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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I'd leave them on for now they will die but not straight away remove them when you get your first new leaf, any snails or subunit shrimp in the tank will keep it tidy for you
  2. Welcome I have a 20litre tank and over the years it has housed. Pygmy corys I think there was about 8 they got moved into my community tank when I got some Pygmy Puffers (awesome but hard too feed so not recommended as a beginner fish). A Betta worked quite well but you want multiple fish so not really for you . It's currently my shrimp tank that is pretty interesting. There are a few small fish you can use Enders might be a good starter (but be sure to stick with single sex). Pygmy corys are a lot more fun than they look in the shop btw. This might help Small tanks can be tricky so start with a small number of fish and build slowly.
  3. I had a dream were a African dwarf frog was sat in the tank eating all my fish and getting stupidly fat . Like something from a studio Ghibli film. Can't even look at ADFs in the shop now without getting heebie-jeebies.
  4. Boooo. Just when you thought it was safe to into the conference centre. Don't be too hard on your roommate and I hope the symptoms are mild for you both
  5. Ask the store if it was their display tank or from elsewhere. The less it has traveled the less stress it's been under also they will have probably looked after it ok. Ask if they guarantee it against leaks and check the return period. But don't hang about that might go pretty quickly. Don't buy a filter or heater for it until you know it's water tight.
  6. Mine is almost exclusively fed on bug bites (not the Betta specific ones) I rarely see Betta specific foods in LFS's these days. Sometimes she gets hikari cichlid gold crushed or something else from the main tanks foods just to change things up a bit. If I'm feeding live or frozen BBS then I drop a few in extra to the daily feed. Same goes with blood worm.
  7. Glasgarten Snail Safe might prevent a recurrence although vaseline would probably do the same job. You just rub it on the side of the tank and the idea is it forms a barrier the snails won't pass
  8. I think glue can be limited against the pull of larger pieces and often just gives up over time the trick is if it will last long enough for wood to get water logged certainly no harm in trying
  9. Yes you can. Make sure the screws are stainless.
  10. There are a lot of threads on prepping and packing fish if you have a dig In the UK this seems to be the only licenced carrier. https://apc-overnight.com/new-specialist-services
  11. Well nothing that organised I throw some crushed hikari cichlid gold and some spirulina wafers daily . Randomly the gold will swapped with frozen blood worm or BBS. And sometimes I throw in some tetra crisps. I buy different foods all the time so no mix is set for long but I tend to only have 3 foods in the go at once to reduce waste
  12. Just spotted some surprise fry in the main tank so deep clean and reset on hold (again) and brine shrimp hatchery on. Terrible photo but it could be pygmy corys. Thought I had to many mouths in this tank for things to actually get this far. Definitely a different tank since krib removal.
  13. Sorry for everything you have been though. Glad you were able to be with your Mum at her last. I appreciate how hard things like this are and these tanks must be pushing you to breaking point.
  14. They keep you in your toes these angels.
  15. I don't know how are coping I have nightmares about being in this situation. I feel the only practical solution is cull I know how hard you have tried to get new homes and stop production. Evidently there is not much demand in your area. And although it sounds harsh it's better than buying a predator you don't really want then having to keep breeding guppies just to feed it. I would choose the best males and females in separate tanks. Maybe see if not feeding the tank at all will get the males to eat some of those tiny fry. But I think it's time to cull the rest. The females might still drop fry for a few weeks so be ready the smaller you get them the less harsh it will be. If not you'll have to consider getting a Pike. Or put them outside and pray for heron that like tiny food.
  16. Just a note while you are getting snowballed by advice most replaceable cartridges can either be rinsed and reused or replaced by course foam (ppi 30) cut to size which can then be rinsed as needed. These have the advantage of saving money and allowing the bacteria to establish a better hold in the system. All filters have pros & cons so I generally say work with what you have for now and you can road test other types as you get more tanks (I spotted that part of your plan)
  17. My female flares at me if she hasn't seen me for a day two. I get shouted out for going on holiday.
  18. Engagement and exercise. Once a day or so is fine. The fish won't get stressed as it always wins the confrontation (if you use a floating mirror don't forget to remove it). Just be aware that all that winning is just going to grow those fishy egos
  19. Not done yet, makes the perfect bread and butter pudding. So secret comfort food
  20. Wholemeal, a sensible staple but when treated right can be really enjoyable
  21. If it's an open top you can use pathos or lucky bamboo.
  22. Stream where I can safely. Boil or clean with hydrogen peroxide. You can use unscented household bleach but rinse very well and run some dechlorinator through before setting up. That is on the buyer though to sell just get it looking clean. And free of substrate.
  23. I disinfect anything second hand I buy just in a better safe than sorry easier to know your starting from clean so the nicer something looks the more likely I am to consider buying.
  24. This is proving tricky to buy in the UK. Community plus seems to be out of stock everywhere. Not many stores stock it yet either and I do try to always by my foods at LFS
  25. Well your not having a fun start are you. But we are were we are so let's get on with it. Have you watched the Cory explanation of cycling using m&m's it's very good. I'll try and find a link later. I would leave algae alone add some live plants (fast growing stem ones for now) these will help use some of that ammonia. Don't clean any surfaces but do vac your substrate. And don't touch those filters yet. You need to water change to keep the ammonia down to 0.25 ppm because your fish are in there some will cope with a bit more but others can advise on that. Test your tap water just to be sure what you are working with. What dechlorinator are you using? Give us your test results and you will no doubt get more specific advice.
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