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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. I looked at pictures and it doesn’t seem like it. The algea is the same as on the plant, long white filament. @CoryWould you know what these are exactly? Thanks!
  2. I was wondering if this is some kind of algea? If yes, how to get rid of it? Thank you!
  3. Greetings! So I just finished setting up my shrimp tank and I would like your opinions. It’s a Fluval spec V - so tiny! Will be housing Blue shrimps. I know I kinda made a mistake with the sand (river white aquatic sand). Looks too white and is made of sillica. Should have gone wit CaribSea super natural. Some plants still need to grow (like the Nymphoides Taiwan in the right corner). I will be adding floating plants (suggestions on which one?), marino moss balls and probably a little square of java moss in the middle. Do you think the shrimps will have enough things/plants/surfaces to graze/feed on? Is it a nice habitat for them? Thank you! Sorry I was too excited, couldn’t wait for the water to clear. Hehe.
  4. My aquarium is a 20 gallons high I glued anubias barteri var nana petite on the wood. If I would do it again, and if I could find as many, I would go with bucephalandra (you can see one on the rock, to the left) My substrate is the Flourite black sand. ☺️
  5. The stem plant in front of the rock? Bacopa « monnieri » compact And it took me 3 weeks of scaping, rescaping, re re re scaping before I was remotely satisfied so don’t give up!
  6. I did wonder if I used too many varieties. It goes against the rules of aquascaping and such 🤔
  7. Greetings My first planted tank. Some of the plants were added today, so a lot of growing left to do. Comments and suggestions welcomes! My main concern - is there enough ground space for my 8 false julii coridoras to rummage around? I sometimes think they are bored - they spend most of their time glass surfing. Temps - 76 Ph - 7.4 0/0/20 Gh - 8 Kh - 4 I added the cories 3 weeks ago. Started co2 two weeks ago.
  8. Do you know Murphy’s law "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" ? Well, it loves me, and especially with aquariums! Don’t beleive me? I had such an agressive White Cloud Mountain Minmows, he injured my 7 other males... So of course even if everywhere it is said how it’s perfectly fine to have an all males guppy tank... well mine became extremely agressive. I rehomed the first one, but then a second one became agressive. They only bully one particular guppy - it got so stressed I moved it in another tank with the other peaceful guppy. The aggressive one is still swimming around the tank always following the same pattern rather erratically. Question - what can I do to calm down my current agressive guppy? I only have 3 left in my 10 gallons, planted with hides. I will get about 4 more males today, hoping it dilutes the agression. Or I could get females but wouldn’t it be a bit overcrowded? Plus I read breeding can be a bit violent at times. And the female guppies... are they bond to be pregnant every months until the end of their life? Must you retire them at some point? Or do they become infertile?
  9. I did not get an ammonia spike but a nitrite spike. My train of toughts was that if I do a water change, I will lose the med recommended concentration so I treated with Prime every 48 hours (it binds ammonia and nitrite for 48 hours) for a week. I did not lose any fish, thankfully!!
  10. And the fish were fine even if for few seconds/minutes, they had to deal with untreated water?
  11. Greetings! I have always used the bucket method for my WC, treating the water before filling back the tank but with 3 aquariums I would like to use my python. What scares me is to add untreated water to my tanks. I do use Prime and stability - should I add it in the tank before filling, while filling, after filling it? I am afraid to shock the fish with the untreated water, or overdose them if I add the products before, etc... What is the best course of action?I know most youtuber say there is no problem and just add the products while filling the tank but as mine are small (10g, 15g and 20g), I was wondering if it will make a difference Thank you!
  12. This is an awesome reply, thank you so, so very much!!!! I will dive in these info and advices for sure. And yup... you can expect a few DM/question in the futur!
  13. I hear you about the regulator being about impossible to really fine tune. I am home right now so I don’t mind turning it on in the morning and spending like 5 minutes trying to get the right flow 🤪 I am not sure how long I will use co2 - not sure I am hardcore enough for that. It’s mainly to speed up the growth of my plants to be the best environment for my fish that requires heavily planted tanks. And control algea. Kinda losing that fight. Will have to read more about that. I am with you however - if I ever decide to continue on the long turn, it will be a system with a solenoid for sure!!!
  14. Yeah, this whole CO2 thing was maybe too much for me. But I was trying to get my plants to grow nice and healthy. I can’t quite figure out if this is green or yellow!
  15. So I need to check my ph if I understand you correctly. Is that what the checker do? My checker was blue. Now it changed color but I can’t quite figure out if it’s light green or yellow. Ugh.
  16. That’s brilliant! Thanks ☺️
  17. Greetings! I purchased the fluval co2 kit (45g) for my planted 20 gallons and the fluval co2 checker. I started with 1 bubble every 3-4 seconds, the liquid was blue (- ). I then did 2 days with 1 bubbles every 2 seconds. Checker liquid still blue. Today I aimes for 1 bubble per second (a bit more. Stupid kit is hard to adjust), liquid still blue. I read in many sites you are supposed to aim for 10 bubbles per minutes per 100 gallons... I don’t get it? I also try to read the chart but what I get makes no sense to me. My kh is 4, my ph is 7.6 I don’t want to over dose so I keep a close eye on the checker but I am afraid something is off somewhere?
  18. Greetings! I will be purchasing a Fluval Spec V and I am looking around for setup ideas. It will be stocked with blue shrimps and maybe eventually down the road a beta. The tank is rather narrow but long. Share your setups if you please! ☺️ Thanks!
  19. Thank you very much for all you advices. Nothing major died except squished pest snails that I was leaving in for my cory to eat but I will be more careful. Thanks for the tips about not feeding for a day. Perfect timing, I never feed my fish on Sunday, haha. should I do daily WC until everything is good or every other day? My nitrates were down to 10-20. But there was still some nitrites showing. I guess I could skip tomorrow as the Prime will bind it to give my cycle a chance and do a WC in 2 days.
  20. I have been a bad bad fish mom! just tested my water and I had .5 ppm of nitrite and somewhere between 40 and 80 ppm of nitrate!!!! I did a 1/3 wc but my question is - can it shock the fish to suddenly have 0 nitrite and about 10-20 nitrate? If I test my water right after a WC, are the results still accurate or the Prime/Stability might mess up my results? Gosh I hope my coridoras will be ok. Poor little chubbies (my sweet name for them!)
  21. Thank you so very much for your reply. I feel releived knowing he is ok. 😊
  22. Greetings One of my guppy, when not actively swimming, is always at a 45 degree angle. The other fish stay perfectly horizontal so I was wondering if it meant something or if it’s normal for some fish. He is otherwise fine, eats and poops in a 10 gallons with 3 other male guppies. Temp is 76-77, ph is 7.6. 0/0/20, gh 8, kh 4 Thank you!
  23. Greetings! I know nothing about CO2 so I figured I should start with an « all included » kit... minus the solenoid (Fluval people said to use less CO2 but let it run all the time). I want to use CO2 mostly to control algea. I don’t want pest snails (even if they do an amazing job!) My nerite are mostly on the glasses. So any advice, tips? I know the fluval kit is more expensive but it allows me to orders the canisters (don’t have a car to go fill it up), etc. plus, the CO2 checker from Fluval is hideous. Can I buy the pretty glass one? Same with its diffuser, can I get a prettier one or will it change how the kit perform? Thank you! 20 gallons high, cycled, planted (for 2 weeks), 2 nerita, 8 cory, 8 hours of light (Nicrew Skyled), ph 7,4, 0/0/15, Gh 9, kh 4, temp 76
  24. Thank you! I was pulling my hair trying to find a solution. You just made my life easier!
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