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Kurt Brutting

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Everything posted by Kurt Brutting

  1. When water sprite really gets going and starts blowing up a tank it’s one of my favorites. It’s super beautiful!
  2. I had water sprite in a high flow area, but it was very well established. Also Vallisneria looks great waving in the current.
  3. Good idea, I agree. If it gets worse you will be ready. Aquarium Co Op sells and makes the best product.
  4. I would keep an eye on him and see if he is nibbling on himself. It just seems like a lot of fin went missing in one day. To provide enrichment you could put a mirror in front of him for 5mins to 10mins a day to get him to flare. That will exercise his fins. I’d hate to recommend Meds if that’s not the problem. Here is a really good video from Irene. Keep me posted and good luck.
  5. I’ve heard some bettas eating their own fins. Have you seen any nibbling?
  6. Does anyone here have Black & White Crested Polish chicken eggs for sale or can recommend a good breeder? Any help is appreciated we trying to up our flock.
  7. That’s a good idea about keeping a journal. I love wild bettas, I am so excited to start this project!
  8. My newest setup “The Betta Cove” (I name my tanks) is ready for it’s 1st inhabitants! Tuesday I have Kuhli Loaches arriving from Dansfish. It’s the 1st time I’m keeping Kuhli Loaches so I’m stoked! But the main species will be a pair of Betta Channoides for my next breeding project. It will be my 1st time breeding mouth brooders. I cannot wait, I can hardly contain myself! But I might have to wait until the Kuhli Loaches are big enough not to be gobbled up.
  9. I use Eheim heaters with Inkbird temperature controller on every heater I run. I strongly recommend the temperature controller on any heater it’s an extra layer of protection. You can get the ink bird temp controller with Wi-Fi and program everything from your phone.
  10. My mom made this for me for my birthday. I thought it was really awesome and I wanted to share it. Thanks mom.
  11. Where is a good place to order high quality Plakat’s online?
  12. @Stef I’m sorry about Bolt, that really stinks. Mystery Snails have a lot of personality. They are my family’s favorite. Bolt was very pretty!
  13. My Grand Daddy Purple Mystery Snail Bulldozer passed away last night! I had him for just over 2 years. He had a good life, dive bombing Cory Cats for food, plowing through plants, and making lots & lots of babies. RIP Buddy!
  14. My Pandas are all over the aquarium, their fins kinda of remind me of a humming bird flying when they are mid-water!
  15. That’s awesome congratulations! My Pandas have been BUSY! I’m not trying to breed them at this time and I got 7 new babies swimming around! Super cute and exciting.
  16. Merry X-Mas Everyone & Happy Holidays !
  17. I heard a good tip about catching fish from my LFS. Use a net and chase the fish around with your hand. Have the fish scared of your hand not the net. That way you can chase the fish into the net. I tried it with my Cory’s, it still took forever because of the plants and hard scape, but it definitely helped.
  18. I thought I was going crazy when I couldn’t access the members items! Thank goodness for this thread! I must of logged in and out a dozen times! 🤣
  19. My newest breeding project I’d like to share is a 10g Charcoal Guppy aquarium I started in October. I purchased the guppies from Dansfish and they are doing amazing. I call it The Guppy Swamp.
  20. I have lucky Bamboo in 3 of my aquariums. I love the look they give to my aquariums, but it seems to me some take really good to my water while some struggle or grow super slow. I think you get good stock or not. Definitely wash them good before putting in your aquarium and I put roots in the water close to the substrate and the leaves above the water. The roots can spread across the back of the aquarium kind of like pothos.
  21. I did a super clean once to a very established tank, I stirred everything up really good, and the worst thing that happened was a bacterial bloom. It took a few weeks to go away, but parameters all stayed in check. I would keep an eye on all your inhabitants for awhile make sure everyone else is ok.
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