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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. With a heavily planted tank, potassium carbonate would work well for you. However, a Betta would enjoy acidic water. 20ppm KH works well. I wouldn't sweat it. I keep all my tanks at 0KH. If you are keeping softwater fish, they enjoy these conditions. Me personally, I would look to lower GH to 4 or 5dGH. That's about 68 to 86ppm GH.
  2. I use Inkbirds and I would never note have them. They have saved my tanks several times.
  3. I get my meds from both, but when I can, I buy from Cory. I support local as much as I can. If you raise KH, pH will go up as well. May I ask why you want to raise the KH? Also, raising KH will deplete your active substrate faster than normal. And keep in mind that using coral to raise KH also raises GH.
  4. To only take advice from people willing to show you their tank, and that tank needs to be a conversational piece.
  5. I would trash the pH up and down and grab some Potassium Carbonate. I would keep RO/distilled water around and use the K2CO3/RO water to alter pH. Paracleanse is mostly snake oil when you have access to Kanaplex and Metroplex. Flourish is an incomplete fertilizer, I would use NilocG Thrive as a complete fertilizer if you want an all in one.
  6. .2 to .9ppm. I'd start at .2 and work up from there. Give it 3 weeks minimal before any changes.
  7. Sadly, they are all junk. But the jagers have been the least troublesome. Check the tops and make sure the calibration notch is not blocking it from turning on.
  8. I would reduce dosing to maintain 20-25ppm NO3. How many gallons is the tank and how many pumps are you dosing?
  9. You might cause a mob with pitchforks, careful 😆. You forgot to mention that it's actually algae that photosynthesize quicker than plants! But we will keep this between ourselves 😜
  10. Eheim Jager are the only kind I will buy. They are all unreliable, but these have done well for me.
  11. Probably because Flubendazole is a "big Gun" med. Here is the states, these other medications are readily available and cheap. We you use Flubendazole or Levamisole as a last resort in most cases.
  12. In that case, go for it. You could skip Metro then and go with Kanaplex and flubendazole. Do you have access to PraziPro?
  13. I believe that would be a good trio. I dose Kanaplex and Metroplex simultaneously in the same food. Just dose them orally vs in the water. I would go for your local ich med and save flubendazole for when you really need it. Use Seachem Focus to bind to food.
  14. PH swing is harmful to fish. Makes me chuckle every time.
  15. It takes about 24 hours to fully degas the CO2, and nitrification acidifies the tank also. This is why you are seeing a 6.6. When I mix up my RO water, it will have a pH of near 9. When I do a 50% water change, the pH is pretty close to what the tank was. With 0dKH or near 0dKH, this is expected and has no negative impact on fish. My tank will have a 5.1 pH right before my water change and after, it's about 5.8 to 6.1.
  16. You would probably be better off using a pump. Most will have a graph with distance and head pressure.
  17. You might have luck with myrio guyana mini and myriophyllum aquaticum.
  18. My guess is Hygrophila Corymbosa aka giant hyggro.
  19. Gorilla glue has one NSF verified, but any work really. GORILLA PVC R08000 Pvc Glue 8 OZ, Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HSO1APU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_WX0S9YZMGJC6PEFFHF2R
  20. You may already know, but make sure you calculate for true gallons. I've calculated about 66 gallons for my 75 gallon. I was way over dosing before. I measured from substrate to water level as height. So, LxHxD=? Then ?/231 will give a true gallon estimate. Don't forget aquascape and filters. Check out https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php This is how I know all my ppm and dosing amounts.
  21. It's probably low light, but you want to rule out low CO2. What dosing chart are you following and for how many gallons?
  22. Can you tell me more. Specifically, what PPM are you dosing of each. Do you know your pH drop from degassed to peak CO2? What's your KH and GH? Water source and water change schedule.
  23. It's most likely a lack of CO2, but curling can be Ca/Mg issue also. If your source water is tap, pull a water report and see what amount of Ca Mg is there.
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