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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. that's really cool! i tried growing some species of grass I collected from a creek in my filter, but i didn't have a light for it. I do now, so I might actually try something like this again!
  2. Hello! Recently I tried to move one of my crawfish into a new 29 gallon I set up this month. I had a special log cave just for him. But then, about a week after putting him in, he decided to jump out of the tank. Luckily, I heard the sound and was able to move him back into his old tank, which is a 75 gallon. Does anyone know why he would do this? Someone on Discord told me that they heard that crawfish do it when they have air trapped in their shell.
  3. Sometimes you'll just have picky eaters in the group. I don't know much about Black banded Sunfish, but if you can, I would recommend setting him up his own tank, that way it'll be easier to feed him, and he won't have competition at feeding time.
  4. From what I understand, all aquarium heaters are like this. I would recommend looking into Coldwater fish like goldfish, so you don't even need to have a heater.
  5. Of course! I mainly feed them brine shrimp, just recently got them to eat bloodworms. @Gator; Don't worry, I already have a plan for that. I recently ordered one of those livebearer containers that have mesh halfway through them. If I ever notice one of the females is pregnant, I will move her into the container, though I've never done anything like this, so let me know if there's a flaw to this plan.
  6. Hello everyone! I recently started a Western Mosquitofish breeding project. I currently have 7 females and 1 male that are sexually mature, and 5 fry that I got from a friend. Does anyone have experience with breeding them? If so, any tips?
  7. I definitely want to keep Puffers one day. I was considering getting Pea Puffers, but then I found that they need to be in larger groups, so I decided to not get them. Do you know of any smaller puffers that can live by themselves?
  8. from my experience of keeping a male, they have the personality of a large cichlid. I haven't had success with getting mine to eat pellets, so he just eats frozen brine shrimp and worms. and they're cold hardy, I would definitely recommend it.
  9. Hello everyone! My passion is Native fish keeping, especially keeping species that aren't popular int the hobby, like Western Mosquitofish. I currently do not have a good camera, but I will be getting a better camera soon, then therefore posting updates more frequently!
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