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Kurt Brutting

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Everything posted by Kurt Brutting

  1. Those floaters are crazy, crazy awesome! I thought I saw someone selling them online like Etsy or EBay.
  2. I just purchased 4 more Panda Cory’s from another source to add some new blood to my school. They are in quarantine now. They are so cute!
  3. I never had luck with Crypts. This year I will find a Cryptocoryne I won’t kill. I just purchased wavy green again hopefully my skillset is a little better then last year. Fingers crossed! Go team Crypt!
  4. I have the same problem, I tend to over feed. My Cory’s, Pleco’s, Shrimp, and Snails don’t seem to mind! Especially all the Ramshorn Snails.
  5. I am saving for my next project. I want all peaceful black community fish for my next planted tank. The main 2 species I’ve picked out so far is Black Venezuelan Corydora’s and Black Neocaridian Shrimp. I just need a nice peaceful fish for the top of the tank. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I took some pics from the internet to share to help with ideas. I am thinking I’m going to get a 20 long or maybe a 30 gallon low boy.
  6. It’s a beautiful aqua-scape. I like it a lot! Floating plants could also be very beneficial with helping suck up extra nutrients that the algae is using.
  7. I had my Golden Mystery Snail live with my Betta since June and no issues. Last month I had to move Goldy because the Betta went crazy on her. I felt so bad, poor girl got beat up!
  8. I agree with MrWestCoast, my tetras can eat and eat and eat. They are little piggies. I skip a feeding once a week so they can digest everything in their gut.
  9. @Bev C your video made me and my family laugh! That is great stuff!
  10. I agree with @JoeQ from his post above. They look very similar. Anacharis is pretty popular in the hobby.
  11. I heard API Quick Start is pretty good. MD Fish Tanks on YouTube swears by it.
  12. I saw in one of my low tech setups today that my Pearl Weed was pearling for the 1st time and I got super excited and I wanted to share it. It’s the little things in life like a tiny little oxygen bubble coming off a leaf.
  13. I started fresh and re-scaped 2 of my aquariums with Fluval Stratum. I filled media bags with Stratum and I capped it with sand. I am glad I did it because my plant growth has been super healthy with very little algae. Regarding an established aquarium I saw a video of someone once filling a pot or cup with substrate and letting it slowly fill up and bringing it to the bottom, then turning it over to sprinkle the new substrate everywhere. I think Cory also did it recently in one of his newer videos.
  14. Can you maybe post a picture and provide some more details please?
  15. I was told to throw my extra snails into my garden, it’s good advice but I couldn’t do it. I feel bad, but luckily my loaches go crazy for them so I just collect and feed!
  16. I purchased my Java Fern from swaps already grown under water. It makes a huge difference than farm grown.
  17. Thank you everyone for the great advise. Here is a couple more pictures. If he is biting how do I stop him?
  18. Last week I noticed a rip or rot or bite on my Betta’s tail fin. I purchased him back in June and he’s been a very happy little Betta. No problems until now. I do not see him biting his tail fin, but it doesn’t mean he’s not. I added extra Indian Almond leaves to increase the tannins. Should I dose Maracyn? The water parameters are the same as always. I also exercise him for 5 minutes a day with a mirror, should I stop until his tail heals? Any help is appreciated.
  19. I would try Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily. One bulb can create a nice thick bush. A couple of them together and it would create a thick lush wall. They love harder water. Once they start to send out shoots you just bury the bulb. Give them plenty of root tabs to keep them happy.
  20. Red root floaters are a tough plant to ship. I purchased mine from Etsy and they arrived a little beat up, but the new growth looks great. I have them in low flow aquariums with medium to high light.
  21. If your quarantine tank is a new system or just cycled I would be careful adding so many fish at once. I would personally add one group at a time just to be safe. So I would get the cheapest fish 1st. Once in the quarantine tank for a couple weeks then add the next group of fish. When I 1st started in the hobby I lost 8 cardinal tetras and I was very upset so I know your pain. Don’t give up and try and stay positive. Adding beneficial bacteria might help your situation. Fritz Zyme 7 might help.
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