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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. So to sum it all, what would you actually do? Nothing : let the chili with the honey gourami Move honey gourami in 10 gallons and green neon tetras in the 20 gallons Move the Chili in the 10 gallons with the green neon tetras and add a female gourami in the 20 gallons
  2. I would like to have a female for my honey gourami, and the 10 would be too small
  3. Yes, both planted. I do have a sponge filter so there is water agitation.
  4. Which one? The 20 or the 10? Aquadvisor says it would be 100% stocked for the 10 gallons
  5. Yes, about few weeks ago. I tried a new filter and I think it made bubbles which may have triggered my honey gourami more agressive behavior?
  6. Oh, they look amazing together. I was just wondering if 7 green neon tetras and 10 chili cory in a 10 gallons would be overstocked
  7. Nope. They have been with the gourami for over 6 months
  8. The tetras are healthy now, but I was told it would be way overstocked if I add them back
  9. Sometimes he will swim through their school but never single one of them and attack it.
  10. Greetings! I have 4 aquariums: - 5 gallons with blue shrimps and 1 nerite snail. (Planted, fluval spec, heated, sponge filter) - 10 gallons with 7 green neon tetras and 2 nerite snails (Planted, HOB filter aqueon quietflow 10 + sponge filter, WC + gravel vacuum once a week, 0/0/20, 77f, ph 7.2, kh 2, gh 6) - 15 gallons with 10-12 clown killifish and 2 nerite snail (Planted, Fluval flex, WC + gravel vacuum once a week, 0/0/10, 76f, pH 6.6, kh 2, gh 15) - 20 gallons with 1 honey gourami, 10 Chili rasboras, 5 otocinclus, 8 false julii corydoras and 4 nerite snails. (Planted, HOB filter aqueon quietflow 20 + sponge filter, WC + gravel vacuum once a week, 0/0/20, 75f, pH 6.6, kh 2, Gh 15 My 7 green neon tetra used to be with my chili rasboras and they were all schooling and swimming back and forth. My green neon tetra got sick so I moved them in a 10 gallons. Lately, my Chili Rasboras are all staying together in one corner and no longer swimming back and forth. I suspect that at some point my gourami might have scared them. What should I be doing? Any way I can get them to be comfortable again in the 20 gallons with the gourami? Especially since I wanted to add a female? Can I move the chili in the 10 gallons with the neon tetra or it’s too small? (That would be my favorite solution) According to Aquadvisor, I would be stocked at 104% Or move my gourami in the 10 gallons and the 7 neons in the 20 gallons? Thank you! Karen
  11. I have a community tank. Population : 1 honey gourami, 10 chili rasbora, 7 false julii cory, 5 otocinclus and 4 nerita snails. Cycled, planted, temp about 75, Ph 6.6 Kh 1 (drop) / 0(aquarium test strip) Gh 9 / 300 0/0/10 WC + gravel siphon every week or 2 weeks depending. one of my corydoras is always breathing rapidly. And rarely hangs with the others. He mostly stays still and breath rapidly. No one bullies him, except sometimes other cory bumps into him. I rarely see him eating and I find his color turning a bit yellow? His barbel are also damaged (shorter) then my other coryd. I know my ph is a bit low and so is my kh, I bought Seachem alkaline buffer to correct that. I have a sponge filter. None of my other fish have his behavior- in fact my other cory breed like rabbits. Any idea of what it could be?
  12. Thank you very much for your answer. I was told 15 gh (15 drops from the test kit) was a bit too high. @Guppysnail I emailed Seachem (I am french, too shy to speak english) and they directed me toward a product called Aquavitro Shrimp exo. « aquavitro® shrimp exo™ is a stabilized potassium iodide source intended to aid in replicating the ideal environment for freshwater shrimp » Another description says it promotes shrimps to molt. As my shrimps die WHILE molting, I am not sure I want to promote it. So waiting on their answer on that part.
  13. Greetings! I have neocaridina shrimps in 2 different aquariums and in both cases, they keep dying when molting when they reach teenager/adult size. It appears to be the white ring of death. They have cuttlebone and I feed them a variety of food, including hikari crab cuisine, hikari shrimp cuisine and glasgarten mineral junkie bites. I am getting a bit frustrated as everyone keep saying shrimps are easy to keep… Both are planted and cycled tanks, with 2 type of filtration (sponge filter + the buildin fluval flex filter). I am careful not to do big water change and the temp is between 75 and 77. So my conclusion is that the problem has to be in the water. My tap water : 0/0/0 Gh 4/75 Kh 2/40 Ph 7 Chlorine : .8 My 15 gallons tanks (12 clown killifish and 3 nerita) 0/0/10 Ph 7.2 Kh 2(API) /0 (Coop strip) Gh 15(API) / 300 (coop strip) My 5 gallons tanks (only blue shrimps 2nd generation. Mum had her fry then passed away) 0/0/10 Kh 2 / 0 Gh 8 / 300 Ph 7.2 I figured I need to lower the gh in the 15 gallons (have yet to find out how) and raise my kh a little bit (by 2-3 I’d say?) I bought Seachem Alkaline buffer but I am so afraid to make a mistake. Anyone has ever used it? It’s confusing because they say to use it with the acid buffer… but I don’t want to raise my gh. Do I put the powder directly in the aquarium after each WC? And I base the quantity on the volume of the tank or of the water changed? Thank you!
  14. Greetings This morning I euthanized one of my corydoras and I wonder if I did the right thing. He has always looked a bit sickly - his dorsal fin always down, not doing much with the other 6 cory. Lately he started having odd swimming behavior. He would swim on the same spot in the middle of the tank, facing the glass, breathing rapidly. Yesterday he rested on a leaf at the very top of the aquarium for hours, still breathing very fast. I saw 2-3 white spots on his tail too. Then he swam back and forth in the tank, never settling for long but he was still eating so I didn’t do anything. This morning he was at the bottom of the tank, motionless but still breathing very fast. My nerite snail was actually climbing on him… I moved the snail away and gently nudge the fish - he didn’t move. It’s only when I tried to net him out that he swam a bit, but would then sink back. That’s when I decided to euthanize him. But as I put him in the small container with clover oil, he stated moving frantically, jumped out of the container… I wasn’t expecting him to have so much energy still, so I wonder if I acted prematurely? 😢
  15. I just treated them last week... (ended on friday). I should retreat them?
  16. My 7 false julii cory keep flashing in the sand. I saw some of my Chili Rasbora do the same so I treated with paracleanse. Problem solved for the rasboras but not the corydoras - they still do it occasionally. The treatment also left the water a bit white ish. Today, they keep shooting up to gulp for air. I know it’s a normal behavior but they are doing it much more frequently. I have a sponge filter and good aeration. And one of them keep hovering above ground but won’t settle. He just swim not erratic or anything but just won’t settle, sometimes just swimming in place, or pacing from side to side. Yet others corydoras are breeding in the same tank. It’s a community tank. Population : 1 honey gourami, 5 otocinclus, 10 chili rasbora, 7 false julii cory, 4 nerita snails. Cycled, planted, temp about 75, ph 6.6, kh 0, gh 300, 0/0/0 WC + gravel siphon every week or 2 weeks depending. Filter is an aqueon hang on back quietflow 20.
  17. Can a beta and 6 green neon tetra live together in a 10 gallons or it’s too small? Thank you!
  18. Greetings! 15 gallons fluval flex, planted, with 15 clown killifish, about 3-4 shrimps and 3 nerite snails. Temp is about 77. 0/0/10. Ph 7.2 Kh 2 (api drop test) /0 (aquarium coop test strips) Gh 15 (api drop test) / 300 (aquarium coop test stips) My tap water : 0/0/0 Gh 4(API)/75 (coop) Kh 2(API)/40 (coop) Ph 7 Chlorine : .8 I treat with Prime and stability. In one week, my 2 adult shrimps died from what appears to be the white ring of death. There is a big piece of cuttlebone in the aquarium for them. I also feed them GlasGarten Mineral Junkie but they ignore it. They have a varied diet, including Hikari crab cuisine. And contrary to a lot of people, my shrimps do not reproduce - I had them for months, only 3 babies. My clown killifish do not attack or eat them. I do a WC (35-50%) every 2 weeks just to gravel clean because the nitrate are always low. I dose easy green, iron and potassium once a week, seachem excel every day. Currently the tank is undergoing a maracyn / paracleanse treatment. I am trying to find what I am doing wrong. Water too hard? Not enough calcium or magnesium? Raise kh? How/what product to use. I am lost! It has to be something I do as about the same thing is happening to my 5 gallons shrimps only tanks. 2 months ago I had 12 adults, now I am left with only 2. And only once did I get babies (about 8-10, they are 3 weeks old). They also have a piece of cuttlebone, varied diet, etc. I used to do big WC but now I try to clean the substrate less and top off only. But Where is the line between too much mulm/debris vs too clean substrate? 0/0/10 Kh 2 (API)/ 0 (coop) Gh 8 (API) / 300 (coop Ph 7.2
  19. Here are my baby blue dream shrimps, respecting social distancing at 2 weeks old! #proudmama ...but there is still some work to do with the yellow one...
  20. I don’t think the plants caused the disease. I removed them because I added salt in the aquarium. Now I just want to know if I can reuse the plant elsewhere or take no chance and throw them away.
  21. Not yet. The opinions are so split 50/50 between an injury vs some disease that I am reluctant to medicate especially since there is over 13 baby in that tank. No disrespect meant to @Colu
  22. Oh, that’s not a goods news for my 2 females 😞
  23. Here is the thread I created about my green neon tetra sickness. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/13662-green-neon-tetra-sick-still/?tab=comments#comment-108756 After the 2nd Maracyn\ick-x treatment, I was still waiting on my kanaplexe to arrive so I went with levamisole and salt. Still no improvement but the fish are active, swimming, etc. And still only the 4 same fish sick, the 6 others are doing fine despite being in the same tank. But yeah - I removed the plants because of the salt but don’t know if they are contaminated. ***To be clear : I don’t think the plants caused the disease. I removed them because I added salt in the aquarium. Now I just want to know if I can reuse the plant elsewhere or take no chance and throw them away.***
  24. Any clown killifish breeder or specialist that could help me with this issue? https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/13733-does-it-ever-stop-😭-clown-killifish-with-white-bump-on-lips/?tab=comments#comment-109421 Now my other female is sporting the same kind of bump, but under her chin. These 2 females chase each other all the time. There is no fuzzyness. Could it be an injury? Should I separate the female (I do have a 5 gallons with only shrimps)
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