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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. @BettasAreSuperior thx for agreeing with me man. Absolute respect.
  2. Yeah, I'd say tackle one tank at a time. Makes it WAY less stressful when you're just setting up one tank rather than 4.
  3. Besides the operculum has he acted any different? if not then I'd say don't worry about it. As long as his behavior is normal then it should be fine.
  4. Seachem should work. I used it before and it seemed to do good, tho I'm not sure if it did anything, but it didn't kill the plants, so give it a try.
  5. I personally would get a 20 gallon for cories and neons. and in that, prolly around 7 corys and anround 7 neons should do great in that. Btw, dw, we all make mistakes in this hobby. So don't sweat about the whole listening to the pet store deal.
  6. I would buy fertilizer just in case. Plus, having ferts for future projects is definitely helpful. Welcome to the hobby btw!
  7. I know Aquarium Coop sells crushed coral that raises ph, and I wouldn't be surprised if it raises gh and kh as well.
  8. well first, Endlers and Cories should be in groups of 6-8, but second, healthy bettas tend to be a bit round. Ther's really no way to limit their eating, so the only way to make sure they're getting plenty of food is to just separate them into different tanks. Tho this is from my experience, not actual proven fact.
  9. Make sure to have a separate tank for the fry is my best recommendation. Easiest way to make sure the fry is stress free and full of food.
  10. I've seen a lot of my fish do it when they're first introduced to a tank. My guess is that they're learning the boundaries of where they, since they don't understand what glass is, so no, they should stop in a couple of weeks.
  11. @Saltinthedesert the solution to that problem is just putting fish food in the tank. That'll keep the bacteria fed.
  12. It may be that your original HOBs were malfunctioning, have you tried cleaning out the HOBs? when my 75 gets dirty, usually cleaning out the filter media helps clear up the tank.
  13. I think that it'll do well with your Cherry Barbs/Glowlight Tetras, not sure what those fish are
  14. Personally, I wouldn't put anything else in there, but I don't think your kuhlis will suffer if you put in those cherry barbs.
  15. Your best bet would likely be snails, I wouldn't put any fish in such a small space.
  16. One day I want to do a fine sand layer on top with a Fluval stratum on the bottom, just haven't been able to do it yet.
  17. @Colu I don't think that's the case, I have a Longear Sunfish living in the same tank and he's doing fantastic, in fact his colors are currently the best I've ever seen them. @Gator The Longear was not in the tank when the crawfish was. @Colu you are right, I'll do that tomorrow.
  18. If it we're me, I'd try to find some frozen daphnia for them, I've heard they're great for fish fry.
  19. Cory actually answered a question like this on a livestream. Basically, he recommended waiting about a month. If Ich still persists, just redo the entire tank.
  20. That is an interesting idea for aquascaping, I'll have to remember that!
  21. @Colu I don't think that's the case, I have a Longear Sunfish living in the same tank and he's doing fantastic, in fact his colors are currently the best I've ever seen them.
  22. @KittenFishMom, do you know of any fish that will eat the dead leaves? If not it's fine, cuz I have collected those before, never knew they ate hornwort! Might set up a native invert tank with them in there and some hornwort.
  23. I will have to try this, I tried growing hornwort before, but the messiness of its shed always discourages me from trying to grow it again.
  24. I do something similar for my outdoor air pump, never thought of doing it with all of the cords.
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