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Everything posted by patricia

  1. so tiny you got to keep us informed this is interesting always love a good mystery
  2. you got my curiosity he/she is cute though and when you find out what it is you're going to have to let us know this is interesting, and the suspense is killing me and your right it does look like it might be a killie fish
  3. besides adding wood and botanical you can also get ph. down by Api but of course if you dont want to add chem. and go al natural go with the wood and botanicals' catappa leaves are great too remind you, you will have brown water which is great for all fish
  4. Hi Welcome to the forum and welcome back to the hobby Arizona here and retired, beautiful looking tank and Gold fish 🐠
  5. awww so cool and cute will be following this one the fry looks as small as my betta fry looked love the pic.s and videos
  6. id say 8.2 which is good if you want it lower get ph down
  7. welcome to the forum and love the tanks
  8. No one sells Hydra watch this video and it will give you hits how they arrive in your tank naturally
  9. Get a Blue Groumie there the only thing that kills hydra and that what it looks like to me the groumi wont kill the snail but will eat the hydra
  10. get yourself a blue dwarf groumi it looks like hydra and the only thing that i know of that will kill hydra are the blue dwarf groumies
  11. their hithikers and will kill your fish
  12. looks like a dragonfly nyph get rid of it
  13. can anyone out there help me ? i have tons of unfert. nerite snail eggs on the glass of my 20 Long fresh water tank iv tryed scrubing them off and cant remove them whats the best way to get them off my glass there also on my wood and other deco
  14. water temp is stable and the ambient temp is rising my question is do i really need the thermometer in the tank or not if as days goes by the ambient temp going up and our house temp goes up with air cond.
  15. 103 and going up today here in Glendale Arizona so iam removing my heater or leaving it in tank and unpluging it I hope this is the right choice ?
  16. my dwarf gourami is starting to do the same thing lots of glass surfing I hope with all that I got in my 20 long it can handle another gourami so far I have three black tetras two corries assassin smails pond snails 2 large nerite snails and plants
  17. i have two nerite snails, assassins ? , two female and one male black neons , and one male Gold Barb lots of Rezone plants
  18. found tons of water fleas in my tank is there anything about them that i need to worry about
  19. iv breed and raised ghost shrimp they are very easy to keep and are partial to guppy grass's love caves,rocks,anything for hidouts but iv never noticed them being picky like that and iv have many types of plants in my tanks the right kinds of food and shelter(s) and water par. they will reproduce fast and they are very good hiders
  20. looks like it but its clear so it might be a bubble id keep an eye on it for a few days
  21. i used to get my aquarium boxes all the time i loved recieving the boxes it was like christmas once a month anyways i had to stop money getting to tight for reasons i care not talk about (health reasons) anyways iv never had issues like that but if you do you need to contact them personally i think there is a contact number on there page thanks for your topic im thinking on going back to them
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