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Karen B.

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Everything posted by Karen B.

  1. @Irene Is this the heater you use? I tried mine in my Ziss Hatchery but I can’t seem to reach the minimum water level of the heater?
  2. On my main tanks, my salvinia’s roots looks perfect : But in my fry little tanks/tubs, they get all fuzzy after a few days (less mouvement maybe?) Is it dangerous for the fry? Should I throw them away and change them every few days?
  3. Ziss hatchery, aquarium co op eggs, I follow Cory’s video. I harvest between 24 and 36 hours. When I put them in a small container after rincing them, some swims but most sinks to the bottom... why? Are they dead? I would also like to know what are the black specs with the BBS Thank you! I will get it eventually. It sucks to be the worst aquarist on earth!
  4. Love love love that you have a dedicated tank for your fry. So cute! Thanks for the baking soda trick. The liquid mix of water/baking soda/apple cider vinegar do not bother the fish? How long will the eel survive in the baking soda?
  5. Greetings! I saw Cory’s trick to put some floss in the neck of a bottle and pour water. But I am paranoid that I may push it too far, that the vinegar solution will affect my fry. Plus it worked for some times, and now no more worms are coming up. I am kinda panicking because I hace clown killifish fry currently hatching. I bought a new worn culture but until then, what can I do? The fish don’t seem to want to eat the Hikari first bite.
  6. Greetings! I read somewhere on this forum that you can store BBS in the fridge. It will slow their metabolism and once you rince them, they should start swimming again. I have been doing that for 2 days now and my BBS never start swimming again. 1 - are you supposed to store them in the salted water? 2 - Can I feed these dead BBS to my fish? They are never older then 24 hours 3 - Any other way I could keep them alive for 12-24 hours? If I build a DIY 2nd hatchery but only run an airstone, would that work?
  7. Shipping is based on many thing - like the weight of your items, etc. I do recommend them, especially this month as they have a 25% off shipping. You have also many options for shipping from fast to slow. For a 3.3 lbs package, I paid 46 US $ (including duties & taxes).
  8. It feels like Christmas today!! I use the service of an in-between company (myus.com - not promoting, just letting other fellows Canadian know if they are intetested) and tada! Sure the shipping costs are really high but it’s worth it to have good quality products. ☺️ But I think someone on their team is collecting the sticker because it’s the 2nd time I use their service... and both time they stole my sticker 😭
  9. 1 honey gourami, 14 green neon tetra and 10 chili Rasbora, 4 nerita snails
  10. Is this a false julii cory egg? 🤔
  11. @Solidus1833 @H.K.Luterman Thank you! What bothers me is the part dragging. The tail tore in a square shape and the tore part is still attached and dragging
  12. My guppy tore a hole in its tail. But the fin that is ripped is still attached. Looks like a window. 10 gallons, temp 75, pH 7.6, gh 8, kh 4, 0/0/20 most likely done because he always fight with the other male. will it heal despite some part dragging? Is there something I should do?
  13. 20 gallons Population : 1 honey gourami, 10 chili rasboras, 14 green neon tetras, 7 false julii corydoras and 4 nerita snails. pH 7.6. Temps about 75 F, 0/0/20, gh 8, kh 4 My green neon tetras used to eat everything. Now, the only food they will eat is frozen food (blood worm, daphnia, brine shrimp). Any other food, they won’t even take it in their mouth and spit it - at best they push it with their nose... 😲 They won’t even eat bug bites from Fluval. I feed my fish a variety of food (flake, pellets, frozen, freeze dried) and each of these at least 2-3 different kind (like I have 3-4 kind of pellets, etc). I used to give frozen food only once or twice a week but now I give some max every 2 days, not wanting them to starve. But do you have any suggestions how I can get them to eat dry food again? Thank you!
  14. 15 gallons, 3 nerita snails, should have it covered pretty well, right? ...or not
  15. Thank you so much! Your breeding setup is just a dream! I put my 3 killies in a 2 gallons tub with 2 spawning mop and have never seen a single egg. And they were getting so unhappy, skittish, not eating much... I put them back in their main tank for now. Your killies are absolutely adorable! I will try to get a setup closer to yours before I try again! What is the orangy water you put the eggs in?
  16. So I would like to reproduce my Clown killifish. I put them in a tub, lots of hiding places, spawning mop - so far I see nothing but maybe the eggs are too small? Meanwhile in my main tank, I found a teeny tiny fry and 2 baby shrimps. I moved the shrimps together in a container but one died. The fry is in another container but I have so many uncertainties - I need a heater because I live in canada but will it burn itself? How much things (moss, floating plants, etc) should I put in? I am afraid all the debris will pollute the water. Must I have a air stone? Or just a little airtube? Water change? I was wondering if you all could share with me - tips, tricks, advices, installation...
  17. Am I the only one having issues with these kit? I tried both 45 and 95 and they work for a couple of days then a hose comes loose, a leak appears... or suddenly the co2 can’t reach the diffuser and a connection somewhere just explodes?!
  18. That’s the 15 gallons in which the tetra are. here is my 20 gallons (but yes, all real plants)
  19. I bought 14 green neon tetra. They were in quarantine 2 weeks in a 10 gallons (with some Chili Rasbora) right by my couch - they got so used to me they were no longer shy or hiding. After quarantine, I moved them in a 15 gallons with 10 Chili Rasbora and 3 clown killifish. Everyone was thriving, swimming around, using the whole space. Then my Chili started staying only at the top right corner, even if no fish were harassing them. I moved them to my 20 gallons with a honey gourami and 7 false julii cory and they are back to thriving. My green neon tetra now won’t come out of hiding. Ever. They may have been scared by the fishnet but it’s been over 2 weeks now and they still won’t come out. Even when there is food, not a single one will come out to eat. I was wondering what should I do? Is it because they are no longer with other ditter fish? Should I move them to my 20 gallons but in which case will I be overstocked (2 honey gourami, 10 chili rasboras, 14 green neon tetra, 7 false julii cory and 4 snails)? Tank parameters are : 0/0/20 planted, heated at 75-76. pH 7.4, gh 8, kh 4 It’s a fluval flex and I added a sponge filter. @Cory
  20. I have tiny white worms on my aquarium glass. They aren’t long and wiggly like detritus worms. But from what I can see, they do not seem to have the triangular head shape of planarias... any idea what these are exactly? Thank you!
  21. Update : I moved them to the 20 gallons and they are thriving, swimming everywhere alone or in school. I have the feeling they did not like how active my green neon tetra were in the 15 gallons maybe?
  22. I have 7-8 Chili Rasbora in my 15 gallons flex planted aquarium. They are housed with 14 green neon tetra, 3 clown killifish, 3 nerita and about 10 shrimps. Temp is 75, pH 7.4, 0/0/20, gh 7 and kh 4. They are most of the time gathered together in one corner of the tank, swimming in place. None of the other fishes seem to bully them. In the picture, you can see them all in the top right corner where they stay most of the day. where there are no floating plants. The killifish are all over the place and the green neon prefers to swim in and around the plants on the left. I was wondering if it’s a normal behavior for my Chili? Are they afraid of something? I have a 20 gallons with same parameters currently housing 1 honey gourami (soon to add a 2nd and 2-3 otocinclus). Should I move the Chili in that tank, and increase their number to 12 (but according to aquadvisor, I would be at 112% of capacity but still over 125% filtration capacity). I do 20-30% WC each week. This is the 20 gallons.
  23. @CT_ Thank you for your feedback. I must admit I am not much of a « try and see » as I have a hard time forgiving myself for mistake. S.I.P. Guppy that jumped out of my aquarium 😔Still mad at myself for that! You really made me laugh with your roomba snail!!! @xXInkedPhoenixXI am right behind you on the lazy nerite snails! I got 4 in my 20 gallons and For some reason, most of the time, I find all 4 within 2 inches of each other on my tree branch. That thing is spotless, I tell you 🤪
  24. @CoryThank you so much for such a detailed reply. This is why I support Aquarium co op as much as I can. You actually take times to answer us. @Biotope Biologist Thank you very much. It all makes sense!
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