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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. @JettsPapa, would it be ok to only have one? I have Harlequins and soon I'm getting some loaches, so I want to understock where I can.
  2. Hi everyone! Recently I set up a 15 gallon Southeast Asian semi-biotope aquarium (I'm not sure if the plants are native to that area). I was originally going to move in my Plakat Betta, but sadly he passed away to what seemed to be a fungal infection. Because of this, I'm thinking I'll get a gourami for the biotope. So, my question is: What gouramis would yall recommend for a 15-gallon tank? I'm thinking of getting a Honey Gourami, but I want to look at all of my options first.
  3. Oh yeah, I'm totally following this. Make sure to make more updates on this topic! Also, some fish I would recommend for your Biotope are: Aphyocharax anitsitsi Thayeria boehlkei Thayeria obliqua
  4. I can see 2 problems with this stocking: 1. H. formosa is really small, the females max out at 3cm, while Sparkiling Gouramis can get 6cm, meaning that the Sparkling Gourami might end up eating the younger livebearers. 2. H. formosa prefer harder water, since they come from the Southern US, while Sparkiling Gouramis come from Southern Thailand, and therefore prefer softer water. a fish that I'd recommend for this is Elassoma evergladei, or any Elassoma species for that matter. They stay small, and ca handle harder ph.
  5. @Torrey, ur good man! I love how a half-baked idea I came up with has sparked a huge conversation!
  6. @Flynn Naysmith, as I said, her female Crowntail Betta had died in the tank, so she wanted something new, particularly, something that schools. We've decided against Pea Puffers due to the conflicting info on whether they can be kept by themselves or not.
  7. @Odd Duck, I guess I should've done further research. I knew that some Anubias came from Africa, I just figured some may also be located in South America. Gotta double check everything, I guess.
  8. do you have any carbon in your filter? Taking that out may help.
  9. @Dwayne Brown, my mom is interested in the Green Neons. How many would you put in a 5 gallon?
  10. Hi everyone! recently my mother's female Crowntail betta lost to Dropsy, so now the 5 gallon she lived in is empty. We still have to finish cleaning it out, but my question is this: What fish would you recommend for a 5 gallon? Here are some chareristics she likes in fish: schooling fish, preferably one small enough to where we could have 8+ in the tank. active, not standing still Iridescent If you know a fish that fills out at least 2 of these characterisitcs and can live in a 5 gallon for it's entire life, pls lemme know!
  11. here's a list of South American plants that would likely do well in this tank: Dwarf Sagittaria Subulata Bacopa monnieri Cryptocoryne wendtii green Anubias barteri Echinodorus "Red Flame" Sword Plant lloydeiella Echinodorus angustifolia Vesuvius Anubias nana Most of the plants listed are carried by Aquarium Coop, but for the some they don't carry, check here.
  12. A simple South American Biotope! though if it were my tank, I would've had only one angel, just for the sake of a centerpiece fish.
  13. @lefty o, Farowella acus, yes. They get 6 inches long and seem to be good algae eaters. Would be really cool for a South American Biotope.
  14. that "what in the world" fish looks to be a stick catfish, a species on my extensive and impractical list of fish I want to keep one day.
  15. well if his behavior hasn't changed I'd say he's fine. Just keep an eye on him.
  16. @anewbie My sources do mention a more acidic tank is required, so in a sense yes. Though there are other ways to get acidic water.
  17. whatever they are, ur betta is likely eating them. Keep an eye on the floaters, and if they start to develop holes in their leaves, then try to eliminate the critters. If they aren't affecting anything, just leave em, free fish food!
  18. in a 20, no, that would likely overload the bioload. I'd say only one of those in the 20. besides that, I think it would be fine, just mkeep an eye on the Apisto to make sure he doesn't chase the honey around, since Apistos can be territorial.
  19. can't wait to see how ell this does! Seeing aquarist experiment with things like this is good, because it will be the thing that makes this hobby grow.
  20. Has its behavior changed at all?
  21. yeah, I think a fish of that size would likely kill all the shrimp; my mother had a female betta that killed off an entire colony, and she was only 2 1/2 inches. I would recommend Sphaerichthys osphromenoides, a smaller but still uncommon fish.
  22. Update: I got an Anubias and Java fer for the 75; I was able to manually bring down the ammonia, but it's still there. I'm hoping the plants can be the final knockout.
  23. Hi everyone! I recently bought a mix pack of frozen foods from Petco, and it came with this stuff called "Emerald Entree". I've never heard of it, so I looked it up, but only found the product I bought. so, does anyone know what it is? Is it safe to feed to my fish?
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