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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. The Myrio needs every week, the rest about every 2 weeks. Oddly, everything has slowed down with this new light. I'm being told when plants have the proper light and are healthy, they can slow down in growth. Which is weird!
  2. So I have been using the Eheim Spray Bar for about 3 weeks now and I just love it. What a great product! It comes in 3 sections that can be angled 360 degrees. Easy to remove for cleaning, and an overall 10/10 product. Here's 2 sections for surface agitation and 1 section blowing down juts a bit. My CO2 runs through this filter so it's nice to have one blow down through the tank. I have also started dosing my micros 7 days a week via a solution I created. I made one to dose the 66 gallons at 15ml per day for 7 days. I started front loading nutrients so I didn't have to dose every day, and here I am dosing every day! The 40 breeder is now a disaster and I'm getting ready for a complete redo on the tank. The male Apisto is also beating up one of the females badly, so she will be removed and placed into the 75 permanently.
  3. For a tank that size, I would go with a 55 model.
  4. If you maintain a consistent GH and KH, along with consistent TDS, pH is of no concern. I run 0dKH and my pH fluctuates between 7.0-6.8 and 5.1 daily.
  5. You won't be able to lower pH, effectively or consistently, without lowering KH. I would would drop your KH to 3dKH and you will be about a 7.0pH. FYI
  6. It's common with new tanks or reworked tanks. I would keep up on water changes and gravel vacuuming and wait it out.
  7. Eco Complete, does say it has nutrients, but the truth is it's void of any significant amounts. @lefty ohas it correct.
  8. There is no "best", but look for inert substrates if you want them to not break down. Pool filter Sand Eco Complete Gravels Caribsea Sands Things like those.
  9. No, I wouldn't do that. Have a set number and dose that total amount weekly. Watch the plants, if they look good, keep that dose. Only increase if the plants show you a deficiency.
  10. They can take up all the iron within 30 minutes. Seems crazy, but true.
  11. Measure 10 minutes after dosing, then measure 30 mins after dosing. You might also need to calibrate the test kit.
  12. Thank you. To be honest, I never expected to get these results. I'm lucky to have found people who enjoy sharing their successes. I couldn't have done this without their knowledge.
  13. After some testing, and still seeing 25ppm NO3, an unexpected 1-2ppm PO4 and 15ppm K, I've decided to make some dosing changes. Dropping NO3 to 18ppm Increasing PO4 to 8ppm Increasing K to 30ppm I'm also increasing GH to 5.11 That's 20ppm Ca@2.88dGH and 10ppmMg@2.31dGH
  14. They are better than most filters.
  15. I wouldn't worry about how or if, but would monitor your source water KH. The reason a pH is a certain value is mostly related to a certain value of KH. I would grab a sample of your tank water and set it out for 48 hours and use that measurement as your degassed pH.
  16. I use Seachem Focus to bind the meds to foods and add Garlic Guard to enhance the flavor.
  17. What are your tank parameters and size? What are you dosing and how much are you dosing in ppm?
  18. It's probably a bacterial bloom from the die off that the antibiotic is causing. I would check ammonia twice a day to make sure you are not having a mini cycle. In the future, I would advise dosing antibiotics orally to avoid this problem, and it's more effective orally as well.
  19. Thank you. It's actually not too low by weeks end. I will be testing tomorrow and will have a better picture then. PO4 has been around 3ishppm and K around 18ppm. The new plant on the left is persecaria kawagoeanum. Hope it does well. It seems to be responding today. Edit I take that back PO4 is 1 to 2ppm and K is 15ppm. I'm glad your question made me curious. Water change day is not till Wednesday.
  20. That or just air to circulate the water as BB is in the substrate and on the aquascape itself.
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