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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. I just tried emailing team@aquariumcoop.com but was noticed my email was not delivered. Am I the only one? Or did they block me because I am too annoying? 🤪 @Cory @Candi
  2. I love yours! They are so peaceful. Mine are chasing each other. Well, the male is! My female is still a baby, not quite sure she is sexually mature yet even. Is the chasing a dangerous behavior? Stressful for my female? What should I do with the other baby honey gourami? I am not sure of its sex, I just know he is territorial. Should I add him in the tank with the two others? btw, your male is stunning!
  3. Greetings! My air pump stopped working while I am hatching BBS. Maybe between max 4-6 hour around hour 20 of the hatching. should I throw the batch away or plug another pump and keep going?
  4. I have a 1 year old honey gourami that lives in a community tank with chili rasboras and false julii corydoras. I know they are social fish so I decided to buy him 2 girlfriends… but I am not quite sure if it’s what the fish store sold me (either 2 males or 1f/1m I think?) I quarantine them for 2-3 weeks. One started developing a brown line in the middle of its body (female?) the other not. And the other is much more agressive: he always sends back the female (?) to her side of the tank and it gets worst at feeding time. I was feeding them in 2 different spot to solve the problem but soon I will be gone for 10 days and will be using an automatic feeder so the behavior was bothering me - didn’t want the fish to fight or one to starve to death. However I must say the female wasn’t fazed by the male - she would swim right back. I wanted to wait after Christmas to introduce the bunch but decided to try to add only the non agressive female with my old male. She couldn’t care less about him, she is swimming around eating/picking at plants, sometimes swimming toward him in curiosity but not chasing him. But I can’t quite decipher his behavior. He started swimming erratically at first, now he just stays around her - doesn’t chase her, but he is skittish, swims up/ram (ish) into the glass, he watches her, his mouth/front area became much darker for a while. He swims a lot with his head up. So anyone know what is this behavior? Is it too soon to tell? With her darker line, am I right to think she’s a female? Should I still try to introduce the more agressive/territorial male? Here is what is currently happening … and by the yime I was done writing this post, he has started violently chasing her. Even heard one fish ram in the glass. She seems more scared/submissive to him so he now has stopped chasing her as if satisfied. She, on the other hand, seems more wary of him now… Should I put her back in the other aquarium? So confused as to what to do!
  5. Sorry for the delay! I am raising clown killifish fry. I do freeze the BBS but as my fry are in a rather large tote, I find that moving BBS are easier for them to associate with food (I have dump fry! Hehe) I am also doomed with hatching BBS. Here’s a post I just wrote : I have little clown killifish fry. I feed them vinegar eels at first (I hate harvesting them. I fail at Cory’s method…😭) then I switch to BBS… which I kinda fail at hatching too. I bought the ziss hatchery, aquarium coop eggs, fritz marine salt. I watched Cory’s video at least 50 times. Room temp water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 the spoon of BBS. Air tubing, Aqueon preprogrammed heater (I live in canada. It’s cold), and a heating lamp. My problem is I get soooooo many unhatched eggs it’s crazy. Or eggs/shells that deposit themselves at the bottom of the hatchery or on its sides even. I don’t know if it’s the heater that stops the air bubbles to travel properly, if my air flow is too slow or too strong. And is it normal that there is a slight smell in the salted water? I did an experiment yesterday and removed the heater and upped my air flow after 24 hours and harvested them at 36. The water smelled stronger then usual, and about half the BBS seemed not to move but I had less debris at the bottom and less unhatched eggs. I still fed them to my fry and to some of my community fishes… but then regretted it. I hope they won’t get poisoned if the BBS were bad/dead? The light trick works somehow to bring the BBS at the bottom but as there is already so much debris there… And even if I shake the container, the debris/unhatched eggs sinks faster. Should I just give up and accept that I will harvest at 24 hours, with tons of wasted/unhatched eggs but with healthy BBS?
  6. Greetings! I have little clown killifish fry. I feed them vinegar eels at first (I hate harvesting them. I fail at Cory’s method…😭) then I switch to BBS… which I kinda fail at hatching too. I bought the ziss hatchery, aquarium coop eggs, fritz marine salt. I watched Cory’s video at least 50 times. Room temp water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 the spoon of BBS. Air tubing, Aqueon preprogrammed heater (I live in canada. It’s cold), and a heating lamp. My problem is I get soooooo many unhatched eggs it’s crazy. Or eggs/shells that deposit themselves at the bottom of the hatchery or on its sides even. I don’t know if it’s the heater that stops the air bubbles to travel properly, if my air flow is too slow or too strong. And is it normal that there is a slight smell in the salted water? I did an experiment yesterday and removed the heater and upped my air flow after 24 hours and harvested them at 36. The water smelled stronger then usual, and about half the BBS seemed not to move but I had less debris at the bottom and less unhatched eggs. I still fed them to my fry and to some of my community fishes… but then regretted it. I hope they won’t get poisoned if the BBS were bad/dead? The light trick works somehow to bring the BBS at the bottom but as there is already so much debris there… And even if I shake the container, the debris/unhatched eggs sinks faster. Should I just give up and accept that I will harvest at 24 hours, with tons of wasted/unhatched eggs but with healthy BBS?
  7. Greetings I am a bit of a lazy tester which is why I love aquarium coop test strip. However, for some reason, it doesn’t read the pH (probably because it’s canadian water! 🤣😂). So I am looking for a pH testing pen that I could use to test the pH on my aquariums. Do you have suggestions.
  8. Greetings! I heard Dean say it’s possible to put BBS in the fridge? If so, for how long? In salted water or normal water? Or is it better to keep them at room temperature? For how long? Salted water or normal water?
  9. Just one but even with rims, my snails manage to escape. I bought covers for them all yet… 🤪
  10. Why is it always the wet pet snail like apple snails and nerita snails that manage to escape their tanks and never the pests snails!?!
  11. This is the tank. All real plants/rocks/wood except 1 ceramic hide. I have to create some protected place for my floating plants because they all get by the filter and end up brown/dying. Will do so this weekend.
  12. I don’t know what’s wrong or if there is something in my water but my peaceful schooling fish always end up being bullies! I started with White Cloud Minnows - apparently the most peaceful fish ever. Well, I had 16 in a 20 gallons high, sharing only with 3 orange mexican crayfish. One of the minnows was so agressive, within 3 days all my males had fins damage. I did everything I could, redecorated, put him in time out… nothing worked. I named him Jaws. I returned him to my LFS…. And another male took its place, terrorizing the whole group into a tiny corner of the aquarium. I ended up returning them all. I bought a group of 12 green neon tetra. After few months, some got sick, some dies, etc. Ended up with only 7, and they were living in a 10 gallons. I think the space was too small, they kept chasing each other. I gave them to someone with a bigger aquarium. I have had my Chili Rasboras for about a year. I started with 12 - all healthy and happy. Ordered 12 more - half of them were doa and I only had 3 left after quarantine. Over the year, here and there I would lose a fish. I never saw any disease on any of them per say. 1 jumped out of the aquarium, some isolate themselves then die, etc. My group is now of 7 individuals- and now they are all scattered around the aquarium (20 gallons long, with 1 honey gourami, about 10 corydoras and 3 nerites snails), chasing each other. Each are hidind in their spot, coming out to eat, being chased away again. The honey gourami leave them alone. My theory is that they are used to be in a bigger group and now don’t have that anymore? Or maybe there is too many males in the individuals left? I do plan on buying about 10-12 more but there is none available anywhere atm. And I can’t try breeding because I will be away for Christmas. So until I can find more, is there anything I can do? I don’t want them to die of stress or something. I do have other aquarium (like a species only clown killifish 15 gallons aquarium with few shrimps).. should I try moving them? Seperating them in 2 small group?
  13. Thank you!!! 🥰 These fish makes me smile so much. Absolutely stunning!
  14. Do you have blood parrot or clown loaches? I’d love to see some pictures. I love blood parrot even if I know they can be controversial but… their faces 🥰🥰🥰 And clown loaches… is there a single specie sillier then these?
  15. 😭 Not a very good news for me. 3 males in a 20 gallons, that won’t end very well…
  16. My LFS sold me 2 female honey gourami but looking at their body shape… I am starting to wonder? I already have a male… so another male would be bad news! My 2 females (?) : My male (?)
  17. Oh boy! Opposite here…! Always wanted guppies, they are so beautiful, but can’t find a good breeder here so mine kept dying or being sick (parasite, camallanus worms, prolapse, flukes…ugh!)… and with 6 aquariums, I was stressed to carry a disease from one to another. And mine kept fighting… a nightmare!
  18. Did it ever happen to you to look at a fish and think it was boring or not interesting… and ended up actually falling in love with the species? It happened to me with honey gourami. Back when I was looking to stock my first tank, I looked at sooooo many fish species. When I saw a honey gourami for the first time, I discarded it immediately into the « will never buy » category. I tought it was too bland, uninteresting… until because of my tank stocking choices, and the fact that I was a beginner, honey gourami became one of the few fish choices I had left for a centerpiece. And the fact that my lfs had sunset ones, that were absolutely stunning. So I ended up with the most beautiful honey gourami (not biaised at all), and completely fell in love with his personality. He was a bit more outgoing when I had guppies with him (they would eat or scavenge the substrate together 🥰) and since they passed, sadly he is a bit more shy and doesn’t care about the Chili Rasbora. But I have a surprise for him! 2 little females will join him soon. Fingers crossed it goes well. One female is already much more territorial in the 10 gallons quarantine tank. PS: The funniest thing honey gourami do is when they go above another fish and « taptap » them over the head with their fins/antenna like. Crack me up each time! And you? Any fish you swore you’d never get but ended falling in love with? Pikachu Dahlia Tiffany PS: Dahlia’s picture was taken the first day. Now she has colored up just like Tiffany
  19. So sorry to hear that you went through this as well. @lefty o @xXInkedPhoenixX Thank you. It feels nice to have a place to come and know people will understand. For so many « it’s only fish, just buy more » but we care for them so much, they become pets. It’s a little « easier » when it’s a schooling fish as you get a bit less attached (but it’s no less upsetting!) but when it’s a centerpiece fish or one you named, it really is hard. I am still not over the death of Darcy, my betta. He was so beautiful!
  20. I know what you mean! I felt like that a lot at the beginning when I was losing guppies (didn’t help that in Canada we don’t have medication so I couldn’t properly quarantine) and still do with shrimps. I swear I am a shrimps serial killer. On shrimps group, people keep saying how their shrimps requires no special care, they don’t do anything in particular for them, neglect them, temp swing, you name it, 0 death. I look at mine funny and the day after I find 2 deaths. Bleh. It’s just worst when you KNOW what caused it and it was 100% your fault. But as you said - best thing to do is learn!
  21. Here’s my bettas. I currently own 2. Darcy, who sadly passed away (Male hellboy plakat) Gandalf (Male platinum dumbo plakat) And Calypso (Female halfmoon copper dragon)
  22. Isn’t it Upsetting when you lose a fish to a mistake that could have been easily avoided? Clown killifish are also called rocket fish because they jump through every opening they can find (apparently). I’ve had mine for over a year now, never saw a single one jump… so I got a bit careless in always closing the lid really tight and covering the food hole. But tonight I found a little female completely dry on the floor… So upset at myself!! Especially a female as I have way too many males atm. Live and learn, I know, but still upsetting that a living creature has to pay for my mistake.
  23. @lefty o @Guppysnail @Beardedbillygoat1975 Thanks guys! I kicked my lazy butt and did a vacuum/WC on both tank. My poor girls were very dissatisfied to no longer find food here and there! 😂 But all in all, there was really little left. But better safe then sorry!
  24. Today wasn’t my day vs feeding. I have a 10 gallons with a HOB tidel 35 + sponge filter. Population is 2 baby female honey gourami that are just out of quarantine and have been eating for 3 days. I accidentally dropped a lot of food. I had just done a WC so I used a cup to remove as much as I could and a pipette. But of course there is still much more then usual. I won’t feed the gourami tomorrow for sure. Should I do another WC - vacuum tomorrow? Same happened in my 20 gallons but I have (way too many) pigs er… I mean corydoras in it. They won’t stop breeding. I know they will eat it all. Is there an issue for a fish if it eats too much? I kinda fear bloating or constipation.
  25. Thanks for the video! I harvested them the way Cory showed - long necked bottle with floss and water. What I wonder is if the worms themselves can harm the unhatchex eggs
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