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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. I have this 30-36 inch Nicrew LED light. My aquarium is 24 inches and I have a plexiglass sheet on top (acrylic plexiglass 1/4’’ thick). As the light is too long, the feet (brackets?) won’t be able to rest on the plexiglass. Is it ok to just place the lamp directly on the plexi, with no space in between? Would the heat damage or melt the plexiglass or the light? Thank you! Karen
  2. Greetings! So I am limited to the number of aquarium I can have. I currently have a 20 gallons high that I need to stock. It currently houses 8 false cory and 3 nerita snails. I had fun on aquadvisor to create the perfect stocking... ...do I fall in the pick & mix syndrome? What is your opinion on such a stocking? I know many people advice not to keep a single honey gourami but I am afraid of agression.
  3. Should be fixed, my pictures were not uploading
  4. i have anubias in 3 tanks. They are all pretty much doing the same. I use easy green once a week and the capsule fertiliser once a month. Most of these were glued 2 weeks ago. Do I have some sort of deficiency? I looked at the online charts but couldn’t really spot the problem thanks!
  5. I have a lot of tiny little fluffy things stuck on my aquarium glass. Any idea what it could be? They are stuck on the glass by one string, the fluffy part just kinda waves along in the current. it’s a Fluval flex 15, currently housing a dwarf mexicain crayfish and 2 nerite snails. A couple of pest snails have hitchhiked with my latest plants but I try to get rid of them on sight. I plan to add more fishes. Temp is 74 0/0/15 pH 7.6 gh 11, kh 4 Planted, heated, cycled **updates** no definite answer. Could you have a look please? @Cory
  6. It is on the side of the sponge filter too. Maybe they are playing with the reflection of the bubbles on the glass. But if I find it bothersome, would it be mean to add plants?
  7. I have a 20 gallons high. Currently stocked with 8 false julii corydoras and 2 nerita. Am looking to add about 12 green neon tetra and 1 ou 2 ou 3 honey gourami. I read they are social fishes and enjoy each other company but I also read there is a lot of hierarchy and agression going on. I don’t want any agression in my tank but, at the same time, I want my fishes to thrive. Any tips or advice? What are your experience on the matter? thank you Karen
  8. Greetings! I have 8 new false julii corydoras since Saturday and they won’t stop glass surfing always at the same side of the aquarium. cycled tank, planted, heated, hob and sponge filter. 20 gallons high. ph 7.6, temp 76, gh 7, kh 3, 0/0/15 Is it mean of me if I put a plant (probable some bacopa compact) there to stop them doing so or should I let them glass surf? My tank was planted a week ago so a lots of plants are not fully grown yet.
  9. I still feel like it. I still make mistakes. 2 of my guppies are currently dying and I can’t figure out why... or what to do to help them. I bought 3 snails and 2 were dead few hours later (although by the smell of the bag when I opened it, I wonder if they were not dead at the store!). so I feel like a beginner AND a fish serial killer. 😭
  10. I did think about it but I read in many places that there is some level of agression when in a group
  11. Greetings! I am looking for a very peaceful community fish to go in my 20 gallons. I currently have 8 false julii corydoras and 2 nerita. I will also get 1 honey gourami. For the community fish, I really like the green neon tetra but I am reading mixed reviews about them. I know they prefer lower ph but Girl Talk Fish channel (Irene) kept hers in a ph of 8 just fine (mine is 7.4) Are they difficult to keep? Should I aim for something else as I am a beginner? If yes, any suggestions? I have to say most of the common choice leave me pretty indifferent. Thank you! Karen
  12. Thank you so much for your answer. I feel reassured. I will have a word with my neritas! 😁 ChopChop, there is work to be done
  13. Plants hate me.... and I hate them too! But when I saw how much of a difference real plants make for the fishes, I went ahead and spent an insane amount of money on plants. My anubia barteri in pot from Tropica (sorry Cory, can’t buy your plants in Canada)were perfect when I planted them. Now the tips seems to be melting? (ignore the white - I had glue on my fingers apparently 😖) Is there a reason why all my anubias leaves end up damaged? I use easy green once a week, and put the aquarium coop root tabs too. I planted them last Wednesday. Considering it seems to take half a century for a new leaf to grow, what should I do about the damaged leaves/parts?
  14. I saw that solution too! But I can’t seem to find soap dish to my taste that would work while in lockdown 😖
  15. Greetings! I am trying to slow down the flow of both my Aqueon 10 & 20 HOB filter. Both have a prefilter sponge, then a coarse sponge in the left chamber. The right chamber is split in half : aquaclear sponge at the back and bio balls in the front. Then the fall down is stuffed with a fine sponge/floss. I saw the water bottle trick (cut a cylinder off a water bottle and split it horizontally, then place it in the filter to create a half moon and divert the flow) and it seems to work great... until I close the lid. The lid seems to push the plastic a bit too tight and I wonder if that could be dangerous (stop the flow altogether or something?) No lid with a gap with a lid. You can see how tight the plastic is. Is it possible to leave the lid partially opened or can it cause too much water evaporation and the beneficial bacterias could die? If you have any other tips, tricks or advices, I am listening. The tanks also each have a sponge filter.
  16. I added 8 false julii corydoras to my 20 gallons on saturday. They are the only fish in beside 2 nerite snails. The aquarium is cycled. They will not stop glass surfing all day long, or swimming around, no matter if the lights are on or off. They don’t stay on the ground and forage. The substrate is black flourite sand. Tank is planted. I just started the quarantine med trio treatment yesterday and today my water is cloudy but they were doing it the day before. I am dosing Prime every 48 hours and Stability everyday. My parameters are : pH 7.4 - 7.6 0/0/15 gh : 8-9 kh : 3-4 temp : 76.5
  17. Just an excuse to show off our Nerite snails! Mine is bicolor... but also very camera shy!
  18. Greetings Every now and then, my easy roots tabs will emerge. Not float, but just half of it emerge (it’s whiteish). 1 - Is it dangerous if fish ingest the outside of the capsule? 2 - I try to burry them as deep as I can in the sand. Any tips or tricks?
  19. Greetings! Here is my attempt at my first planted tank. 20 gallons high, it will host 8 cory trilianeus, 12 green neon tetra and 1 honey gourami. Is my setup ok for cory? There is a slate under my branch so the sand is less deep - is it dangerous for the cory? Thank you
  20. Greetings! I just received my fluval flex 15 gallons. If you have one, I would like to hear if you’ve done any modifications or if you have ideas. 1- with what to fill the huge empty first compartment 2- Is it ok if I added a sponge filter in the 3rd compartment? It’s mostly so I always have one ready if I need a cycled one. 3- If I want more lights, what do you think of the nicrew submersible led light? Any toughts suggestions or comments are welcome! My population will be 15 chili rasbora, 6 clown killifish, 1 nérite snail and 1 orange dwarf mexicain crayfish (cpo) Thank you!
  21. I moved the fry to a quarantine tank. How long should this salt treatment last?
  22. My guppy fry has always been constipated since I have had it (surprise fry with my 6 adult males) Adults had gill fluke from day 1. Salt treatment failed. But the quarantine trio meds worked. But fry still had long stringy poop. 1 week after the end of treatment, my fry has its anal prolapsing. I will treat again with paracleanse after 2 weeks of the treatment but meanwhile, what should I do for the fry? Salt treatment again? Which level? 10 gallons, 76f pH 7.6 0/0/10 (ish. Cycle crashed, been doing a lot of WC and treating with prime) gh : 7, kh : 3 @Cory Thank you
  23. I just bought this branch. I don’t want to give it the typical tree/bonsai appearance but I still would like to decorate it with plants. Any suggestion?
  24. Ah, thanks for the warning - I will only get one type of floating plants then. I guess I will give a try with spiderwood. Just a bit annoying when you can’t find exactly what you want... you know? Haha. We love our aquariums, don’t we?
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