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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I use hikari cichlid gold and just pop them in a pepper grinder. This makes light work of them. They were just a bit messy to grind without containment. This grinder is the easiest because it's a one handed mechanism
  2. They are banned in the EU as well. Although they have now made a return to the British market. The EU ban was due to them causing havoc in the Spanish sewer system. I think we get cold enough to prevent them naturalising here. Or it's just a post Brexit window in legislation.
  3. Personally I'm drawn to ramshorns. But so far I only have the teeny tiny ones. But isn't this getting you side tracked from the nerite project?
  4. I just add the dechlorinator to the tank (as @Katherine said dose to treat full tank volume). Then just run a hose. I use prime so for my largest tank is about a capful However the use of chlorine is seems very different in the UK and the amount added to my water is significantly lower and my particular water company does not use chloramin. So I caveat this advice with check your tap and make sure nothing bonkers is going on.
  5. I have peppered and what I believe is Venezuelans. The peppered are braver and I see them much more. The Venezuelan are very skittish but do think they are cute. I can't get a picture of them for anything.
  6. See how he does generally feeding is a little lighter in quarantine because the tanks aren't cycled but given your clever placement water changes are going to be pretty easy. If you aren't doing any medication I just feed and watch the is nothing in that tank for him to eat so some food daily is probably best just because he eats what you give
  7. Did you test for chlorine? (If you use liquid tests it's not picked up) Could that be a factor you said the fish improved after the second dose of prime so I'm thinking it's related to something prime effects. Sorry you had such a nightmare my thought was if the chlorine was higher than normal and you were very very unlucky. I know you said you did the other trank in the same way earlier but things can change in an instant. Or you added the prime marginally sooner and it made the difference. My water company barely uses chlorine but in summer my water can change as we switch between sources.
  8. I just watch the fish behaviour if they look like they are struggling or unable to stay in one place without a lot of effort then I dial back or baffle the flow. The size of fish does not really relate the effect of flow as much as fin size in my opinion. Whiteclouds and danios certainly seem to thrive in water with a good flow and and found in such in the wild. Faster water can be better for O2 exchange in fish this can sometimes be compensated with airstones to enrich the water Larger fish can have more issues in strong currents as it is much harder for them to get shelter from the effects. Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble it's late and I'm sleepy. Hopefully someone more succinct will step in
  9. Sorry about the loss of your brother and everything else you have gone through. As far as I know there is no issue using easy green for terrestrial plants but as plant fertilizer can be stronger than easy green (as it doesn't need to keep fish safe) buying separate plant food is generally better value for money. I just use the fish water on the plants when I water them and top off the tank after.
  10. Well there is no wrong answer here but why not do something new since you had Juliis before. I have so far never bought the fish I set out to get something else always distracts me. But I don't think there is a wrong cory.
  11. This was a race course toilets and I feel it was only giving the bare minimum of info. We wonder if it's just a queue prevention device
  12. I use vinegar for the inside trim of my tank, I get cyno in the back grove since adding airstones and vinegar does a great job on that. I drip it in and work it along with a paint brush then wipe with a paper towel. I also use it to wipe away the lime deposits but they are very mild in my tank. But to be clear I don't worry about the trace amounts getting into the water and no issues recorded.
  13. They are the aquatic Starbucks over here some are better then others but I think I have 3 (that I'm aware of) within 30mins drive. We have sooo many LFS it's crazy. In the same 30 min radius of my house there are probably another 12 LFS. I am really lucky. You can tell water rates are low in this area. I seem to remember Cory saying that they keep SAE'S in there plant tanks. What could be be nice.
  14. You'll probably be fine in the 20 for awhile at least, and you have somewhere to pop him if he does out grow the tank.
  15. Well I suppose I could buy one to help with a quest. Annoying snag is that that we don't seem to get the varieties over here.
  16. Wow that shop did a terrible job of fishing for you. I like garras they are a great cool water algae eater, it will be happier with friends though and they get to be about 3 to 4 inches so depends on your tank really
  17. I had baby corys appear in vase I'd moved some moss balls into once, that caused a kafuffle. But I never get freebies from shops super jealous of the surprise
  18. I'd leave well alone they seem happy. My goldfish never touched veg either but they probably ate enough algae and gravel to keep things balanced
  19. I should add the reason I wouldn't is because the bacteria we depend on to keep the tank safe grow based on amount of food available to them all those changes could end up with a tank that is biologically uncycled (certainly not seasoned) and if you where to go away for any reason and had to miss one or two changes this tank could crash. Pushing water changes back helps create a stable environment. And where it is pretty easy to get someone to nip in daily to feed fish to change water you are calling in much bigger favours. I know that if anything happens to me my tanks can wait for me to get back the algae might be a mess but the fish will be just fine. Because i have a high background of bacteria even if it was left an additional month or so the existing bacteria will be able to keep up easily.
  20. Most people strive for less not more water changes. I wouldn't recommend daily unless I had a problem with the water my tanks all go 6 to 8 weeks between changes I just do them when the tests tell me to. If it's just about removing the poo then you can make (some one in here has a DIY one) or buy syphons that pass the water through a filter sock then return it to the tank. That might be less disruptive and waste less water in the long run. I have also seen people use power heads or wave makers on a timer to stir up the tanks and get the waste into the filters although that might be tough on guppies
  21. This is just about the plants, are they new if they are it could just be them melting back to adjust to life underwater, Very few aquarium plants are grown underwater for sale we just have to go through painful and messy prices of them converting. Once you see a new leaf you can start removing the dieing ones. But you do need to make sure it's getting enough food and light. Nitrates need to be above 20 for good growth in my experience. I am also assuming you are providing light for at least 4 hours a day to them
  22. https://youtu.be/s_j8Rqr1nGo
  23. I have 3 types in my community tank and they aren't hostile to each other but stick to there own types. If I could rewind I would have stuck to just one but this is because I had to consolidate from other tanks. I would say a larger group of a single type is probably much more effective and happier in the end. It is hard to choose though.
  24. I think it's important not to forget that the sand was one stage in this system. The demo version showed they are still using bioballs, UV and the cool bubble thingy. The sand was just there acting to my understanding as filter floss to catch bits not provide the bio filtration. And on that volume sand is easier to clean. Who would want to clean the equivalent mass of sponges.
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