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Everything posted by castiel

  1. I posted in "What have you got done today" but not here, a few days ago I went to another LFS and ended up coming home with a bunch of duckweed, some bladder snails, and a pothos clipping. The duckweed and bladder snails are both in the tank but the pothos is currently in a vase while I wait for roots. I was a little nervous adding snails because I wasn't 100% sure the tank was fully cycled (they tagged along with the duckweed their addition wasn't planned) but it's the third day of them being in there and still 0 ammonia so that's promising. Also went to my usual LFS today and got to see the Neocaridina's they have in (red cherry's, Sakura grade) so I don't think I'll have much trouble if I do get fire reds like I've been planning I shouldn't have any trouble rehoming any extras, expressly since I used to sell guppies to them and have a good relationship with the owners. So the stocking of Endor is almost 100% going to be fire red Neo's.
  2. Went into a LFS to look around while running errands with my parents, ended up leaving with a a small deli cup full of duck weed and a pothos trimming as well as two tag along pond snails. All of it was free since the owner said they all 'grow like weeds anyway' and I'm very excited to have some life in my tank. One of the two snails is already chugging away at the diatoms in there and the other one is somewhere in the plants. Edit - I stand corrected they are bladder snails. Also there are several babies that came with them.
  3. Not just today but a few days ago I took some of the diatom buildup off my plants so it didn't block too much light from them and today I topped off the tank. I think the tank is finally through most of this surge and I cant' wait for it to be on the other side so I can show it off again.
  4. Removed some of the diatom algae from my spec because I was worried it was going to impact the light to the Monte Carlo, it doesn't seem to have but at least now it's one less thing to worry about. Riding the rest of the diatom surge out so no pictures but I'm very happy with how the tank looks so far.
  5. When do you move your tubs outside? I'm considering playing around with an outdoor tub this year but am having trouble getting a general idea of when is best to move them outside.
  6. No picture update since I've been dealing with a really ugly diatom outbreak but besides that the tank is coming along really nicely. I bought some spiderwood for the tank which didn't actually end up fitting with the plants and decoration so I put in a piece of Mopani wood I had from my last tanks, I'm unsure of what I'm going to stock the tank with, originally my plan was Neocaridina but after seeing Lamp Eye Killi in person I'm tempted to do a small group of them as well, though either way it'll be a while before anything gets added.
  7. For anyone wondering once there was a long runner I laid the plant on its side and the roots are already reaching into the soil so if the substrate isn't deep enough to bury the pot that can work too.
  8. Went to my other LFS and bought some spiderwood for my tank as well as got to see lampeye killifish in person for the first time which made me question even more what I'm eventually going to stock it with. The wood is currently in a bucket with a lid on it because when I had it just in the bucket my puppy drank water out of it and I don't need her figuring out there's wood in there and trying to eat it lol.
  9. Repositioned the Monte Carlo in my 5 so the runners can find the substrate better and decided to move the sponge filter a bit to see how much it's really helping with breaking surface tension. But most exciting I found some new growth from my Crypt!
  10. @HydraSlayer that's cool! I recently finally got into the original trilogy so when I saw it online while planning my first tank getting back into the hobby I just had to have one lol
  11. Why do all the awesome games have to not be available on iOS. Mega Aquarium on steam is another fun one that is available on iOS though and while the base game doesn't have a lot of customizable stuff there are a ton of mods with custom fish, genetics, etc.
  12. Not really any updates since Saturday except I've added a nano Co-Op sponge behind the Monte Carlo (for anyone wondering, it's too powerful with an airstone for a Spec because the water will hit the light. Without an airstone it's the right amount of flow). The wood over the AT-AT is still there and I can't tell if its sinking or stuck there but I kind of like it so I might leave it regardless. I've been considering cutting out half of the sponge that came with the tank in the filter to consolidate the media a bit more as well as make it easier to root the bamboo. I also got an Eheim Jager 50w in but I can't decide if I want to put it in the tank yet since I've bumped the lighting up a bit and the tank is staying warmer during the day but depending on what I stock it with I might need it. The crypt is still melting back but the octopus has colored back up and the Monte Carlo has already sent off some new growth which I'm happy about. Hoping to make it to my LFS this weekend to maybe grab another plant for the tank but I haven't decided yet, plus I'll have to see what they have.
  13. Your purple mosaics are beautiful. Everyone's awesome guppies are making me miss my half black orange mosaic line I used to have.
  14. I went to two pet stores today and managed to only get one thing that wasn't on my list 😁 (Impulse bought some lucky bamboo)
  15. The tank has already been flooded but I'll for sure keep that in mind for next time! This is kind of what I've been trying to do but I don't have thick enough substrate for the planter to stay up straight
  16. Does anyone have any advice for planting Monte Carlo in Stratum substrate? Currently I have the planter it came in from the Co-Op partially buried on its side and the moss is floating a bit over the substrate with the roots reaching down but I'm not sure if there's a better way to plant it? Any advice or tips would be appreciated.
  17. Went to a LFS and big box store to grab some stuff for the tank today. Didn't end up getting anything at the LFS since they were low on plants but it was cool getting to see some new species in person, at the big box store I grabbed a thermometer, filter media, and ended up impulse buying some lucky bamboo I put in the filter. I also finally put the AT-AT decoration in the tank and I'm super happy with how it's turning out. The driftwood on the decoration is still sinking I just have it stuck there so it doesn't crush the octopus.
  18. A constant state of anxiety . . . oh wait you meant physically, Vermont.
  19. And we have plants! Planting in a tank even with tools is not as easy as it looks and I applaud y'all that create such amazing pieces of art, my focus ended up mainly being on getting the plants to stay where I was putting them. I didn't originally plan to put any of the octopus in the wood but those two didn't have a lot of root buildup and I didn't want them to get tangled in any of the others if I left them to float so we'll see how this turns out. The Monte Carlo I was hesitant to plant out of the container and so I've done my best to replicate the instructions on the website for planting it in the pot but my substrate wasn't quite deep enough so I improvised. I just finished planting and the tank hasn't settled but I was too excited not to post it.
  20. 5 Gallon Fluval Spec For my first tank back to the hobby I wanted to do another nano tank since that's what I'm familiar with, and also living at home easier to talk my family into, and decided to go with the Spec because I like how sleek it looks and it fits on my desk with room for my school notebooks for when I'm in classes. Originally I was going to do a completely plant and driftwood tank but then I found a cool Star Wars AT-AT aquarium decoration on Amazon and decided to do a themed tank. The overall goal is a lush green tank (while still low tech) so it looks like an overgrown lush forest with the AT-AT as the only non natural element in it. Unsure if I'm going to stock anything in it or leave it just plants but if anything I may do some Neocaridina once the tank is established. I decided to use Fluval Stratum because I've heard good things about it and I like how it looks. Plants I'm for sure adding and already have in my possession are Monte Carlo, Crypt Wendtii Green, and Pogo Stellatus Octopus. Plants I'm considering are Java Fern, Anubias Nana petite, and possibly some type of floater. I'm open to suggestions. The tank is still settling from being filled but I thought I'd include anyway. The light was only put on it for the picture which is why it's a bit crooked, and the angle I was taking the picture at seemed to catch the blue LED's more than the white ones it doesn't have a background on it, though I am considering a black one.
  21. Thank you I think I will! I was thinking about it and was going to wait until I had it planted but I guess there's no time like the present anyway. Thank you!
  22. Hello everyone! I joined the forum a few days ago technically but I've been lurking and reading some of the great information on here. My name is Castiel, or Cas, feel free to call me either what is easier, and I'm a 21 year old college student from Vermont. I'm getting back into the hobby after taking a break for a few years and I'm very excited to have a new tank set up and be trying my hands at a planted tank. I'm currently waiting for the water to clear up in my new Fluvel Spec on my desk before planting the first few plants so I thought I'd post an intro and show off the last two tanks I set up before I took a break from the hobby. This first one is a 3.5 gallon Marineland hex that has seen many fish over its time as it was originally my parents tank, but its last inhabitent was a yellow veil tail Betta named Hugo. The second, and last one, I set up was a 5 gallon bow front that was home to Tilli the Betta. This tank I actually did my best to scape going into it but I was never successful in getting much to grow besides Java Moss which eventually filled in quite a bit of the tank but I don't think I have any pictures of it. The Spec is going to be the first tank I'm going into with a planned scape and more knowledge of appropriate plants and how to keep them alive and I'm excited for the challenge. I'm unsure if I'm going to be stocking anything but we'll see what happens.
  23. I was aware of that but I've only seen them as separate systems, what I was envisioning would be all of the tests in one device.
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