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Native Keeper

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Everything posted by Native Keeper

  1. @Beardedbillygoat1975 Oh, I didn't know that dwarf chains could be aggresive, forgive me of my ignorance. I just get worried about over stocking the tank. Thank you for the information. I am now considering kuhlis much more.
  2. It might mean that the plant wasn't suited for that tank. If you ever set up another tank, you can try growing it in there again!
  3. aw man, that sucks. At least the others survived!
  4. I would say put him in the quarantine tank and dose him with fungal medicines, as well as medicines made to heal wounds. The chilis shouldnt pick on him.
  5. @Beardedbillygoat1975, are you sure? My sources say kuhli loaches can get around 4 inches, while dwarf chains only get about 2, which is why I was considering dwarf chains.
  6. See, here's the thing, @Jeff @gardenman, I have an Aqua clear 75 on my 75-gallon tank, and I despise cleaning that thing out. I still want to try canisters. I want to experiment and experiment I will. Thank you for your recommendations!
  7. Hello everyone! I am currently working on a 15-gallon Fluval Flex that will have a school of Harlequin Rasboras and a Betta. I want to put in some species of loach, but I'm not sure what species, since most need a minimum of 20 gallons Do any of yall have recommendations for what loach I could put in? Thanks in advance!
  8. It's either another species of tetra, or just a runt. Maybe try asking the store you bought the group from?
  9. Looks to be some species of livebearer. Have you tried to contact the business you bought the other fish from? They might know.
  10. here are my pics: Pangio kuhlii Hypseleotris compressa Epalzeorhynchos bicolor Homaloptera orthogoniata Botia almorhae Cobitis taenia Mystus micracanthus Gagata cenia Epalzeorhynchos frenatum Crossocheilus oblongus Mogurnda mogurnda Pseudomystus siamensis Mystus vittatus Chaca chaca Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
  11. @Beardedbillygoat1975 I think I'll go with your recommendation, since it's the cheaper option of canisters, tysm!
  12. @Beau Burkhalter oh cool! I have a smaller longear in a 29 gallon. He's my favorite fish rn. So pretty!
  13. Hello everyone! I recently bought Seachem's Flourite clay substrate thinking it would be a cheaper alternative to Fluval Stratum, but then I talk to some of my fish nerds on Discord only to find out that it literally has no benefit in growing plants. I also used to use Seachem's fertilizer, but I'm not sure if it really did anything for the plants. My mom also recently bought some of their medicine. So, my question is this: Is any Seachem's products any good? If so, which products do yall recommend from then?
  14. Well as long as his colors are fine and no signs of diseases are present, he should be fine, he may just be getting used to the tank. Tho I will say that fully grown paradise fish need IMO 30 gallons.
  15. Hello everyone! Currently I have a 110 gallon that has 6 goldfish in it. I initially put in a sponge filter for filtration, but it is not doing well at all. What would y'all recommend for this set up? I'm thinking some canister filter.
  16. For the set up my mom did, we just got the Fluval CO2 diffuser kit, and some extra Fluval CO2 cartridges.
  17. Yeh definitely use root tabs and let us know how that DIY root tab goes, I'm very interested!
  18. Yeah, Reddit is not really the place to learn. Welcome to the forum! Any aquarium questions you got can likely be answered here!
  19. Well as long as his behavior is normal then don't freak out too much. Who knows, his body might be able to fight it off. But I would still quarantine him and hit him with any medicine you got.
  20. Well for one, Cory has said in the past that unless you have like 50 plants in your tank then you don't need a CO2 diffuser. All it will do is just make the plants grow faster, which can the tank to be a handful with trimming. Besides that, I know from when my mom set up her CO2 system that they can be a bit of a pain sometimes when it comes to finding that sweet spot of controlling how much CO2 it diffuses.
  21. He looks angry lol, which is fitting for a male bristlenose.
  22. aw poor guy. Has his behaviour been any different?
  23. I'm not sure, I'm not exactly a disease expert.
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