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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. I have few species of fish in 4 aquariums 1 honey gourami, 10 green neon tetra, 10 chili rasbora, 7 false julii cory, 3 clown killifish, neocaradina shrimps and nerita snails. I feed my fish twice per day. I used to feed them flake food, micro pellets, bug bites, freeze dried food and frozen food. They would eat everything. Then I imported (because not available in Canada) some of the x-treme food - they don’t eat (they spit it out) I bought cyclops, mysis and other type of frozen food - none are eaten except for daphnia, bbs and bloodworms. I am raising clown killifish fry so I started hatching live baby brine shrimps. I figured I would give some to my other fishes for their 2nd meal... and now they won’t eat anything except live/froze baby brine shrimp or frozen blood worm/daphnia (aside from the corydoras, the otocinclus and the shrimps) My problem is that I am leaving for a week or 2 and was hoping to use an auto-feeder... Will they eventually eat the food distributed once hungry enough?! I plan to mix different food in the feeders.
  2. Greetings! i have mine for maybe 6 months. My pH is about 7.4 to 7.4. They are housed with honey gourami, green neon tetra, false julii corydoras and otocinclus. Most of the time the school right in front of the window. They even school with my green neon tetras at times. And they don’t shy away when I come near the aquarium. They used to feed from the surface but they do not anymore. You can feed them pretty much anything- just buy yourself a mortar. They love crushed bug bites, etc. Frozen brine shrimps, frozen daphnia. They go nuts for blood worms (I grate the cube so it makes tiny pieces). They do not feed from the bottom. Sadly I spoiled mine too much with live baby brine shrimps so now they refuse any dry food... 😖
  3. @Colu @laritheloud Thanks! I found some and will try. Fingers crossed it will work.
  4. @Cory Any chance you could look at my post, please? I am running out of options… 😥
  5. It’s not quite the same. Plus another treatment is salt and my tetras have been in salt for 2 weeks with no improvement…
  6. I would recommend Angelfins as well. Or I know there are canadian guppies group on FB.
  7. I have a community tank. Population : 1 honey gourami, 10 green neon tetra, 10 chili rasbora, 7 false julii cory, 4 nerita snails. Cycled, planted, temp about 75, ph 7.6, kh 4, gh 11, 0/0/(between 0 and 30). WC every week or 2 weeks depending. On the first week of june, I noticed 3 of my neon tetra had white pathches on their tail. Just some kind of discoloration but no fuzziness. Then a kind of blister appeared on the top of the head of one of them, as well as a white fuzzy patch behind it’s dorsal fin. They all still swim and eat. And none of the other fishes caught it. I treated the whole community tank with Maracyn + Ick-X, nothing happened. I then moved then 10 neon tetra to a 2 gallons hospital tank. I am treating them with salt (1 tbs/gallon) and supratect (some natural meds based on garlic) + 50% wc every 2 days (and redosing salt). It’s been 2 weeks and there is no improvement at all. The symptoms are the same. And the other fishes still healthy. What should be my next step? Any other treatment I could try? What about the 8 healthy tetras? Do I still leave them in the hospital tank? I feel bad treating them as they are fine, but as they are schooling fish, is it ok to separate the sick ones? Won’t they be stressed to only be 2-3 in their tank. I think I accidentally caused this problem - I stupidly cleaned my HOB filter while it was still running and when I pulled the last one sponge, a huge cloud of gunk spilled in the aquarium which instantly became brown. I did a WC right after but the problem on my green neon tetra appeared few days after. If someone could help, I would really appreciate. The fish seem to eat and swim just fine. How long do I keep trying to heal it? Do I give up and euthanize him? Or as it does not seem contagious, I give up and put him back in the community tank? @Cory
  8. This morning I found a few false julii cory eggs in my 20 gallons - about 8. I set them in a fluval medium breeding box and added an airstone. The breeding box hangs outside the aquarium but source its water inside. This evening I was laughing at my nerita snail for trying to push the cholla wood out of its way when I noticed 4-5 fry scattering everywhere 😳 I managed to catch a few of them. Should I add them to the breeder box? Or should I put them in my 10 gallons, cycled, planted, same parameters as the tanks my cory parents are in? There is only about 10 clown killifish fry in it, less then 2 months old, only eating live and frozen baby brine shrimps.
  9. I was wondering the flourish excel by seachem is safe for fry? They are 3 weeks old.
  10. Greetings! I bought 7 otocinclus on may 28th and put them in quarantine with the med trio. After a week, one developed a bad case of fungus and sadly passed away. I retreated the while tank with the med trio. The 6 others seem to be fine - I see them grace on plants, substrate, glass. And they also eat the Hikari algea wafer (that is what the store was giving them). I will soon introduce zucchini and repashy very stinky soilent green! How long should I leave the wafer in? They seem to ignore it until 24 hours later when it’s all mushy... Are they sensitive to Flourish excel by Seachem? I usually fast my fish one day per week. Is it ok to do it with Oto as well? I read they often die of starvation so I want to be sure... I give them one full wafer for the 6 of them, is it too much? Should I wait until they finish it up before giving a new one? Usually I will siphon after 24-36 hours but they seem upset because that’s when they wanna eat it! Is seachem garlic guard good for them as well? I try to soak some food or add it to the tank about once a week. some of them have really long think string of poop. Not white, it just seems like poop that won’t fall. Constipated? Too much food? Thank you! Here is a picture of their belly. Is it round/well fed type of belly?
  11. About 2 months ago, I set up a little (1 or 2 gallons) breeder tub for my clown killifish, then moved them back to their tank, waited until the babies hatched, and moved the baby elsewhere. After that, I unplugged the sponge filter/heater and kinda forgot about it for at least a month. Now I am wondering if I must throw everything away like the heater, sponge filter, moss ball and decor or a quick rince in aquarium water would be ok to use these things again? Thank you!
  12. Thanks! It’s actually the only thing I could find. Expecting it next week. Have you ever used it?
  13. Thanks!! Very interesting videos. You seem to have much less egg shell/unhatched eggs in your harvested seringe then I do in my little cup. I wonder what I am doing wrong for all mine not to float on top like yours?
  14. I am somewhat new to hatching baby brine shrimps. I bought the Ziss hatchery, and aquarium coop eggs, of course! I listened to Cory’s video about 1000 times and I am somewhat satisfied with my results. But I wonder if I have too many unhatched eggs/shells? I put a light at the bottom, wait 5-10 minutles, double seive : first with a baby brine shrimp net, then with the ziss .10mm seiver. Here is my results. My concern is that Cory mentions that Dean once said unhatched eggs/shells can cause problems with small fry. My fry are clown killifish - sooooo tiny! So is this ok? Or are there things I should be doing to reduce the amount?
  15. I love them too but I can’t find anywhere that sells them in Canada. And their price is ridiculous on amazon 😔
  16. I have neocaridina shrimps (blue dream in one tank, orange sakura in another). I have noticed few deaths lately where a white line appears where usually the shell breaks to allows a shrimp to molt so I think I may have a calcium problem? I tested my kh/gh with Cory’s test strips and I get 0 kh and 300 gh. The API drops says about 3kh and 11gh. My tanks are planted, cycled, ph of 7.6, temp between 75 and 78, 0/0/20. Weekly WC and syphoning of the gravel. The blue dream are species only, the orange are with clown killifish. I use cuttlebone but I heard Cory say he doesn’t like using it in one of the livestream. So I was wondering what are the other options? I know some pet stores have some block in shape of a turtle.. are these good? Or any other options?
  17. Hi! Had her for a couple of months! I feed her the GlasGarten powder thing, Hikari shrimp cuisine and other types of sinking pellets for shrimp/crayfish
  18. Greetings! 2-3 of my green neon tetras has tiny white patch on their tails It doesn’t look like ich. They are swimming normally. Dunno if they are pooping, never seen one do so. They used to eat everything now they only accept frozen/live food (spoiled brats!!!) I was wondering what it could be and how to treat it if needed? Tank is planted, temp about 75, ph 7.6, kh 4, gh 11, 0/0/30. WC every week or 2 weeks depending.
  19. I treated the worms with Levamisole and followed the instructions given by Greg Sage to the T! I will most certainly treat the tant with paracleanse - I was just hoping to get a precise ID on the worm before starting anything
  20. @Cory As nobody seems to have any idea, could I have your opinion on what this worm may be and what would be the best course of action? The camallanus worms episode was months and months ago and treated with Levamisole. I also have ick-x, paraclease and maracyn I could use.
  21. Greetings! I found one wiggle red worm in my aquarium. It’s behaving exactly like a detritus worm... but it’s red. I had camellanus worm months ago but I treated it. None of my fish seem to have anything come out of their anus, they eat normally. I have been feeding them a lot of live baby brine shrimps lately and some vinegar eels to my fry (their breeding box is connected to the main tank). My cory are flashing on occasion. Yesterday I saw my honey gourami flash for few minutes then no more. Today for 2-3 minutes when the lights came on, few of my green neon tetra were flashing. No new fish introduced in that tank in months. I did however clean the filter and forgot to turn it off so the whole yucks contains was spilled in the tank. Could it be a camallanus worm that was living in the filter? should I retreat the whole aquarium to be sure or wait for signs?
  22. Greetings! just wondering if these color changes on my shrimp are normal. My substrate is light so I know they sometimes turns paler. But today I noticed her head/chest are more of a brownish color. 5 gallons, planted, temps about 75-77, ph 7.6, 0/0/10. No chlorine, kh 0, hardness close to 300 (On the co op strips) She is one of my old shrimp. Just added 10 more on friday and she is gravid for the first time.
  23. Thank you so much for the compliment.
  24. Greetings! I made a stupid mistake. I did a 35% wc on my 20 gal.(populations 1 honey gourami, 12 green neon tetra, 10 chili rasboras, 7 false julii corydoras and 4 nerita snails) Parameters are temps 74-76, pH 7.6, 0/0/20, kh 4 and gh 9. During the wc, I always squeeze my pre-filter sponge. I filled the aquarium back up but tought the water didn’t look as clean/clear as usual so I figured ou I would squeeze the media inside the filter as well (I am not too afraid to crash my cycle as I also run an aquarium coop medium sponge filter in the aquarium) Problem is, I forgot to turn off the filter (and take it out of the aquarium altogether...) So when I removed the bottom sponge, a huuuuuge amount of mulm and yuck invaded the aquarium. Water became brown. I could barely see my fish. I quickly did a 20% wc while cleaning the filter to have it back running asap. I syphoned the substrate twice as the mulm was setting down. My corydoras are having a ball, can’t say the same for the rasboras. Will my fish make it? Anything else I should do? Should I syphon/wc again tomorrow?
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