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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. Floating plants. I had a truck load of salvinia and then it all went ugly brown and most of it disappeared. Then I noticed that the floating plants in the aquarium with the least current seem to thrive the best. Is it the case? I don’t want to stop the flow entirely in my aquariums but say I build a little barrier to trap my floating plants in one side, with little to no current, would that be ok?
  2. Greetings! In my community tank, I squish my pest snails and let them fall to the ground - my corydoras go crazy for them! I adopted a betta a week ago. There was a pest snail and I squished it and the betta swam super quick to eat it. He had a blast, shaking around to break the pieces, etc. So I was wondering if it’s ok to let him have a pest snail here and there? I try to squish it really good so the shell doesn’t hurt his stomach. Thank you!
  3. Did my betta injure itself? It looks like raised scales… could it be from its floating log? Here is his aquarium He is in quarantine with the aquarium coop med trio already
  4. Greetings! I got my betta 3 days ago. He hadn’t eaten in a while at his seller so I left him alone and fed him for 2 days. Tonight I noticed a few white spots he didn’t have yesterday. He doesn’t have the marble gene, but is a red fancy according to his seller (is that the same thing as hellboy?) Am I dealing with a disease? I started the aquarium coop trio med tonight.
  5. White and blue betta are so stunning! What’s his name? A seller here in Toronto, Canada. If you are interested, just DM me and I will give you his FB information (not sure if I am allowed to do it publicly on the forum?)
  6. @James Black @GameCzar @sudofish @Guppysnail @PineSong @Beccs410 Here is my water puppy! Thank you all for your help/comments and reply. Proud mum here showing her little baby! 🤗
  7. I am totally biaised but isn’t he the cutest? 2nd day in the tank, he has already used everything enrichment (the bridges I made for him, the hide, the ugly floating log) He also swam with the bubbles, hunt every single moving particules, terrified my baby cory, unrooted some plants and showed the rest of them who was the boss! Feel free to show me your betta too!
  8. Just wanted to share with you guys how nervous I am. I have 4 tanks, but it’s my first betta. They seem particular and not need the same care as other fish so ot feels like I am starting in this hobby all over again (I know, it’s weird to say that as they are considered easy beginner fish) So far I had his bag float for about 20-25 minutes. I am now drip acclimating him. Water in the bag was absolutely pristine, but I still added a tiny drop of prime as he was in the bag for 2 days. He was imported from Thaïlande, then stayed at his seller in Ontario (Canada) for a while (he confirmed me that he quarantined him) and now he is at my place. That’s a lot of changes of water parameters in a short times and I admit it stresses me a bit. My tank is cycled (1 month), 0/0/10, pH a bit high for a betta (7.4), kh is 4, but it’s the gh that bothers me the most. I have such hard water at 20. I hope he can tolerate it as I have yet to find an effective way to drop my gh. It’s running rather high in all my tank (ranging from 12 to 20). so if you have any tricks, suggestions, commentary on anything to make sure the transition for my betta guns smooth, go ahead, I am all ears! He is sharing his 10 gallons tank with a nerite snail and a surprise baby corydoras (his egg hitchhiked on a plant I transferred. I will quarantine him with the betta then switch him with his brother/sister in a tank better suited for him (sand substrate)
  9. Thank you for the tips about the film. That will be helpful in the future. I only have 4 tanks, cannot stop yet! Hehe. I can’t wait to see my betta in the tank!!
  10. Thank you! I couldn’t wait and just rescaped the tank to accommodate the switch of the sponge filter, haha. I actually like the results much better then the previous one, so that’s a plus as well. I went for a plakat exactly for the same reason. While my favorite ones are rosetails, I just couldn’t bring myself to see a fish live a life somewhat miserable (I hear they sometimes bite their own fins because it’s too heavy or handicap them) just for my viewing pleasure. Plus they seem stronger and tougher, less prone to fin rot… so much less stress for me!
  11. Thanks you for your reply. I just moved the sponge filter to the other side of the aquarium, away from the floating plants section and the film was gone. Will have to tweak my aquascape a bit, not pleased with it. But most plants are new, and getting the betta tomorrow so will probably try and wait a month to let the plants grow and the betta to get used to its new home before making any major change. But I think I already see that my sessiflora do not like to be hidden from the light. If there is about 1/3 of the aquarium with little to no surface flow (the section with my floating plants), does it cause a problem? I will probably remove the sessiflora from there and just put my java fern and my anubia under that section.
  12. Greetings I am getting my first betta tomorrow. A male plakat. I read everywhere they do not like flow. So I tweaked my Aqueon quietflow 20 to have a gentle flow. I also have a sponge filter. I created some sort of surface divider so my floating plants stay in one side of the aquarium. It’s the side were my sponge filter and my thermometer are. It seems to affect the rest of the tank? The temperature is lower and a thin layer/film appeared. I would have tought the HOB filter would create still enough flow? What is that film? Is it dangerous? Should I switch some things around?
  13. Greetings! Back in june/july, I dealt with some disease with some of my neon tetra. No one could ever find what it was but it didn’t seem contagious. Nonetheless, every equipment that came in contact with them I would discard in my « contaminated » bin. Now it’s been minimally over 4 weeks that everything in the bin is completely dry. As I hate using bleach, I was wondering if white vinegar and hot water would be sufficient to dissinfect everything since it’s been dried for more then 4 weeks? I would imagine any bactery/virus or whatever would not survive without a host AND water for that long? Thank you!
  14. Thank you. Makes me feel a tiny bit better. I love my little fry so much 🥰
  15. Greetings My false julii corydoras are breeding like rabbits. At first I tried collecting the eggs, having them hatched, raising the fry but my success rate wasn’t that high and I do not really want to breed them. So now I just let things happen in the aquarium - some eggs hatch, others get eaten, some little fry are hunted down by my honey gourami, etc. That’s all fine by me. But today I found a few weeks old baby dead, and that’s bothering me. Is it a common thing happening/natural occurrence that some even when they reach a couple of weeks (so no longer prey for anything in the aquarium, free swimming, eating with everyone) will randomly pass away or is it due to a mistake I may have made? That’s what bothers me the most in this hobby. Rarely having a clear answer and then feeling really bad and being unable to correct a mistake I may have made. It’s a community tank (1 honey gourami, 8 chili rasbora, 7 adults cory, 8 babies - letting them grow then I will give them away -, and up to 5 oto - I never see them, so not sure of the number anymore - and 4 nerite snails. 20 gallons high, planted, HOB aqueon quietflow 30 and an aquarium coop medium sponge filter. temps at 75.5, pH about 6.6 and kh at 0 - I did buy the kh buffer to raise it. Will use at my next WC this weekend. Gh is at 300 (on the aquarium coop test strip), no chlorine/ammonia or nitrite. For the past many many weeks I was surfing on 0-10 ppm nitrate. So I was only doing very small WC, no gravel vacuum because I had bad experience sucking up some fries, and only topping the evaporated water. I did that last time monday and added some easy green. To my surprise right now my nitrate is at 50ppm. Can it explain the death of my baby cory? Should I hurry up and do a WC right now or some of the nitrate might be because of the easy green? I also add daily 2ml dose of excel because of my black beard algea… I spot treat, could I have accidentally spayed it on the baby? I also added some activated carbon for 2 day (the one that is in the cartridge sold with the filter) because I wasn’t sure if I accidentally put my hand in the aquarium while having some residue of lysol wipes on my hands (they were washed but were still smelling the product.
  16. I have 5 little corydoras fries and for some reason, some of them spent part of the day schooling with my Chili Rasboras which I find absolutely hilarious. Please excuse the dirty glass (Dean wouldn’t be proud but my excuse is that there is no Aquarium Coop towel in Canada! 🤪)
  17. Yet I can’t keep a single shrimp alive no matter what I try.
  18. I need someone to communicate to my corydoras to stop breeding like rabbits!!! I only have a 20 gallons… And I don’t want to rate my aquarium for 18+ years old viewers only…
  19. I think you tagged the wrong person?
  20. Anubia, bacopa, rotala, crypto, Limnophila sessiflora, pogostemon… and some other plants that had no names 😅
  21. I hired nerite snail for that! Well, they are never cleaning where they should but… 🤪
  22. Thank you so much! The link was very helpful and confirm that I can plant in my fishless aquarium. Yay! Thanks 😊
  23. Thank you! The dipping solution scares me. Strong corrosive product, I always fear I didn’t rince enough. There will only be one fish - a betta. How long do ick survive without a living host? Or can it stay in my sponge/filters/wood, etc? If you knew how much pest snails disgust me! If I have too many, it even bothers me to the points of no longer enjoying my aquarium. But if I understand your answer, it’s no quarantine?
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