they use when the normal toothbrushes aren't stiff enough. I also use a kitchen sponge when need be for flat rocks and equipment that need be. I swear I lose that thing every time I need to use it. Even though it's literally, always right beside the tank in my bin of things.
  3. Yeah. Keep things wet and the shrimp should survive the journey. I am about to have to do the same thing here shortly. Have the tank in front of me and need to move it to the stand about 4 feet to the left. I did the same thing you're talking about. With the main display. The only real issue I had was the corydoras went a bit nuts and squashed all the plants. All the fish and shrimp were removed, but the weeks following they thought it was spawning time and they were going nuts.
  4. Awesome sketch FF! So the main thing I will say is that the tank and the setup for what you're doing is sound and everything should be going well. The media you have is stuff I've used personally for a very long time and didn't have any issues with it working. It's been the preferred media for me until I changed over to a different brand that had other stuff that came with the filters. If anything, add an air stone to the back compartment or double check that the pump itself is set to maximize flow through the media. Increase oxygenation would help to increase the bacteria in the filter chamber. Setup videos on a tank like that, I think there is no one better qualified to show off or to enjoy than Pecktec and his channel. He's probably setup one of those tanks a few 100 times for people and recorded it at least 50 of them. The nice thing that all you really need to do is change water, add load, add air, and wait. Beyond that it's purely just a matter of when and how complete (how strong) is the cycle in your tank. I think the best advise we have for you is just double check flow and wait it out. You're already doing everything right in terms of tweaking the light for the algae and that's the only real concern I see. As a comical sidenote, verify you removed the media from the plastic. Sometimes people forget about it and it does happen on those tanks a bit. 😂
  5. I'm scared a little.... 😂 Awesome project, and it's really cool you have a space for this!
  6. Definitely not valuable in that sense! I actually had the longest cleaning times on the 35 for cleaning out the tank (even crazy overstocked) and it worked well considering it's pretty basic flaws (no input). The discussion on the 35 is basically just because I want to share experiences and to find a way to utilize if you do happen to have one. Based on the past few days to get it running, I understand. Out of the box it's a good filter, but long term it has some flaws I hope get addressed in some way. For my own case, it's a bit more economical to get a tube of silicone than it is to go out and buy a bunch of new filters for all of my tanks. I'd love to have a sump one day, probably will have a sicce pump in it, but for now.... it's just what I have and the point/goal is to figure out how to fix all of the issues as cleanly as I can. Most filters use magnetic impellers (some use air). I would argue it applies to everything. The aquaclears have their own issue.
  7. What is your GH in your tanks nowadays? Do you do anything to tap to reduce it?
  8. I tried to do the same thing with a 29G. It was too heavy for me to solo move it with any water in the tank. I'd recommend planning on removing hardscape, move as much livestock as you can to a tub or bucket. Make a hole in the substrate and drain as much as you can out then move the tank and add in water.
  9. Take it as a cautionary tale from a lot of trial and error..... The noise on the filter, the filter being crazy loud I've isolated it to the magnets on the impellers on the old pump losing their strength and things grinding. If you have an old filter that is generally "fine" and you have done the thorough cleaning and your certain that there isn't an impeller shaft wobble/wear issue, then you likely just need a new impeller. I got the noise down a good, 40-60% by deep cleaning everything, but what concerned me was taking it apart and feeling the pump get warm. Friction, somewhere.... I'll have to get some parts in to get things going and verify setup, but.... progress. It has been a difficult challenge to try to fix the noise and isolate what is going on. I think I took the filters apart 10-15 times in two days for various swapping of parts and assembling things back and forth between the two. I couldn't figure out if it was the HoB plastics itself or if it was the pump or something else. Anyways.... that's all I got for you so far. Maybe that helps someone with a weird filter issue they can't quite sort out.
  10. yeah, aufwuchs for days on wood! They probably loved it. You can still use the wood, just try to give it a good clean and keep an eye on it. Sometimes older wood just gets mushy on you because it's layers are breaking down or being broken down (common from what I hear with manzanita especially)
  11. I can just imagine how much fun the corydoras would have in this pile of food! Reminds me of minions or something 🙂 . Just wanted to mention it if it helps in any way at all.... The plant weights you should be able to roll them to try to hide the sharper edge as best you can. I had to do this to wrap it around a plant and then a branch. If you need to cut em I've seen (or heard from you as well I think!) about just cutting them and going that route also. The new food looks really good, healthy, and seems to do well for feeding shrimp / snails. Awesome recommendation and find!
  12. Shrimp feeding dish added. They are exploring it a little bit, but so far they are enjoying it. I checked in on them this morning and the main female with the white mark... I just hope she molts soon. Seems perfectly healthy, just has that bit of wonky shell going on. (I don't think she's holding eggs, but I'm basically bracing for the worst. I revisited a video, might've posted earlier, but it's of a shrimp molting. It does look like a bloody mary and it does have a pretty wide white mark. Molted just fine. Heck, maybe the amanos had them and I just can't see because it's clear. Hard to say. Molts come off in a pretty specific pattern/shape so once I see them I'll feel a lot better about it all.
  13. I don't think temp is an issue. I'd lean a bit closer to 1 gallon + for WCs, try to get yourself towards the 25% margin.
  14. It might not be easy for you, but I would try to take a sponge and scrub the wood. I recall you have a TON of wood in the tank and it might be the outer layer rotting, pumps moving that around and then plecos or other fish pushing that into the water. Generally try to get ahead of the "mud" by using fine pads or filter floss and then cleaning your mechanical filtration. Prime time aquatics will use a technique of just adding a HOB to the tank stuffed with filter floss and letting that do it's thing to help clean up a tank. I would verify the tap water is ok, then go ahead and proceed with the above mechanical cleaning as well as a one time very large water change (80%). This is not recommended long term, but one time it is ok to do for instances where you're having major water concerns. (This is something I do when I run into very high spikes of ammonia)
  15. Any chance this is Blue Green Algae (Bacteria)?
  16. Posting this here for my own reference: What it should sound like... Plugged in the 75's today and it's been a long time since they've ran at all. One of the pumps was very unhappy and was pretty caked in detritus. I will work on getting it clean, but the bristles on my impeller cleaner weren't stiff enough for this size of a pump. I do have one spare, I can swap between the two, but I do need to figure out why they are both pretty loud. On my tidal 35 I literally ONLY replaced the foams and I was pretty happy with it. Keep in mind that "bumpy foams" work inherently differently than the flat sided foams. The ones I have fall apart a lot quicker than I'd like, but when it comes to the tidal 35 it has some flaws and some advantages. I did go through that on the older thread, but I'm sure we can revisit that if need be when the time comes. I do like that filter for SOME use cases, but when it comes to having fish in the tank, generally I don't. I take a piece of fine foam and cover the window cutout. This forces water to be "encouraged" to go elsewhere and that generally works if you don't have what you need to glue/seal/close up the bypass holes in the filter basket. Details in that in the previous thread, but I do also have videos on youtube showing that full mod, I do believe with the tidal 35 as well. For any tidal 35: 1. Replace the foams 2. Consider opening up the grates (which you did) 3. Consider covering the pump with large foam of some kind (video of this is in the older thread). 4. Consider closing up the basket "window cutout" and bypass slots or covering it with fine foam. Beyond that, there's no point to close the skimmer (it does absolutely nothing) and there's not a lot of point to any of the other mods. Edit: Here is where the older thread started to go through the Tidal 35 in detail a little bit more.
  17. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea IDK if you saw it but you can make those with that bag of "junk media" and some silicone. MST's takes those and makes pyramids. I am planning to stack 4-6 pleco caves in there eventually. Sort of lost on how to scape it and right now I just want it to do it's thing and be stable for a month.
  18. I'm seeing 11 out, I think that's basically everyone. The one with the worst "white ring" looks to be a small female from the first batch. It's probably from shipping or something, some of them were really beat up. I'm just waiting to see a molt any second now from someone. Feeding dish is here, but for today they are fine without it. Seems small, but it was biggest one I could find within reason (80mm).
  19. @Odd DuckAAn Any idea why this is supposed to have a risk for live-bearers? Something to do with birthing fry? Ingredients: Composition per 100 ml: emamectin benzoate 320 mg. Directions I saw on sera website only listed a risk to invertebrates. Do not combine with medications. Catfish and loaches may react sensitive. Nematol is not tolerated by invertebrates.
  20. Well, ask and you shall receive. I see about half the tank is either started, about to, or having issues molting. I'll attach some photos here. There's quite a few, which makes me think it's just stress, but something I do need to monitor. Similar to @Chick-In-Of-TheSeasseeing white ring on her shrimp and the concern of what that could indicate. I see it on at least 4-5 shrimp this morning. You can see a lot of shrimp out today. At least 9 probably more, which is just about everyone in the tank! I dropped some food in to see how they responded and they did well. Very active towards the food which is a great sign. Some shrimp are a bit dense. Others are a bit smarter. Saw 4-5 feeding, fighting for the same piece of food like it was gladiator even though I had dropped plenty of food in. I'll check in a few times today and see what I see. Ultimately this is a the most critical stage of the tank so far and a necessary step towards eventual success. Good things witnessed, some concerning, but I'm just sitting here fascinated this morning with these little creatures doing what they do.
  21. I have one or two, so small it's hard to see anything. Sometimes it's hard to see whether it's eggs or fungus or just their swimmerets. If you do have berried females, want to get through molts a few times for more maturity, better egg health and "practice" but it's a good sign. Some of the eggs might not be fertile, but generally should be. Sometimes it does take a few attempts for the female to learn how to care for the eggs better. Spots in the tank to release them and stuff. Then it's basically down to having enough cover, powder food, etc.
  22. Reminds me of the scene in Good Will Hunting where he goes to Harvard to hang out with his friends and he dances up to the table and just stands there waiting for her to talk. Goofball, but he just says "oh, hello there" My bag of "root tabs" are in. Tank is leveled, equipment ready. I could literally work until 3-4 AM and have it moved tonight, but I seriously think that I need time to dial some stuff in and to get the substrate to "simmer" so to speak and absorb some nutrients and leech out some ammonia. It's there, it's done, light is on, and electrical is fixed. Turns out it arced on the box of the outlet because the outlet had 6 wires and because it wasn't grounded and because it was a metal outlet receptacle instead of a modern plastic one. Fun. It's been a day. Now I get to go and do my normal maintenance! (And yes, I'm actually excited to do so)
  23. Water changes usually trigger breeding, that's why I asked about the maintenance on the two (or more) tanks you're comparing. Most shrimp will be pretty feisty/active following a water change.
  24. LOL I was writing the filter stuff and saw the notification. I'll count to 10 next time 😂 I'm in the middle of fixing my own setup. Dying to move everything today, but forcing myself to take my time. Decisions decisions..... how to solve the riddles.
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