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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. This drives me batty - I am about a month to 6 weeks behind the south and no one ever mentions the difference in the seasons as you move north. You just have to watch and wait. I get very confused by the Zone system in the US but I think its a better idea than just ignoring the different conditions.
  2. I don't believe so, a masonry or HSS (normal) both work, watch your speed medium is best.
  3. Absolutely! The waste must go somewhere but I think they are trying to run as lean as possible. When I go I'll ask questions.
  4. I'll add that my fish always get live or frozen foods if I've been messing so they forgive me pretty fast.
  5. I hadn't seen a sulking loach (Chinese algae eater in the UK) for years than I visited a different (slightly odd LFS). Anyway when I asked if they weren't aggressive she just said she didn't get many returned. You have to read between the lines sometimes, they are cute when they are small though.
  6. It's nice to be inspired and I enjoy remodeling my tank I try to do it in the fishes best interest. So to create more space or increasing the planting. And for me to reduce maintenance. Have some fun but see what you can do with what you have first it will be the least stress for the cycle and your wallet. Just standing up some of those pieces of wood would make a dramatic change. But second everyone else your tank is lovely as is I have a pile of not quite suitable hardscape options.
  7. Just spotted this after lights out and thought it looked very cosy. Wish I'd got round to cleaning the outside of the glass today
  8. Started work on the main tank today and forgot to take a before photo so will figure that out later so far all I've done is a fry careful gravel vac and add some more gravel and pebbles in the third of the tank furthest away from the pygmy fry not happy with the look yet so throw some pics out shortly. I did take a huge algae riddled chunk of anubias from the log and squeezed it into the shrimp tank let's see how long they take to tidy it up Hopefully the added cover and food will encourage breeding as no signs so far
  9. Today I did a water change on the main tank, and removed some algae coated anubias to shrimp tank that is pretty much a jungle now.
  10. I picked up a small hatchery on eBay but there are loads of options for DIY hatcheries I got a ton of recommendations on it in this thread
  11. Keep an eye on it your tank might just need a bit of time to convert it, if it keep rising look for a cause if you have been using root tabs make sure they are all still where you put them. If it's the same or dropping tomorrow it's just your tank doing something. Cycling is not a once and done thing young cycles are fragile
  12. The longest I got with two comets in a 60G (240l) with a canister (fluval 306 and a Hagen Stingray 15 for extra flow) was about a month. No plants though which would have probably got me further. Goldfish and plants don't easily mix though. I wouldn't say it would be impossible to balance three tank in question but I wouldn't want to try it myself. It will be pretty crowded when they grow out though
  13. My cousin went to a garden party and lecture with Monty Don and she got the opportunity to meet him and ask questions when she got her chance all she could think to ask was how to get rid/prevent dandelions from her lawn. (She isn't the most green fingered of the family I the reason she was there was just Monty)
  14. I think the references that talk about lighting the hatchery are using an incandescent bulb to mainly provide a little heat boost. In my experience room temp is fine (faster in summer slower in winter but only about 12hrs in it). Interested by what @Guppysnailsays about windowsills might have a switch around.
  15. My last one was a bit of an emergency let's cool this down. I just scooped out about 20 % and topped up pouring the water through the filter. Normal I'm just topping off that tank so then it's only about 5% that changes. My tap to tank is pretty similar though so maybe look at how different the new water will be and if it's very different do the smallest change you can.
  16. One of my LFS uses a sand filter the staff have to stir it up regularly . Basically they just have two massive pool filters one for the salt water fish and one for the fresh.
  17. I generally test my water on Wednesday to work out how much of my weekend will be tank work. Most other things are done when I notice them. I gravel vac when I change water and I change water when the test strips tell me to.
  18. I think it will recognise you and you'll not start again
  19. Oh dear, fingers crossed for the remainder. I've read they can be sensitive fish to changing water parameters but I have no experience of the fish. Hopefully someone will have some insights for you
  20. Those double blacks be are a good looking fish. Nice to see them being so productive
  21. My mum's chickens and their favourite snack
  22. Maybe try short tufty mops weighted to sit up more like a wool pom-pom than a tassel. The less the threads can tangle the safer they will be. If you want examples (not sure how good the explaination is) I'll make our draw you something tomorrow.
  23. Just watched this and it is a very concise walk though of a marine system. This is a place on my to visit list this year.
  24. Might be very helpful when going on an egg hunt
  25. I don't see why not. You might need to do an extra water change while the bacteria re-establishes itself. Don't touch the glass for the week before removing and the week after so the removal is the only distribution to the tank. If it doesn't work you can always put it back.
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