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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I have just used this on my main tank, I can't move the tank so anything that goes behind has to be water proof and rigid enough to slot down without ceasing. As well as being bendy enough to manoeuvre For clarity it is plain on the other side. And here in situ showing off my algae nicely (no wonder my Otto's are tubby) Oh and that stuff is really cheap it was £3 a sheet 120cm x 60cm
  2. Never check the temp, my water will always be colder than the tank.
  3. And main tank update the lone pygmy fry has made it to fish shape.
  4. This might help you wrap your head around things, but it's easier in general choose fish that like your water than chase parameters. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/ph-gh-kh There is also plenty on you tube discussing these just search KH and GH
  5. Learning that it's ok to throw some plants rather than perpetually propagate, might take some pressure off. Good work on the live food production can't say that side appeals to me. I failed to stay with one tank but I can't get many without moving house. Good luck.
  6. Any recommendations for tall bushy background plant. Water sprite didn't work for me for some reason but I like that fussy look. Easy care low to medium light . No CO2.
  7. Well your nitrate is pretty low so the plants might be hungry depending on how heavily you are planted. You could start feeding the plants or reduce your water changes to let it build up a bit I normally fine my plants have a growth spurt above the 25 ppm and I water change when it gets to 40. To me your strip reads as Chlorine 0 pH 6.4 Buffer below 40 Hardness - no idea that's pink and the code is blue. So possibly very hard. Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 One suggestion I've seen is to take photos and change them to grey scale to help with colour ambiguity. But as long as is doesn't get crazy there is probably always someone about on here to double check with
  8. I use those eggs, hatch rate seems ok for me after 48 hrs. I store them in the fridge. Do you add a pinch of bicarb to your water? That might help a bit if I remember rightly Scottish water is generally soft with neutral pH. So the bicarb might nudge things in your favour. As far as I can figure every house needs it's own recipe. You could look at resellers or a third party shipper for co op stuff but that will probably work out prohibitively expensive.
  9. Lots of beautiful fish, thanks for sharing. Everyone's colour is amazing. You can prune lucky bamboo it will just put out a new branch.
  10. Shrimp and snails doing a stirling job of algae removal on the plants I swapped in. Still some traces but after only 9 days they are looking pretty good. Will have a crazy snail population after this for awhile.
  11. Back up gravel is very useful no matter what it looks like. I mixed some gravel once then decided I didn't like it pulled it all from the tank then every time I've used some I've sifted it to separate the mix while washing it.
  12. I understand that frustration. I have been searching for a match to some gravel that was easy to find 10 years go but nowhere carries it now.
  13. No idea but it sounds like you'll be able to tell us soon.
  14. Ooo nice choice. Yep my hint of just really to make the gravel the only change for as long as possible you might want to throw a power filter in for 24 hrs on change day (if you have one knocking about) just to help grab all the mess your going to stir up.
  15. Ooo might be a different flourish now you mention it will check in the morning. And if ness restore kudos to the barbs
  16. What are you changing from and to? Just being nosey. I did a gravel change once don't think it affected my cycle, but I had goldfish at the time so water changes were pretty regular anyway. To protect your cycle (and I do this before all major tank havoc) I would clean my filter today and let it run without a water change for a good week so it is at max bacteria and won't need cleaning again until at least a week after you change your gravel and the inevitable water change that will involve. Good luck changing substrate in a full tank isn't fun.
  17. Hmmm I have some flourish that I randomly add after large water changes (if I remember). Didn't know it could affect BBA and funnily enough I no longer have any in the tank. Maybe I've given my rosy barbs and SAEs to much credit. If it is the flourish then light dosing seems to work maybe not overnight but my anubias roots were covered 12 months ago and I've probably only used it two or three times over the year.
  18. Link strangeness then - I just really didn't want you paying what it showed me. I must have looked really miserly.
  19. My main thought about the amazon one was wow thats £22 here how can they justify $50 which to me suggests you are being overcharged due to import costs rather than getting a better product. If the exchange rate was that good at the moment I'd be over on holiday. I am sure I saw the nano pump being run on just about everything when they were testing but a quick email to customer service would probably be best. I can't get their products but this would be on my list if could.
  20. I'd looked at that one recently, but I wanted a dual outlets so I can split it between two tanks so I picked something up at a LFS . Also that is really expensive ( it is half that price in the UK) I have a large Marina air pump on my main tank and that is quietest one I own if I seat it properly. Why not try the either of CO-OP ones they are much better value and people seem to like them, you can get everything you need for less than that pump especially as I believe the nano pump will be enough for you
  21. So been shopping, this week's LFS is a converted commercial greenhouse so obviously August is a great time to drop in. It specialises in ponds and camping. Also trip to DIY store to get something to make a tank background with Before and after of today's work on the main tank. Still a lot of unanchored plants but the fish have had enough of me for one day.
  22. So about 6 weeks ago I added a new Amazon sword to the tank it's now melting back but has sent out a runner. At what point would you detach the runner from the parent plant?
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