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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. White cloud mountain minnows would be best for this They can handle all sorts of temperatures they aren't picky with params and they won't damage plants!
  2. looks to be ich, I'd recommend dosing it with Ich-x. If you don't have Ich-x, you can buy some from Aquarium coop, they carry it.
  3. oh wow, so much info! this got much more attention than I anticipated!
  4. Well, I want to get things that can live in the 5 gallon forever, and all the crawfish here get too big for that. I tend to just scoop up clumps of algae and pick out whatever i can find in it. I also have better luck at night by stunning them with bright light. I'll make sure to remember that tip, thx!
  5. yo pinky it's me, Shelldweller from the discord server, I didn't know u were on here!
  6. I'll have to remember this! I'm getting a 5 gallon from my grandfather, and I plan on making it a native invert tank, with aquatic isopods, amphipods, and pond snails, as well as any other peaceful inverts I can collect. Thx for the info!
  7. @WhitecloudDynasty, well, my mother is Christian, and she believes that hybrid animals made by people, such as flowerhorns and blood parrots, are abominations,
  8. @Tressie, have patience. It will help you in this hobby. Nothing good comes out of rushing a project.
  9. @Guppysnail, I was not referring to CPDs, I was referring to Danio albolineatus, though the info you gave me is still interesting, thank you.
  10. Don't sweat it! And yeah, I'll feel yeah with the LFS. are closest one is 45 minutes away, and it's currently only saltwater, but they have plans for freshwater.
  11. Definitely finrot, I'd recommend treating him with Fritz Maracyn.
  12. Hi everyone! This isn't a serious post, I'm just kind of curious. So, my mom has a 32.5 gallon that has 4 pearl danios, and 4 longfin-leopard danios (don't worry, we're getting more), as well as some other fish. My question is, can these two species hybridize? I don't plan on trying to hybridize them, nor does my mother, but I am curious. And if they can, does anyone have photos of what these hybrid offspring look like? Thanks in advance!
  13. Get good filtration, like the best you can possibly get, because they are messy. And they will eat just about anything, I feed mine store brand pellets, and do fantastic on them. And if you put in floating plants like Water Lettuce, prepare for babies.
  14. Could you send me a link to the raw fresh shrimp? I've been looking for something with that description.
  15. If it were me, I would take the cardinals out of the tank completely and set up their own tank. I don't know where you got the fish, but I know that neons and cardinals are often inbred, lowering their chance to fight diseases. So, get the cardinals their own tank, and see how it goes. I would recommend preparing yourself for the fact that they may not survive.
  16. Plants will absorb mineral in the tank, making ur water less hard. So, just be patient.
  17. time to selective breed! If you want to, of course
  18. Oh, they've had Glo Bettas for a while, they likely just got them into your store just now.
  19. check out Fish For Thought on yt, he's actually one of Aquarium Coop's sponsored influencers. He's pretty funny too, if ur into gen z style humor.
  20. @Torrey, I will likely use gravel to cover it, thanks!
  21. I'd recommend buying some Fritz Paracleanse for him just to be absolutely safe. Tho, the lethargy may be from his old age. Bettas slow down over time.
  22. @Expectorating_Aubergine, I think I'll get a willow again, since I already have some experience with it. Thank you for your help, vry much appreciated!
  23. @FarriisA, I mentioned it was a 110 gallon in the original statement, though I will try to remember this for future tank builds, thank you.
  24. @bettta999, I found it in a river in Missouri, @Expectorating_Aubergine was correct on identifying it. @CalmedByFish, I will consider your recommendations. It may be hard to plant the avocado the way I plan to, but I'm sure I can figure it out. Thank you! @Expectorating_Aubergine, thank you for reminding me, we did identify it as a willow, I just forgot. Also, thank you for the list, that will give me plenty of options!
  25. Well, you said it grew on a wound right? Fungus tends to grow on wounds when not treated.
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